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Alrosa has automated business processes on the Russian Low-Code platform Citeck from Softline

Customers: Alrosa AK


Contractors: Softline
Product: Citeck ECOS

Project date: 2024/04  - 2024/09

2024: Citeck ECOS Implementation

On September 16, 2024, Softline announced that ALROSA is introducing automated business process management using the BPM class system, SL Soft's Citeck platform.

According to the company, first of all, the quality of process and operational management had to be improved in one of the key divisions of the corporation - the ALROSA Unified Sales Organization. With the Citeck platform, the company automated the diamond sales process directly related to the contract lifecycle. The vendor team was engaged in the initial design according to the customer's requirements, further adjustments were made by ALROSA employees.

An important factor in choosing a BPM system was the ability to independently support and develop the platform by our employees, and the Citeck system met this requirement 100%. Its Low-Code tools and an understandable interface allowed our team to begin full-fledged work with the platform immediately after a week of training.

noted Vladimir Nikolaev, project manager from ALROSA

Other BPM system requirements included integration capabilities, microservice architecture, openness source code to security audits, and product availability in the Unified Program Registry the Russian for and. COMPUTER DB Also, in addition to automation and the ability to quickly make changes to processes, an in-depth one was required, process analytics covering all the systems involved, not just. BPMS An important condition for ALROSA was the ability to monitor the business process in real time for its execution, possible errors, bottlenecks and other performance indicators from all systems through which the process goes. In other words, ALROSA needed a Process Mining system of constant control and optimization of end-to-end processes.

For ALROSA, we have expanded the set of tools for optimizing business processes: KPIs for business process steps have been added to the heat map and task counters, which can be seen both in the report and in the diagram. At the same time, KPI can be configured not only for sections of the business process passing in the contour of our platform, but also for stages from other systems, since Citeck aggregates all information in one window and controls the end-to-end process from its start to completion.

told Anton Ivanov, Managing Director of Citeck of SL Soft

The implementation of projects to automate business processes in companies using their own software meets the tasks outlined in the strategy of Softline Group of Companies.