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PhosAgro trusts Cyber Backup to protect large amounts of data

Customers: PhosAgro

Moscow; Chemical industry

Product: Cyber Backup (formerly Acronis Data Protection)

Project date: 2024/04  - 2024/10

2024: Implementation of Cyber Backup

On October 14, 2024, Cyberprotect announced the introduction of Cyber ​ ​ Backup in PhosAgro.

According to the company, PhosAgro has been implementing its own import substitution program for several years. External restrictions and challenges of recent years have only confirmed the correctness of the chosen course: most foreign companies have stopped or significantly limited their activities in the Russian Federation, which gave domestic industrial enterprises an additional impetus for an early transition to domestic products.

These changes could not but affect the IT infrastructure of the enterprise. So, in 2024, the PhosAgro team is planning a number of large-scale work on the transition to independent import solutions.

The implementation of the import substitution program in the IT infrastructure is one of the key tasks. We replace both hardware, for example, PBX, and software - operating systems, video conferencing system, corporate messenger. Similar work has started in the field of information protection.

told Denis Novikov, Deputy General Director for Information Technology of Apatit JSC (PhosAgro Group)

In 2024, one of the areas relevant for a chemical company is the protection of information from loss. Foreign backup system developers have deprived Russian customers of access to products, updates and technical support. In this situation, the business faced high risks of data loss, which could lead to downtime and disruption to the production cycle. The company decided to introduce a modern, completely independent domestic backup system (RBK) from foreign vendors.

Previously, the enterprise used several foreign backup systems - Commvault, Veeam and Arcserve. In the existing realities, it was necessary to replace the recovery boiler with a domestic IT solution, which is not inferior in functionality, but at the same time more reliable, protected from the risks of using foreign software.

Our specialists had to implement an import-independent software package for backup and recovery of data, which would meet a whole list of requirements. The updated software was to be performed backup servers with millions files of tens of terabytes, as well as data from corporate information systems of high and medium criticality. Separate independent backup management servers are deployed at the territorial sites of the company's branches.

told Denis Novikov

The PhosAgro IT team has compiled a list of criteria that the implemented backup solution must meet:

  • customizable scheduling system and backup types;
  • Backup-to-tape replication, with the ability to fetch copies by condition
  • Multi-threaded tape
  • a flexibly configurable report system with the ability to generate and upload them according to a schedule;
  • Global deduplication of backup data
  • Automatic update of system agents from the RBM management console.

In fact, only a few products are presented on the Russian market for backup solutions that meet the full range of our requirements, for example, working with tape libraries, block storage devices that create backups of servers on Windows OS of different versions, performing backup of databases Microsoft Exchange Server, DBMSicrosoft SQL Server of different versions and operating systems based on Linux, including Astra Linux, Alt, RED OS.

noted Denis Novikov

Comparing the available domestic RMS, the PhosAgro IT team has selected the optimal solution - the latest version of the flagship product of Cyberprotect, the Cyber ​ ​ Backup Backup System 17, as of October 2024. The solution is included in the Register of Russian software of the Ministry of Digital Development and is suitable for protecting any information, including critical, reducing the risks of data loss to a minimum. In the 17th version of the system, the developers optimized functionality, expanded support for software and hardware, and optimized the reliability and performance of the system. For example, the company's IT-relevant refinement is included - optimized compatibility with tape drives available in the company. In addition, the monitoring subsystem is optimized, which simplifies the collection and analysis of information in processes in the system.

As a result of a thorough analysis, we decided to cooperate with the Russian company Cyberprotect. Cyber Backup meets all the criteria stated as part of the selection procedure. It is also important that the development company offered detailed documentation, technical support and the possibility of product training for our specialists.

emphasized Denis Novikov

The company's IT specialists independently implemented the recovery boiler, and in case of questions, they sought advice from the technical support of Cyberprotect. It took a total of about 2-3 months to deploy the entire system.

As of October 2024, the Cyber ​ ​ Backup system functions without complaints and failures, it is convenient to manage it. PhosAgro IT specialists checked the software capabilities, speed and efficiency of work when restoring data at the request of the information system administrator over the past period. Everything went normally and according to the given scenario.

{{quote 'author
= summarized Denis Novikov, Deputy General Director for Information Technology of Apatit JSC (Group PhosAgro)|We have passed the next stage of modernization of the company's IT landscape, introducing a domestic solution for backup and data protection. The updated Recovery Boiler was quickly and easily integrated into the enterprise IT infrastructure. Several of our specialists have completed a Cyber Backup training course.}}