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2023/10/10 12:26:10

Artificial intelligence in military affairs


Main article: Artificial Intelligence

The limited number, low level of training and motivation of the personnel of their armed forces is recognized by the command of Western countries as an objective given. Active work is underway to compensate for these shortcomings through automated systems, including those based on artificial intelligence.

The military action of the future will be based on the war of AI algorithms, the search for vulnerabilities in information analysis systems and automated combat control.

Artificial intelligence in the US Army

Main article: Artificial intelligence in the US Army


NATO allocated $1.1 billion for the development of artificial intelligence, robotics and space technologies

On June 18, 2024, the NATO Innovation Fund (NIF) announced its first investment in startups developing new dual-use technologies. These include artificial intelligence, big data processing, quantum systems, biotechnology, new materials, power solutions, robotics, space projects, etc. Read more here.

China introduced the world's first virtual commander

In early July 2024, the world's first virtual commander was introduced in China. This AI was developed by the laboratory of the University of National Defense in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, and reflects the behavior of human commanders in all respects. When modeling military operations involving all branches of the military, the AI commander was given the opportunity to quickly train and grow in endlessly developing virtual wars. Read more here.


Thousands of women and children killed by AI system solutions without people involved to strike Israel in Palestine

Main article: Lavender, Israel's military AI system

Smart weapon is presented that does not shoot in the head

In October 2023, at MILIPOL Paris 2023, gun manufacturer FN Herstal unveiled a smart shotgun that refuses to fire if the weapon is aimed at a person's head. The weapon was named FN Herstal Smart ProtectoR-303T. Read more here.

The state arms program in the Russian Federation for the first time provides for a separate section on AI

For the first time, the state arms program in the Russian Federation provides for a separate section on artificial intelligence. This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister of Russia - Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov on October 7, 2023 during a strategic session of the Council of Military Innovative Technopolis "ERA" in Anapa.

Increased attention to artificial intelligence technologies is justified by the new realities of combat. The practice of using samples of weapons, military and special equipment in the SVO shows that often not minutes, but seconds are given to make decisions. Without the transfer of a number of functions from the military to the machine, it is simply impossible to ensure such efficiency, "said Manturov, quoted by the press service of the Russian government.

The state arms program in the Russian Federation for the first time provides for a separate section on AI

According to the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the topic of artificial intelligence directly affects the content of program documents that will determine the technical appearance of weapons, military and special equipment for the next 10 years. A separate section on artificial intelligence will be provided for in the state arms program for 2025-2034, he added.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the new state weapons program should focus on hypersonic, weapons on new physical principles, artificial intelligence and robots.

Obviously, when developing a new state arms program, it is important for us to carefully take into account all the main world trends in the development of military equipment. First of all, this is the introduction of advanced information, biocognitive technologies, this is an emphasis on the promotion of hypersonic complexes and weapons on new physical principles, the latest intelligence, navigation, communications and control systems, the Russian leader emphasized.[1]

Israel's army starts using AI in war with Iran

In mid-July 2023, it became known that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) began introducing artificial intelligence tools to improve the effectiveness of combat operations in the war with Iran.

The head of MI6 spoke about the use of machine learning to curb the supply of weapons to Russia

On July 19, 2023, it became known that British spies are using artificial intelligence to prevent the supply of weapons to Russia. Read more here.

Russian air defense system thanks to AI in combat conditions for the first time in the world automatically shot down enemy aircraft

In the combat conditions of the special operation to protect Donbass, the automatic mode of operation of the anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) of the Vityaz S-350 of the RF Armed Forces was first tested. This was reported on May 24, 2023 by RIA Novosti, citing a source. Read more here.


In the armed forces of Russia begin to use gaming AI

In early December 2021, it became known about the use of gaming artificial intelligence for the needs of the Russian Army. Such technologies make it possible to effectively test and optimize military plans, according to the Main Radio Frequency Center (GRCC) subordinate to Roskomnadzor.

In addition, AI will be involved in building real combat strategies and creating military simulators that are used to train the military.

In the armed forces of Russia begin to use gaming artificial intelligence

In Russia, such technologies are already being developed by Rostec. The state corporation uses hybrid reality technologies when creating training tools for the formation of situational training tasks. They help model the situation for the training of the military and practice the use of military equipment. The state corporation noted that such work is carried out by the Ryazan Radio Plant.

Experts interviewed by Kommersant noted that training neural networks only on game scenarios will not allow transferring the real picture of hostilities, as well as working on a simulator.

Artificial intelligence is applicable both as a potential adversary and as an adviser, but its effectiveness depends on how and who trains the neural network, emphasizes the dean of the Faculty of Informatics, Artificial Intelligence and Control Systems of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman Andrei Proletarsky.

According to the producer of the Owlcat Games studio Maxim Fomichev, there is a technological opportunity to use AI to simulate real combat: the neural network has more data than the commander on the battlefield, the speed of decision-making is higher, it is possible to calculate millions of combinations for several steps forward.

GRCC experts noted that regular training with AI is carried out by the military of the United States and Great Britain. The most widespread AI is in aviation - pilots simulate various situations that can occur in the sky, on special simulators.[2]

Successes in the use of AI by the Chinese armed forces have become known. They spend billions on it

At the end of October 2021, it became known that the People's Liberation Army China (PLA) spends about the same amount as the military USA on (artificial intelligence AI), and has made "extraordinary progress" in purchasing smart systems for combat and support operations. More. here

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation creates a special department responsible for the AI systems of military drones

At the end of April 2021, it became known about the creation by the Russian Ministry of Defense of a special department responsible for the development of artificial intelligence for unmanned aerial vehicles and ground equipment. Read more here.


Spending on AI for military purposes $6.26 billion

In March 2018, the analytical company MarketsandMarkets presented the results of a study of the global market for artificial intelligence (AI) technologies used for military purposes.

In 2017, sales of related services, software and hardware globally reached $6.26 billion. By 2025, the figure will rise to $18.82 billion, and the annual market growth will be measured at 14.75%, experts predict.

The military artificial intelligence market will triple from 2017 to 2025, forecasted in MarketsandMarkets

The main drivers of the rise in sales of military AI solutions, experts call growing investments in the development of integrated systems using artificial intelligence and the expanded use of cloud applications.

The largest segment of the market for AI products for the needs of the army in MarketsandMarkets is called software, services and devices used in ground projects. The use of artificial intelligence in self-driving cars contributes to the successful execution of various operations, especially those related to the disposal of explosive devices.

The highest growth rates of spending in the market under consideration is expected in the software sector, which can be explained by the high importance of such software in strengthening the IT infrastructure used to prevent incidents in the field of information security, the study says.

As for the regions with the highest spending on military artificial intelligence, the United States was the leader in 2017. Analysts attribute the country's first place to the need to develop automated warfare systems, participation in asymmetric hostilities and various modernization programs that develop the US military and which helped large defense enterprises create technological advanced AI systems for military operations in the country.[3]

Letter from scientists calling for a ban on autonomous weapons

See more and Cyber wars Combat robots

116 experts in artificial intelligence and robotics from 26 countries wrote UN an open letter in August 2017 calling for a ban on autonomous weapons. Among those who put their signatures are the head Tesla Elon Musk and co-founder of the Google company DeepMind Technologies , Mustafa Suleiman.

"Lethal autonomous weapons could be the third revolution in military affairs. It will allow the war to be waged on an unprecedented scale and at a speed that people cannot realize. These weapons will become weapons of terror used by oppressive rulers and terrorists against innocent people, as well as weapons that can be hacked and act in the most undesirable way, "the letter says
"We have no time left to think. As soon as this Pandora's box opens, it will be very difficult to close it, "the experts summarize

According to the authors, two reasons pushed them to write the letter. First, because their companies deal with issues in artificial intelligence and robotics, they risk becoming makers of autonomous weapons in the future, and experts feel responsible. The second reason was the cancellation of the meeting of the "group of government experts," scheduled for August 21 under the UN Convention on the Restriction or Prohibition of the Use of Specific Types of Weapons. The meeting was canceled due to non-payment of UN membership fees by some countries.

Industry leaders should think about how to convince governments across countries to agree on the inadmissibility of militarizing the Internet using machine learning technologies, says Alphabet's chairman.

On February 15, 2017, Eric Schmidt shared his main experiences about the future of the Internet: in particular, it is important to ensure that the Internet retains its interconnectedness, and artificial intelligence does not become an instrument of its militarization[4].

learning capabilities... should be investigated openly, not in military scientific laboratories, "he said at the RSA conference on cybersecurity, held in San Francisco. If the Internet were developed within the tight framework of military research laboratories, "we would worry all day long if the military did not penetrate our networks - the Internet would have to be closed a little," Schmidt said. "One of the issues that our industry should be concerned about is whether we can find a way to convince countries to agree not to use the Internet for military purposes through machine learning technologies
He noted that near the end Obama China USA of the term of government, President Xi Jinping and President Obama signed an agreement to reduce the number cyber attacks between these two countries. "According to some reports, it worked," Schmidt said.
