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2025/03/03 09:48:13

Car filling stations (filling stations) in Russia




Lenta has launched its network of gas stations

At the end of November 2024, Lenta opened the first gas station on the territory of its distribution center near St. Petersburg. This solution has become part of the strategy to optimize the company's logistics processes. Read more here

Wildberries has launched its gas station network

In November 2024, the combined company Wildberries and Russ opened its own network of gas stations in the territories of the company's logistics centers. At the first stage, gas stations serve only drivers of the combined company, in the future it is planned to expand access for partner drivers. Read more here.

The share of electric plants in the Russian gas station market increased to 6.9%

The automotive gas station market in Russia is undergoing a transformation. Refueling stations are being developed, equipped with modern automation systems to speed up the provision of services. At the same time, leading companies are switching to alternative fuels. This is stated in the review of the analytical agency "GuideMarket," published on October 14, 2024.

As of August 2024, the share of electric charging stations (EZS) in the Russian Federation reached 6.9%. Conventional stations filling vehicles with traditional grades of hydrocarbon fuel - gasoline and diesel fuel, occupy 80.9% of the market. Another 12.1% is accounted for by automobile gas filling stations (AGZS) and automobile gas filling compressor stations (AGNKS).

The transformation of the market under consideration is due to the needs of buyers and changing expectations for personal services. In addition, sales of hybrid and all-electric cars are growing. According to experts, the main component of the infrastructure of the future will be multidisciplinary gas stations offering gas, electricity, gasoline and diesel fuel.

The study says that the gas station market has a high level of competition. At the same time, the revenue of gas stations can vary significantly depending on the location. The cost of fuel in different federal districts of Russia reflects regional features of the market, such as transport costs, tax burden, availability of resources and the degree of competition. The main way to increase the profitability of the filling business is to expand the range. High inflation has a negative impact on the development of the industry. At the same time, the Russian gas station market is one of the largest in the world in terms of volume and coverage.[1]

How much do gas stations earn in Russia

In August 2024, it became known that the profitability of gas stations in Russia varies significantly depending on their location and business model. Gas station revenues can vary by 50 times, and profitability - by half, while the development of the non-fuel segment becomes a key factor in income growth.

According to Vedomosti, the average daily revenue of a Russian gas station is about ₽462 thousand. However, this figure may range from ₽67 thousand to ₽3,4 million, depending on the location of the station. The most profitable are gas stations located in the city center and on busy highways.

The main source of gas station revenue remains the sale of fuel, which accounts for more than 85% of gross income. At the same time, the share of non-fuel revenue can reach 10-25%, depending on the region. It is important to note that the contribution of related goods and services to profit is much higher - more than 50%, and in periods of low fuel margin it can exceed 80%.

The profitability of gas stations in Russia ranges from 5% to 12%. This indicator is influenced by the dynamics of oil prices, the fiscal policy of the state, wholesale prices for petroleum products and operating expenses. The share of taxes and fees in the cost of fuel reaches 60-70%.

The margin of fuel sales at gas stations is subject to seasonal fluctuations. In the summer period (June-September), stations can operate at a loss due to high wholesale prices. During the year, margins can range from negative values to ₽4 -5 per liter of gasoline to ₽2 per liter of diesel fuel.

To increase profitability, gas station owners are actively developing a non-fuel segment. The most popular additional services are cafes, shops, car washes and pick-up points for goods ordered from marketplaces. Some companies are also installing electric vehicle chargers at their stations.

The largest gas station networks in Russia belong to vertically integrated oil companies. The leader is Rosneft with 3,000 stations, followed by Lukoil (2800) and Gazprom Neft (1500). In total, there are 23-24 thousand in the country. FILLING STATIONS.[2]

2023: The Russian market for fuel columns for gas stations grew by 40% over the year, to 13,213 units.

The volume of the Russian market for fuel dispensers increased from 9447 to 13,213 units for the period from 2020 to 2023, while the share of imported equipment decreased by more than three times - from 1053 to 438 units. The results of the study became known on November 27, 2024.

According to the analytical agency Discovery Research Group, Russian manufacturers are actively filling the niche created after the reduction in the supply of foreign equipment for gas stations.

The Russian market for fuel columns for gas stations has grown by 40% over the years. The share of imports fell three times

As part of the import substitution program at gas stations in the Leningrad Region, a large-scale replacement of European components with domestic counterparts has begun. Industry experts note the high quality of Russian products that are not inferior to foreign samples.

The Benza group of companies has launched mass production of multi-channel fuel dispensers for commercial gas stations. The new equipment allows two vehicles to be serviced simultaneously, with first deliveries scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2024.

The company plans to occupy up to 20% of the fuel dispenser market over the next three years. The implementation of these plans will further reduce dependence on imported equipment.

Despite the fact that German manufacturers are traditionally considered leaders in the production of components for gas stations, the price factor becomes decisive when choosing consumables and equipment.

The trend towards the expansion of the fuel dispenser market continues, which creates favorable conditions for the development of domestic production in this segment. The successful implementation of the import substitution program makes it possible to ensure a stable supply of the necessary equipment for Russian gas stations.

The dynamics of market growth and the reduction in the share of imported products indicate the effectiveness of measures to develop domestic production of equipment for gas stations.


Leading regions by number of filling stations

As of the end of 2022, 30,446 gas stations (gas stations) operated in Russia. For comparison, a year earlier the number of such objects was 29,704. Thus, an increase of 2.5% was recorded. This is stated in the materials of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), with which TAdviser got acquainted in early March 2025.

The Central Federal District is the leader in the market structure in terms of the number of gas stations with 6556 points as of 2022. Next comes the Volga Federal District with 6070 gas stations, and closes the top three Siberian Federal District with 4060 points. There are 3,783 gas stations in the Southern Federal District, 3,540 in the North Caucasus Federal District, and 2,790 in the Ural Federal District. 1957 gas stations were installed on the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District, 1690 in the North-Western Federal District. The rating of the ten regions with the largest number of gas stations includes:

1. Republic of Dagestan - 1288 stations;

2. Moscow region - 1277;

3. Moscow - 1186;

4. Krasnodar Territory - 1182;

5. Chelyabinsk region - 1115;

6. Rostov region - 1038;

7. Republic of Tatarstan - 1008;

8. Krasnoyarsk Territory - 858;

9. Samara region - 849;

10. Sverdlovsk region - 762.

10 leading regions in terms of the number of gas stations

As noted by the Market Research Agency "GuideMarket," the gas station industry is undergoing a period of transformation. Emerging markets are getting stations equipped with the latest automation technologies for faster service. Sector leaders are switching to alternative fuels to attract the attention of environmentally conscious consumers. Experts talk about the consolidation of traditional players and note the relatively low profitability of networks for electrified vehicles.[3]

Gas station revenues in Russia increased by 8.6% to 2.68 billion rubles

Gas station revenues in Russia in 2022 increased by 8.6% compared to 2021 and reached 2.68 billion rubles. This is evidenced by the data of the market research agency "GuideMarket," which were released in June 2023.

The market showed growth after two years of decline, which was caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The main problem was a decrease in demand due to a drop in automotive traffic amid the introduction of restrictions related to the coronavirus, and as a result, a further decrease in margins among operators and suppliers.

At the same time, 2020 once again demonstrated the long-term problem of the industry of the imbalance of supply and demand, arising in crisis moments and leading to unreasonable and jump changes in the cost of fuel, researchers note.

As the President of the Independent Fuel Union (NTS) Pavel Bazhenov noted, if earlier, within the production chain, the main profit fell on production, then in 2022 gas stations became one of the key segments in which profit is generated. Difficulties with export supplies force companies to deploy volumes to the domestic market, which creates pressure on the wholesale price and, as a result, expands the margin of the fuel business, he says.

The retail market feels highly profitable today, we have not had such a high margin due to the decline in wholesale prices for a long time, "says Yevgeny Arkusha, head of the Russian Fuel Union. - In 2022, profitability is significantly higher than it was in previous years, not to mention last year, when it was simply negative.

President of the National Automobile Union Anton Shaparin believes that the gas station market in 2022 felt much more comfortable than before, unlike the end consumer. According to him, this is happening, since in the wholesale link the fuel has become cheaper and continues to fall in price, and in retail the discounts that car owners receive are "completely insignificant and can be measured in kopecks."[4]

The number of gas refueling increased 1.5 times

The total number of gas gas stations (including cryo-gas stations using liquefied natural gas) in 2022 amounted to 896 units, which is 49% more than a year earlier. At the same time, gas consumption as motor fuel during this time increased by 28% and reached 1.72 billion cubic meters. Such data in the Ministry of Energy led in March 2023.

As they write Sheets"" with reference to the presentation of the ministry, in 2020-2022 Russia. 35,200 cars were converted from gasoline and diesel fuel to gas, according to the document. The average increase in prices for compressed natural gas (CNG) in 2023, according to the Ministry of Energy, amounted to 6.7% (absolute value is not given) with an official, inflations according to the data, of Rosstat 11.9%.

Russians began to consume more gas as motor fuel

The structural division of the Gazprom group - Gazprom Gazomotornoye Fuel - in 2022 increased the network of gas refueling by 12%, or by 48 stations, to 405 refueling, the company's press service told RIA Novosti. According to the results of 2022, more than 1 billion cubic meters of compressed natural gas (CNG) were sold at the facilities of the Gazprom retail network.

According to the Ministry of Energy, in 2022 the cost of compressed natural gas increased by an average of 6.7% with official inflation, according to Rosstat, in the amount of 11.9%.

The state considers gas engine fuel as an economically and environmentally effective alternative to petroleum products in line with the decarbonization of the economy and helps to expand its use. Thus, the Ministry of Energy Ministry of Industry and Trade is implementing a subprogram for the development of the gas engine fuel market (the state program "Development") power engineering specialists, which provides for an increase in its consumption to 2.7 billion cubic meters. m by 2024. The Ministry of Energy also planned to allocate almost 9 billion in 2022-2024 to develop rubles a network of gas stations with compressed natural gas.[5]
