The name of the base system (platform): | GIS Panorama |
Developers: | KB Panorama |
Date of the premiere of the system: | 2025/01/20 |
Technology: | GIS - Geoinformation Systems |
Main article: Geo-information system
2025: Announcement of "Geodetic Calculation Complex"
On January 20, 2025, Panorama Design Bureau announced the development of the Geodetic Calculation Complex for the Astra Linux Special Edition operating system. The program is an additional module to the Panorama GIS version 15. The complex includes the means of forming cadastral and land management documents in the tasks "Cadastral documents" and "Geodetic editor."
According to the company, the Cadastral Documents module includes the modes "Information from state the cadastre," real estate"Reading the cadastral plan of the territory and updating the map," "Editing the attributes of the cadastral works object," "Cadastral works database," "Map (plan) of the land management object," "Boundary plan," "Map-plan of the territory," "Correction of register errors," "Plot layout on the cadastral plan," "Check-file XML for compliance with the XSD scheme" and "." Electronic digital signature All these regimes are intended for the preparation data and formation of cadastral documents. Using the standard tools of GIS "Panorama," a map is formed containing new and refined (changeable) cadastral objects that determine the geometry of objects. Attribute information required to prepare reports and electronic documents is entered into the semantics of map objects or the cadastral activity base.
Text reports are created in DOCX format based on the forms installed, and electronic documents are created using XML schemas depending on the document type. The Land Management Object Map (Plan) mode supports the generation of XML documents using the interact_map_plan_v01.xsd or interact_map_plan_v02.xsd schema. Boundary Plan mode supports the generation of XML documents using the MP_v09.xsd schema. The "Map-plan of the territory" mode supports the generation of XML documents by schemes MapPlanTerritory_v01.xsd и MapPlanTerritory_v02.xsd. Fix Registry Errors mode supports generating XML documents using the ReportRegistryError_v01.xsd and RegistryErrorReport.xsd. Plot Layout Mode on the cadastral plan "supports the formation of XML documents according to the SchemaParcels.xsd scheme.
The Geodetic Editor includes the Station Selection, Object Creation, Geometric, Along Object, Parallel Object, Object Modification, Dimension Signing, Schematic and Drawing Preparation, and Report groups. The modes of this module contain special tools designed to map information obtained during field cadastral and land management work. In addition, the module includes tools for dimensioning diagrams and drawings lines, leaders, dimension labels, and explanatory labels. You can use the Report Wizard tools to support user-configurable freeform text reporting.
The Report Wizard uses pre-prepared DOCX templates and enables you to sequentially perform the following operations: select a map object, create an object schema map, view and edit a schema map, create template report, filling the report with information from the metrics and semantics of the map object, inserting a map image into the report. The software report wizard is used in the modes "Create an object diagram and fill in a report," "Fill in Report for Object, Generate Object Schema in Separate Window, and Generate Object Schema and Add to Current Window. Use the Schema and Report Settings dialog to manage sequential operations. In Depending on the mode you are performing, the dialog displays a variety of tabs, including Schematic Options, Object Codes, Report Options, and Images. In accordance with the requirements of regulatory acts, graphic images of diagrams and drawings are included in XML documents in PDF format. Inserting PDF files into a DOCX report is not supported. To insert images from attached PDFs, Save Image For Graphical Part Of Report mode saves the map fragment to both PDF and JPG format. If you have a PDF file attached to the list, the Report Wizard automatically searches for the JPG file by PDF file name and inserts it into the report.