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Forrester Research: SAP and Sybase - leaders in the field of platforms of corporate data warehouses

16.02.11, 00:04, Msk

The corporation Forrester Research, Inc., within the conducted research selected in number of electees of SAP SE and Sybase Inc company. also carried them to leaders in the field of platforms of the corporate data warehouses (CDW) for their innovative approach to creation of specialized data warehouses of new generation.

The report on this research under the name "The Forrester Wave: Enterprise Database Warehousing Platforms, Q1 2011" (Forrester Wave: corporate platforms of data warehouses, 1 sq. 2011) it was published on February 10, 2011.

KHD producers estimated by 56 criteria.

Forrester made the conclusion that the KHD platform Sybase with pokolonochny storage, in a combination to fresh inflow of capital investments in development from the parent company — SAP — gives Sybase competitive advantage. According to analysts, it is necessary to expect what SAP Sybase will seize these opportunities and will concentrate efforts on technologies of analytical processing in RAM and in base to increase the share in the market of KHD in a segment of the large organizations needing powerful tools of analytics of real time.

Among a set of distinctive features of Sybase IQ listed to Forrester, including integration into simulars, support of the most different software and hardware platforms, a possibility of analytical processing without unloading from base, existence of the developed means of logical simulation of data and also ample opportunities of expansibility and setup using the functions determined by the user and stored procedures.

To the company SAP in the report it is said: "Having placed emphasis on the massive and parallel horizontal scaling implemented by hardware-software complexes SAP HANA SAP positions SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse Accelerator BW/BWA as more and more scalable platform for heterogeneous (consisting of solutions as SAP, and other companies) environments of analytical data processing. Thanks to acquisition Sybase and fast release of the promised system of new generation SAP HANA, SAP says goodbye to image of the sluggish "competitor from the past" and begins to set rates of a competition in this segment".

The president of the Global Solutions direction of SAP company Sanjay Poonen, emphasized: "This report demonstrates that we listen to the clients — analytics of real time and flexibility are crucial for their activity. SAP and Sybase continue vigorous approach in the market of data warehouses. Being adherents of technology of processing in the memory establishing for our development strategy of storages we provide to clients a unique method of instant access to large volumes of transaction information and to its analysis".

Both companies see the purpose, in relation to data warehouses, in offering clients a suitable basis for data processing regardless of organization size, difficulties of its IT landscape or type of the applied application software.

Completely the report of Forrester Wave can be received on the website of the company. Information on SAP Sybase IQ is published on the page of the product description.