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2024/12/28 15:32:07

Czech Republic population




The main articles are:


2020: 3.6% population growth over 30 years

The share of the population living in the capital - 20%

The share of the country's population living in the capital. Data at the end of 2018

Male-to-female ratio

The ratio of men to women in Europe, according to the CIA for 2016

Marriages and divorces

2018: Divorce rate - 44.6%

Процент разводов в countries of Europe in 2016-2018


Main article: Vision

2014: 56.4% of the population wear glasses or lenses

2014 data

Fertility and mortality

Main article: Birth and mortality rates in the Czech Republic

Number of children per woman

2022: Proportion of childless women

The share of women born in 1970 without children in countries of the world as of 2023

2021: Fertility rate rises to 1.83 children per woman

2019: Fertility rate - 1.71 children per woman

Fertility rate in Europe 2019 UK data 2018

Children out of wedlock

As of 2018


2024: 350,000 refugees from Ukraine

Most of the 350,000 Ukrainians in the country are women with children.


2021: Net population inflow in 4 years


Proportion of residents under 14 years of age in Europe, 2018
The proportion of young people aged 25 to 34 living with their parents. As of 2021

Dominant haplogroup

Data for 2019

See also:

National and racial composition

Share of people born in Russia in the population of European countries, 2018


Data for 2020


According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic, as of December 2022, during the special operation of Russia in Ukraine, Ukrainians make up from 3.4% to 3.7% of the population of the republic, that is, from 355 thousand to 390 thousand people. The government does not have exact figures, as the Minister of Internal Affairs Vit Rakushan has repeatedly said.

According to other sources, after the start of Russia's special operation in Ukraine, more than 1 million refugees came to the Czech Republic. Ukrainians were placed in gypsy ghettos - areas with mainly social housing for the poor.

As a result, in 2023, spontaneous demonstrations of gypsies took place in the Czech Republic: in this way they are trying to draw attention to the impunity of Ukrainian citizens for crimes against their community.

Residents began to actively speak after a 20-year-old gypsy was killed in Brno in the summer of 2023. He died from eight stab wounds inflicted on him by a refugee from Ukraine.

At the same time, information appeared that Ukrainians show too aggressive attention to gypsy girls and even girls.

Against this background, gypsies, in disagreement with the inaction of Czech law enforcement agencies, gathered a protest march against the lawlessness of Ukrainian refugees, which was accompanied by clashes with Ukrainians and pogroms.

Recently, the children of gypsies are increasingly talking about aggression from Ukrainian peers: the guys talk about frequent threats and attacks on them from Ukrainians.

By November 2023, as a result of conflicts between Ukrainians and gypsies, several high-profile attacks on gypsies were carried out, but none of the attackers were punished. Because of this, Czech gypsies continue to go to spontaneous protests.

The country of birth of the largest group of foreigners in each of the countries of Europe. Data for 2018


The number of Jews in Europe in 1933 and 2015.


2020: Black population share 0.04%

Data for 2020


Распространение антисемитизма в countries Eastern Europe, 2017-2018 data

Billionaires in the Czech Republic

2023: $11 billionaires

The number of dollar billionaires in Europe in 2023

2022:597 ultra-rich

Ultra high-net-worth individuals, UHNWI are individuals with a net worth of at least USD 30 million in 2018 dollars.

According to data available for June 2022.

2018: In the Czech Republic - 5.7 billionaires for 10 million people

The number of dollar billionaires per 10 million people, as well as the total number of dollar billionaires in Europe in 2018


2023: High number of homeless people - 28 people per 10 thousand population

2020:5% of Czechs are malnourished


2018:523 cars per 1000 people

For 2018

See also