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2024/02/07 14:53:31

Economy of Georgia


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2025: GDP Forecasts

Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze in January 2025 expressed hope for an increase GDP Georgia of 9% in 2025. International financial institutions give more restrained forecasts. International Monetary Fund (IMF) World Bank and expect an increase of 6%, - European Commission 5.8%, - UN 5.4%, - Asian Development Bank 5.5%, - 4.6 EBRD %.

Rating agency Fitch predicts an increase in the Georgian economy by 5.3%. The consensus forecast of Georgian economists, presented by the consulting company PMCG, assumes a slowdown in growth to 3.6%.

2024: Georgia's GDP grew by 9% over the year

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze in January 2025 announced a 9% increase in the country's GDP in 2024, while one of the growth drivers was an increase in trade with Russia.

According to Interfax, the Georgian authorities predict GDP growth of at least 6% in 2025 with a decrease in inflation to 1%.


The Georgian economy is showing steady positive dynamics: in 2022, growth amounted to 10.4%, in 2023 - 7.8%. The country consistently exceeds the forecast indicators of international financial institutions.

Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze noted high economic activity in January 2025 and government plans to further intensify economic processes. The head of government stressed that the country traditionally exceeds both its own forecast indicators and the IMF estimates.

Georgia's exports to Russia increased by 3.7% in 2024, which made a significant contribution to the country's overall economic growth. The expansion of trade and economic cooperation between the countries contributed to the strengthening of macroeconomic indicators of the Georgian economy.

According to preliminary estimates of the Georgian authorities, the budget forecast for GDP growth for 2025 is set at 6%, but the government expects higher indicators, relying on current economic trends.[1]

2023: GDP growth of 7.5% driven by ICT industry

In 2023, real GDP Georgia growth was 7.5% compared to the previous year. The positive dynamics is due, in particular, to the development of the ICT industry. This is stated in the materials of the National Statistics Service of Georgia "Saxtat" (Gruzstat), published on March 20, 2024.

It is noted that in current prices, the country's GDP in 2023 amounted to 80.25 billion lari, or $30.54 billion. A year earlier, these values ​ ​ were equal to 72.86 billion lari and $24.99 billion, respectively. Thus, growth was recorded at 10.1%. GDP per capita increased on an annualized basis from $6,731 to $8,210.

Tbilisi, Georgia

The largest growth in 2023 in Georgia was demonstrated by the field of information and communications: the increase in annual terms was at around 27.4%. Next comes the activities of administrative and support services with an increase of 26.4%. In the field of professional scientific and technical activity, positive dynamics amounted to 19.1%. In the field of education, the growth compared to 2022 is 18.9%. Public administration and defense, as well as compulsory social security, added 13.7%.

At the same time, a decline was registered in a number of industries. Negative dynamics was demonstrated by the spheres of health and social services (minus 15.4% compared to 2022), water supply, sewerage, waste management and pollution control (minus 11.3%), mining (minus 4%), supply of electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioned air (minus 3.2%), as well as real estate activities (minus 2.5%).

According to the results of 2023, the largest share in the GDP structure of Georgia is in the trade (15.6%), real estate (10.2%), manufacturing (9.5%), construction (7.9%), as well as agriculture, forestry and fisheries (6.9%).[2]

2022: The rise of GDP in the 1st half of the year by 10.5% due to the inflow of capital from Russia amid the conflict in Ukraine

The growth of the Georgian economy in June amounted to 7.2%, and in the first half of 2022 - 10.5% on average. The main reason for the growth was the inflow of Russian capital.

Since the beginning of Russia's special operation in Ukraine in February 2022, many Russians have left for Georgia as a neutral country, without language problems, with a mild climate and cheap life. And they took their money there.

Since February 24, about 35,000 Russians have settled in Georgia, the WSJ writes, citing local government data. Basically, these are young people in their 20s and 30s.

By and large, Georgia has become a financial backbone between Russia and the other world.

According to the American NGO Transparency International, in January-June 2022, Georgia received about $1.2 billion in revenues from Russia through remittances, tourism and commodity exports. This is 2.5 times higher than the same indicator last year.

In March, April, May and June 2022, 6,400 Russian companies registered in Georgia. This is seven times the annual figure for 2021.

Since February, imports of petroleum products from Russia have grown by 280%, the turnover amounted to $118 million. Electricity imports increased 4 times by $ 9 million. Coal and coke imports increased 3-fold to $ 23 million.

In the second quarter of 2022, remittances from Russia to Georgia increased 6.5 times and amounted to $678 million.

Russian citizens posted more than $670 million on the accounts of Banks of Georgia. As of August 31, 2022, the number of accounts opened by Russians approached 60 thousand.

2020: Trade with Russia accounts for 8.6% of Georgia's GDP

Data for 2020

National debt

2023: State debt - 42% of GDP

Data for September 2023

Currency: Lari

2022: Strengthening lari to 2.71 per dollar amid inflow of transfers from Russia during Ukraine conflict

In August 2011, the National Bank of Georgia is trying to contain the strengthening of the lari. On Wednesday, the regulator - not for the fourth time since May - acquired $40 million at a foreign exchange auction, writes Novosti - Georgia. Now the lari against the dollar is trading at 2.71, and on March 10, the rate was 3.4 lari for $1. This strengthening is partly due to a sharp increase in remittances to Georgia, including from Russia, against the background of the migration of some workers during the conflict in Ukraine.


2023: Foreign direct investment in Georgia shrank 15% to $1.9 billion over the year

The volume of foreign direct investment in Georgia in 2023 decreased by 15% compared to 2022 and amounted to $1.9 billion. This is evidenced by the data of the National Statistics Service of Georgia "Saxtat," published in August 2024.

According to Saxtat, the main reason for the corresponding changes is the clarification of the indicator of reinvestment and loan volume by several enterprises. The top three countries for investment in Georgia in 2023 included Holland, Britain and the United States.

Cryptocurrencies in Georgia

Main article: Cryptocurrencies in Georgia


Main article: Remittances (Georgian market)


2022: Inflation in November - 10.6%

Data for November 2022

Transport infrastructure

As of July 2022

Foreign trade

Trade with Russia

Main article: Trade between Russia and Georgia


Wine export growth by 6.6% to $274.7 million

In 2024, the export of grape wines from Georgia reached $274.7 million, which is 6.6% more compared to the previous year earlier. This is evidenced by data from the country's National Statistics Service, which was released in January 2025.

Russia continues to play a key role in the structure of wine exports, which accounts for 66% of all supplies. In 2024, the supply of Georgian wine to the Russian Federation increased by 8.5%, reaching $182.6 million. Russia is followed by Poland with a supply of $16.6 million (an increase of 10%), and Ukraine closes the top three with $12.4 million.


Exports of other alcoholic beverages from Georgia to Russia in 2024 increased 2.3 times, reaching $155 million. Deliveries of these products to Armenia amounted to $48 million, which is 3% less than in 2023.

Georgian authorities intend to significantly increase wine exports in the future, setting a goal of reaching $500 million by 2028. This goal confirms the importance of the wine industry for the country's economy and its desire to expand its presence in international markets.

In general, Georgia in 2024 supplied 94.7 thousand tons of wine abroad (89.5 thousand tons a year earlier) - this is the second result for the country in recent history. Russia continues to be the main buyer of Georgian wine for more than ten years - in 2024, the Russian Federation accounted for two-thirds of all Georgian supplies.

Russia in 2024 increased purchases of Georgian strong alcohol, mainly cognac, by 2.3 times, to a record $154 million, follows from the data of the Georgian statistics service. So, for the entire 2024, Georgia exported strong alcohol to Russia for $154 million against $67.4 million a year earlier. The second place was taken by Poland, which increased the import of Georgian alcohol by 10.3%, to $16.6 million.[3]

Rising imports from China, Germany and the EU

Georgia imports from EU, Russia and Ukraine

Total exports China to, and Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia reached $1.1 billion in the first quarter of 2024 compared to $0.4 billion in the first quarter of 2019. This 150% growth is clearly not to meet any boom in domestic demand in the Caucasus. All these goods are sent to, Russia said chief economist IMF Robin Brooks in May 2024.

A new historic high for EU exports to Georgia in March 2024.

2023: Rising imports from China

2022: Georgia's share of US supply of silicomanganese - 28%

As of 2023, Georgian enterprises supply 28% of silicomanganese to the United States. This is a brittle alloy of iron, silicon and manganese used in metallurgy to give iron-based alloys strength, wear resistance and impact resistance.

Energy carriers

2023: 16.5% increase in natural gas imports from the Russian Federation to 486 thousand tons

In 2023, 2.3 million tons of natural gas were supplied to Georgia from abroad, which is 0.2% less than a year earlier. At the same time, imports from Russia increased by 16.5%, to 486 thousand tons. This was announced at the end of January 2024 by the Georgian Statistics Service.

According to Interfax, in monetary terms, imports of Russian gas to Georgia in 2023 increased by 18% compared to 2022 - to $131 million. The Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia explained a significant increase in gas purchases in the Russian Federation by mastering the maximum technical limit for supplies from Azerbaijan during the winter peak of the load. The growing demand and the system as a whole were balanced due to the supply of Russian gas. In addition, imports were carried out with commercial expediency and served to ensure stable and continuous supplies to the system, the department added.

Natural gas imports from Russia up 16.5%

As for gas imports from Russia, you know that Azerbaijan cannot fully meet our needs, and therefore we have to supply gas to Georgia from alternative sources in order to freely supply the country with energy, we are talking about both the household sector and the economy, - said the Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia Levan Davitashvili.

According to him, Georgia receives energy resources from Azerbaijan and Russia at the lowest price compared to other countries in the region. In 2023, there was a decrease in gas imports from Azerbaijan - by 4% in physical terms, to 1.84 million tons, and by 9.2% in monetary terms, to $314 million. In addition, a quadruple increase in gas imports from Iran was recorded - up to $142 thousand. The share of Azerbaijan in the volume of natural gas imports in 2023 decreased to 78.5% from 81.6% in 2022, and the share of the Russian Federation increased to 21.5% from 18.5%. Iran accounted for 0.003% of supplies in 2023.

2022: Russia is the largest fuel supplier to Georgia

As of September 2022, Georgia has purchased goods worth $1.06 billion from Russia since the beginning of the year. This is 68% more than a year earlier. According to Saxtat, the first place in imports from Russia is occupied by oil, the volume of which this year increased by 300% to $337 million. As a result, Russia has become the main fuel supplier country for Georgia.

The share of oil from Russia from 16% of total imports in 2021 turned into 63% in September 2022.


2024: Electricity supplies from Russia to Georgia soared 14 times in a year

The National Statistics Service of Georgia recorded an increase in imports of Russian electricity by 13.7 times in 2024, reaching a volume of $12.3 million. This was reported in the department on February 9, 2025. Russia retained the position of the largest supplier of electricity to Georgia. Read more here.

2022: Black Sea Energy - agreement to export electricity to the EU under the Black Sea

  • Black Sea Energy - a project of an underwater cable along the bottom of the Black Sea for the transmission of electricity from Azerbaijan.

2020: Energy consumption per capita

Energy consumption per capita, including electricity, transport heating in 2019-2020

Real estate

2023: Real estate sales in Georgia decreased after the departure of Russians by 5.9% to 74.2 thousand

At the end of 2023, the number of real estate purchase and sale transactions in Georgia amounted to about 74.2 thousand. This is 5.9% less than in the previous year, when the figure was 78.8 thousand. The negative dynamics is partly due to the departure of the Russians. Market data is provided in the BusinesStat review published in mid-September 2024.

The study looks at villas and townhouses, land plots and apartments. According to estimates, in 2019, 58.9 thousand real estate purchase and sale transactions were made in Georgia, which is 2.7% higher than in 2018. But in 2020, a 19.9% decline followed with a final result of 47.2 thousand. Restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic led to a decrease in tourist flow: 1.7 million foreign citizens visited Georgia over the year, which is 81% less than in 2019. In addition, work on construction sites was stopped, and transport was interrupted, which negatively affected the pace of construction.

In 2021, the industry began to recover: the number of real estate transactions in Georgia rose by 34.4%, amounting to 63.5 thousand. In 2022, the number of transactions reached a record value of 78.8 thousand, exceeding the 2021 figure by 24.2%. In 2022, about 1.5 million Russian citizens entered Georgia and about 40% of apartments bought by foreigners were purchased by Russians. In 2023, there was a fall: experts associate this situation with market adjustment after rush demand.

The review says that real estate in Georgia is an attractive way to invest funds for investors from all over the world due to high rental profitability, a growing but acceptable price per square meter, flexible tax system when buying real estate from $100 thousand. In addition, further GDP growth, a decrease in the unemployment rate, the development of large infrastructure projects are expected in the country, the tourist flow is growing, and in 2023 Georgia became a candidate country for joining the EU.[4]

2022: Russians buy 15,164 properties in Georgia

Against the background of the conflict in Ukraine, Russians in 2022 bought 15,164 real estate in Georgia.

Richest people

Main article: The richest people in the world

2021: The richest 1% of citizens account for 28.2% of the country's wealth

Data for 2021



Tourism revenue growth by 7.3% to $4.4 billion

In 2024, Georgia's tourism revenues reached $4.4 billion, a record high. This is 7.3% more compared to 2023, when the volume of corresponding revenues was estimated at $4.1 billion. Such data at the end of January 2025 was published by the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of the country.

It is noted that the growth was largely facilitated by tourists from Russia. In 2024, travelers from the Russian Federation spent about $647.7 million in Georgia. According to this indicator, Russia ranks first among all countries from where guests come to Georgia with short visits, including for the purpose of recreation. In 2024, about 1.42 million Russians visited Georgia, which is 0.2% more compared to 2023.


In second place Turkey in terms of the number of tourists and expenses is: in 2024, 1.34 million citizens of this country visited Georgia, spending a total of $612.3 million during such trips. Closes the top three Israel with 310.98 thousand tourists and costs in the amount of $436.5 million.

In general, in 2024, the flow of tourists to Georgia was recorded at the level of 7.4 million international travelers. This is about 60% of the indicators that were observed before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, in 2019, approximately 9.3 million tourists visited Georgia. However, the total revenues from tourism then turned out to be at around $3.3 billion. Revenue growth in 2024 was due to an increase in the number of travelers from the EU countries: 571.2 thousand guests from the EU spent a total of $438.4 million in Georgia.

It is noted that tourism is a backbone sector of the Georgian economy. The country's authorities predict that by 2028, annual tourism revenues will amount to $6.4 billion. Georgia has an open skies policy for airlines, including air carriers from Russia.[5]

Russian tourist flow to Georgia increased by 0.2% (to 1.42 million people) and remained the largest

The National Tourism Administration of the Ministry of Economy of Georgia in mid-January 2025 reported an increase in the number of tourists from Russia by 0.2% to 1.42 million people in 2024. This made it possible to maintain a leading position among all countries in the number of tourist visits.

According to Interfax, the total volume of tourist visits to Georgia increased by 9% to 5.09 million. The second place in the number of tourists was taken by Turkey with 1.34 million visits, showing a decrease of 4.3%, the third place - Armenia with 948.3 thousand visits, reducing the figure by 1.5%.


In the fourth quarter of 2024, 1.57 million international travelers visited the country, which is 2.5% more than in the same period in 2023. The number of visits for tourism purposes increased by 8.4% to 1.1 million.

According to the largest Georgian investment bank Galt & Taggart, the country's tourism revenues in 2024 increased by 5.5% to $4.4 billion. Georgian authorities planned to reach $4.5 billion.

In 2024, the total number of foreign visitors to Georgia increased by 4.2% and reached 7.37 million people, the National Tourism Administration said.

This value turned out to be lower than the 7.9 million expected by the authorities, but exceeded the 2023 figure of 7.07 million international travelers, which in turn was 30.3% higher than the result of 2022.

Georgia continues to be one of the popular tourist destinations for Russian travelers, despite a slight increase in tourist flow. The country attracts tourists with a rich cultural heritage, gastronomic traditions and developed tourist infrastructure. The stable growth of the international tourist flow indicates the restoration of the tourist industry of Georgia and its attractiveness for travelers from different countries.[6]


Russian tourist flow to Georgia increased by 31.1% to 1.18 million people

In 2023, the Russian tourist flow to Georgia reached 1.18 million people, which is 31.1% more than a year earlier. This is evidenced by data from the National Statistics Service of Georgia, published at the end of January 2024.

Russians in 2023 accounted for 23.2% of foreign tourists who visited Georgia. In second place in this indicator is Turkey (21.4%), in third - (Armenia 13.5%). The total number of foreign visitors in 2023 reached 5.1 million. This is 27.8% more than in the previous year.

Russian tourist flow to Georgia reached 1.18 million people

A visitor means a traveler - not a resident of Georgia, at least 15 years old, who paid a visit to Georgia for a period of less than one year. This category does not take into account citizens who have come for employment, diplomats accredited in Georgia, employees of the Armed Forces, as well as persons who often cross the border due to a kind of activity or other circumstances. As for tourist visits, about 4.7 million of them were made in 2023 (an increase of 27.8%).

Basically, Georgia was visited in 2023 for the purpose of recreation and entertainment, this is 52.3% of the total number of visits. People also came to visit friends and relatives (20.4%), performing transit to another country (12.8%), in connection with professional activities (6.8%), shopping (5.4%) and for the purpose of treatment (0.5%).

According to the National Statistics Service of Georgia, the situation with the flow of tourists to the country could have been radically different if it had not been for the decision of the Azerbaijani leadership to completely close the land borders with all neighboring states (including Georgia) for an indefinite period due to the unresolved Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. Georgia's total tourism income in 2023 amounted to 12.9 billion lari ($4.98 billion). This is 20.5% more than in 2022.[7]

Opening of direct flights with Russia, despite pressure from the United States and the EU

Georgian Airways has received permission to fly with Russia and will fly to Moscow 7 times a week from May 20, the Georgian aviation regulator said.

Georgia in May 2023 also issued permission to the Russian airline Azimut to operate flights to the republic from May 17.

Georgia expects additional tourism profits of $300-400 million, thanks to direct flights with Russia, said the head of the country's Ministry of Economy Davitashvili.


2019: Average use of pesticides in agriculture

As of 2019


2023: Poultry meat is the most consumed type of meat

The most consumed type of meat (including fish and seafood) according to data available for June 2023.

2019: Poultry meat is the most consumed type of meat

Data for 2019
