Axelot WMS was introduced at the Elektronmash electrical board equipment warehouse in St. Petersburg
Customers: Electronmash
Contractors: Axelot Product: Axelot WMS X5Project date: 2024/06 - 2024/12
2024: Introduction of Axelot WMS X5
AXELOT WMS was introduced at the Elektronmash electrical board equipment warehouse in St. Petersburg. Axelot (Axelot) announced this on January 23, 2025.
Automation made it possible to optimize warehouse operations, digitize key operations, and increase the speed and quality of order processing.
Electronmash specializes in the production of electrical switchboard equipment, the design and production of transformer substations, operational DC systems, switchgears.
All processes of the enterprise - from the development of design documentation to the shipment of finished products - are fully automated and standardized. However, the company was in need of improving the efficiency of the warehouse. The absence of the WMS class system did not allow for the necessary level of control over the work of personnel, which led to errors and re-examination, the analysis and elimination of which took time and entailed financial costs.
To improve the efficiency of warehouse logistics, the management of Electronmash decided to implement AXELOT WMS. The pilot project was implemented at an electrical board equipment warehouse in St. Petersburg. The area of the object is 2000 square meters. m., the assortment of more than 4000 active positions, including small-scale goods, large-sized elements of products, cable coils and other cut-off materials.
The AXELOT project team had a number of tasks to automate the main operations of the warehouse. Technological processes cannot be called complex, but they have their own specifics due to the scope of the company. AXELOT has configured the processes in the system based on the optimization of each operation. For example, for the convenience of receiving from one vendor, invoices are combined into one Expected Receipt document, and for the correct assembly of production orders, planned documents are combined into one Shipment Order. Also, automatic fixation of the fact of assembly of kits is implemented. This concept made it possible to reduce the labor costs of the warehouse at all stages of cargo processing.
The Datareon Platform solution was used to integrate AXELOT WMS and the customer's corporate information system (CIS).
A feature of the project was an integrated approach to solving the integration problem, which was proposed by AXELOT specialists - they carried out integration on their own not only from the side of AXELOT WMS, but also from the side of CIS.
With DATAREON Platform, the process of seamless system interaction was implemented. So, for example, the fact of receipts from the WMS is transmitted to the CIS and forms a related document. A receipt order is created for each actual delivery of an item from the vendor, allowing you to track receipts and monitor current inventory in both systems. Unloading the "Reconciliation Certificate" document from the WMS initiates the automatic creation of capitalization and write-off documents for goods with distribution to product groups in the customer's CIS.
In addition, it was thanks to AXELOT WMS that optimization models became possible. For example, the introduction of the cluster selection process from elevator storage systems made it possible to increase the speed of processing orders for the assembly of metalware and small components by almost 2 times.
The system was put into commercial operation in accordance with the plan for the scope of work and terms. Already at the end of the first month of implementation, the work of the warehouse was brought to the volumes for receipts and shipments that Electronmash maintained before the start of the system implementation.
With the introduction of AXELOT WMS, JSC Electronmash not only got the opportunity to use the domestic WMS solution, but also fully automated all warehouse operations, significantly increasing the overall level of digitalization of the company's logistics. This made it possible to reduce the impact of the human factor, use actual data on the state of stocks in the warehouse and get a powerful analytical tool that allows you to make management decisions in real time. In the future, the company plans to replicate AXELOT WMS at the second site in St. Petersburg.