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Diasoft Digital Q.DFA

The name of the base system (platform): Diasoft Digital Q Digital Omnichannel Platform
Developers: Diasoft
Last Release Date: 2025/02/21
Branches: Financial Services, Investments and Auditing
Technology: BPM

Main article: Business Process Management

2025: Empowering the OIC

The product "Release and Management" CFA from "" Diasoft implements additional capabilities for OIS. The company announced this on February 21, 2025.

The digital financial assets (CFA) market has grown several times over the past year. By the end of 2025, according to financial market experts, its volume may exceed 1 trillion rubles. The number of operators of information systems (OIS) and market participants (issuers, investors) is also increasing every year.

Given the growing market interest, Diasoft is constantly expanding the functionality of the CFA Release and Management software product. The product allows you to automate the full cycle of business processes of information system operators in which the production, accounting and circulation of CFA is carried out.

The added product capabilities allow you to expand the range of services offered by information system operators to your customers:

The process of calculating and paying interest income on CFA to investors from the issuer according to a flexibly configurable frequency has been automated.

The functionality of automatic control of requirements for unqualified investors for the maximum amount of CFA and/or the maximum amount of payment, which can be additionally established at CFA, except for the main requirements of the law (600,000 rubles per year), has been expanded.

Cash management processes were implemented: submission and processing of applications for entering, withdrawing or transferring funds (both within the framework of a nominal account and a separate client account).

Cross-currency transactions with the CFA are supported: that is, CFA with a face value and/or placement price in one currency, and trading in these CFAs within the IS is allowed in other currencies.

In addition to the registration of the main participants - issuers and investors, it is possible to register for nominal holders and foreign nominal holders.

The process of constructing and providing an OIS report for investors has been automated, which will allow the investor to receive full information for the requested date period on the composition of his CFA wallet, balances and cash turnover in various currencies, transaction applications, transactions with CFA, payment of interest income and other transactions with CFA.

The software product "CFA Release and Management" allows you to automate operations with any type of CFA in the primary market, including hybrid CFAs.

The product is developed in a microservice architecture and is part of the Digital Q.DFA solution. Diasoft software products for automating activities in the financial markets are registered in the register of Russian software (entry No. 16800 of 01.03.2023).

The product "CFA Release and Management" uses the capabilities of the Digital Q.BlockChain technology platform in its work.