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2021/11/29 16:25:12

Electronic Hospital Sheet Electronic Disability Sheet (ELN)




Transfer of sick leave completely to electronic form and automatic payments for them

At the end of November 2021, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a government decree by which he approved the transfer of hospital sheets completely to electronic form and automatic payments for them.

Electronic disability sheets of hospitals and clinics will be uploaded to the unified information system of the Social Insurance Fund (Sotsstrakh). From there, information about the opening, extension or closure of the hospital will automatically be received by the employer, as well as the employee himself, in his personal account on the public services portal.

Mikhail Mishustin approved the transfer of sick leave completely to electronic form and automatic payments for them

It is emphasized that based on the information received and documents, the FSS will calculate benefits. Information on the appointment and payment of benefits will be posted in the Unified State Information System of Social Security (EGISSO) and sent to citizens in their personal account on the public services portal. It is added that, if necessary, to check the information, the FSS may request additional information from the Pension Fund, the Federal Tax Service and other state institutions.

All hospital sheets will be issued only in electronic form, and benefits for them will be accrued automatically from 2022. The new procedure will reduce the amount of paper work for employers, save citizens from submitting applications and speed up the transfer of payments, the press service of the Cabinet reports.

It is also noted that benefits, as before, will be paid directly from the Social Insurance Fund, only from January 1, 2022 citizens will not have to submit any applications and documents for this. Information on the amount of wages, leave on vacation pregnancy and childbirth will be received by the FSS from the employer, and on the fact of the birth of a child - from the registry office information system.

On September 1, 2021, a law entered into force in Russia, according to which sick leave for the care of a child under the age of 8 will be paid according to the new rules: the amount of accruals will be 100% of average earnings and will no longer depend on seniority.[1]

Payment of electronic sick leave in the Russian Federation will be carried out without application

On January 26, 2021, the State Duma adopted a bill in the first reading, according to which they will pay for electronic sick leave in Russia without an application - on the basis of an electronic certificate of disability. At the insured's request, the medical organization must issue him an extract from the disability certificate formed in the form of an electronic document, the insurer will approve the statement form. The innovation will enter into force on January 1, 2022.

This guarantees employees to receive benefits without delay, regardless of the financial situation of employers, and employers will help not to divert their own funds to make insurance payments, "said Andrei Pudov, deputy head of the Ministry of Labor.

Pay for electronic sick leave in the Russian Federation without an application

To issue a hospital payment or other allowance, employees will not need to submit applications, they will simply need to submit papers that the employer does not have. Staff will need to write a statement if it is necessary to recalculate the benefit paid.

To declare a preferable way of receiving grants and also to note the bank account number, it is required to provide at employment data on itself in the form established by the Social Insurance Fund (SIF). The employer will transfer this document to the FSS or enter information from it in a special register, which will also send to the FSS (for organizations with a number of employees from 25 persons). The first three days of sick leave, as before, will be paid by the employer.

The new mechanism provides for the allocation of temporary disability benefits, maternity benefits and a lump-sum allowance to women registered with medical organizations at the early stages of pregnancy on the basis of an electronic disability certificate without an insured person's application.[2]


Electronic hospitals in Russia can now be issued at a remote doctor's consultation

On December 14, 2020, new rules for issuing sick leave in Russia entered into force. According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, a sheet of incapacity for work in electronic form can now be issued at a remote doctor's consultation.

The paper version remains, it will be issued if there is a passport. For electronic you will also need SNILS.

The possibility of issuing a certificate of incapacity for work in electronic form has existed since 2017, but until December 14, the written consent of the insured person was necessary for its registration. Now this order has been simplified, and it is enough for the sick to choose a form.

A sheet of incapacity for work in electronic form in the Russian Federation can now be issued at a remote doctor's consultation

It also became possible to issue an electronic sick leave after receiving a doctor's consultation with use. telemedicine The appearance of such a service is due to the coronavirus pandemic. COVID-19

At the same time, diseases and three children will be noted in one electronic sheet, and only two will have enough paper. Another sick leave will be issued for the third child.

If the sick leave is issued in electronic form, its continuation can be issued in the usual paper form. Conversely, the paper document can be extended as an electronic document.

From January 1, 2021, when the law on remote work will begin to apply in Russia, it will be enough for a sick employee who is on a "remote job" to send the employer the number of the electronic disability certificate.

According to the new rules, a duplicate disability certificate is issued on paper or issued electronically in the following cases:

  • Fill errors
  • Damage or loss of sick leave (up to the date of payment of temporary disability, maternity allowance);
  • changing the cause of disability by decision of the medical commission.[3]

Accounts Chamber: Medical institutions are not sufficiently prepared for electronic sick leaves

The analysis conducted by the Accounts Chamber revealed the insufficient readiness of medical organizations and insurers to work with electronic sick leaves, despite the positive dynamics of their issuance, the department said in a bulletin published at the end of October 2020. From July 1, 2017 to August 26, 2020, a total of about 39.2 million sheets of disability in the form of an electronic document were issued. Although during this period their number increased by almost 84 times, the share of electronic leaflets as of August 26, 2020 amounted to 58.6%. In 2019, the share was 33.7%.

39.6% of medical organizations participate in the formation of sick leave in the form of an electronic document, which is 10.11 thousand, auditors calculated. At the same time, only in 18 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, medical organizations are 100% ready to work in digital format. And the share of policyholders interacting with the information interaction system is 14.8%, which is 550.12 thousand organizations.

Infographics from the bulletin of the Accounts Chamber

Among the constraints, as follows from the bulletin, are gaps in regulatory regulations. So, in 255-FZ "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary incapacity for work and in connection with motherhood," it is provided for the establishment of a procedure for the formation of an electronic disability certificate. However, the procedure for issuing sick leave, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development in 2011, did not provide for the procedure for their formation in the form of an electronic document.

For the Social Insurance Fund, the digital readiness test was the intention to switch to an electronic leaflet of temporary disability. The results of the expert analytical event showed that most medical organizations and insurers are not yet ready to work in digital format, while there is no procedure for forming electronic sheets of temporary disability. This means that the ubiquitous transition to the electronic format of this document without appropriate regulatory and technological support can cause an organizational shock, "Lilia Ovcharova, vice-rector of the Higher School of Economics, doctor of economics, is quoted in the bulletin of the Accounts Chamber.

However, the regulatory gap was eliminated while the report of auditors was being prepared: in September 2020, by order of the Ministry of Health, the procedure for issuing and issuing disability certificates in the form of an electronic document was finally approved.

However, there is still something to work on. Thus, the draft federal law on amendments to legislative acts on compulsory social insurance, prepared by the Ministry of Labor and published in August 2020, provides for the payment of benefits for temporary disability, as well as for pregnancy and childbirth on the basis of the electronic disability sheet[4]. The official portal for the publication of regulatory legal acts states that as of October the bill is at the stage of completion after public discussion.

However, the insufficiently high readiness of medical organizations and insurers to work in digital format indicates the need to identify and eliminate problems before the entry into force of this bill, the auditors of the Accounts Chamber say.

Initially, it was assumed that the mechanism for "direct payments" of sick leave and other benefits from the Social Insurance Fund, bypassing the employer and on the basis of electronic sick leave, will work throughout the country in 2021. However, in the new version of the said bill, the deadline is already 2022.

The Department proposes that the Ministry of Health, together with the Ministry of Labor, conduct monitoring to establish the reasons for the low readiness of medical organizations and policyholders to use an electronic information interaction system to form a disability certificate in the form of an electronic document. And based on the results obtained, auditors propose to develop measures to eliminate these causes.

However, the Social Insurance Fund does not agree at all with the conclusions of the Accounts Chamber on the low degree of readiness of medical organizations and insurers to switch to electronic sick leave.

Today, 10.2 thousand medical organizations participate in the formation of the electronic disability list. This is 85% of medical organizations that have the right to issue sick leave, and they account for 99.3% of all disabled leave issued in 2019, "says Tatyana Lototskaya, first deputy chairman of the Social Insurance Fund. - Thus, only 15% of medical organizations do not participate in their formation with a share of the issuance of disability certificates 0.7% of the total number of sick leave issued in 2019.

Also, she notes, at the stage of introducing the electronic sick list, their fund developed software for medical organizations (ARM LPU) and for employers (ARM "Calculation Preparation"), provided free of charge. In addition, the own software of most medical organizations has been finalized by regional developers of medical information systems, says Lototskaya.

We believe that the dynamics of the development of electronic disability sheet technology allows us to ensure a complete departure from the paper form by 2022, "said the first deputy chairman of the Social Insurance Fund.

E-hospital service earned on public services

On October 6, 2020, an electronic disability certificate service was launched on a single portal of state and municipal services. According to the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, information will be received on the portal from the Social Insurance Fund.

In accordance with the innovations, users on the public services portal and in the mobile application automatically receive alerts about the opening, extension, closure and other changes related to electronic disability sheets. Also in the personal account there is information about the number of the sick leave, medical organization, the doctor who issued the document, and the period of disability.

You can now check the electronic hospital on a single portal of public services

A day after the launch of the service, more than 200 thousand alerts were sent to users of the public services portal, the Ministry of Finance noted.

As the director of the Digital State Administration Department of the Ministry of Digital Affairs of Russia Sergey Tsvetkov noted, at any time a citizen in public services can clarify information about his electronic disability sheets and, if necessary, inform them to his employer. The employee does not need to remember or record the hospital number after it is registered with a medical organization, the data from the hospital sheet will always be at hand and will not be lost, he added.

The Ministry of Digital Affairs recalled that Russians can issue a sick leave in electronic form, provided that the medical organization and the employer organization are participants in the information interaction system for exchanging information to form an electronic disability sheet.

It is assumed that electronic hospitals will completely replace paper from 2022. Up to this point, the "classic" version of the hospital can be used along with the digital one.[5]

Rostelecom in the South provides remote issuance of sick leave through EPSU

In five regions of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District, Rostelecom provides sick leave through the Unified Portal of Public Services (EPSU). In total, from the beginning of 2020, about 45 thousand people took the opportunity to get the document remotely in the south. The process is organized by the Ministry of Labor and the Social Insurance Fund, the technical opportunity is provided by a national digital provider. Rostelecom South announced this on April 23, 2020. More details here.

Residents of the Rostov region began to receive electronic sick leave remotely

Residents of the Rostov region, quarantined with suspicion of coronavirus, began to receive electronic sheets of disability remotely - this functionality was introduced into the medical system of the region to ensure the safety of residents in pandemic conditions. This was announced by the BARS Group on April 23, 2020. More details here.

Electronic hospital sheets will help in quarantine conditions due to coronavirus

The unfavorable epidemiological situation in Russia, caused by the threat of the spread of coronavirus infection, is pushing workers and their employers to switch to a new procedure for issuing and filling out sick leave, namely, in electronic form. The electronic sheet of incapacity for work has the same legal significance as paper.

The registration of an electronic hospital significantly simplifies the process of stabilizing the spread of infection, because everything happens remotely: citizens who arrive from abroad, are sick or in contact with sick people do not need to visit a medical organization.

What is quarantine, and how is it different from normal sick leave?

The design of the quarantine disability sheet is slightly different from the algorithm for issuing ordinary sick leave (with a cold or flu, for example). The potential carrier of the virus and the people in contact with it are sent to the so-called self-isolation, which lasts two weeks (14 calendar days).

Mandatory quarantine is announced for Russian citizens who have returned from certain countries where the epidemiological situation is out of control, and those who have been in contact with them, including those living together with potential carriers of the virus.

However, the issuance of such sick leave is provided only for officially employed people, that is, issued to the state under an employment contract. Individual entrepreneurs, self-employed, employees under civil law contracts and freelancers will not be paid for quarantine.

Quarantine Electronic Hospital Registration Mechanism

An electronic sheet of disability is issued in the personal account of the Social Insurance Fund (hereinafter FSS). Relatives can also request a document if the applicant himself is not registered with the LC. The Government of the Russian Federation approved the rules for registration in resolution No. 294 of March 18, 2020. The validity of the rules is from March 20 to July 1, 2020.

To receive an electronic quarantine hospital, the employee needs:

  • go to your personal account on the FSS website. Login is possible only for users registered on the public services portal (in ESIA). If the employee is not registered, then on his behalf they have the right to apply to registered relatives, confirming kinship with documents;
  • The next step is to create an application through the "Submit Request" section;
  • fill in all mandatory fields: full name, SNILS, compulsory medical insurance policy, date of birth and address. In the Case Text field, specify the reason for the request. You need to enter the details of the passport. When filling out an application for a relative, provide consent to perform actions on his behalf and scans of documents confirming kinship. You can confirm your stay in a country with an unfavorable epidemiological situation by providing: scans of pages of a passport with border crossing marks; An electronic plane ticket. All residents with such citizens require documentary proof of cohabitation;
  • the next stage - within one day, the FSS will process the application and transmit the information to one of the medical organizations;
  • the next working day after receiving information from the FSS, the medical organization draws up an electronic sheet of disability - immediately for 14 calendar days. In the case of a doctor issuing a sick leave in person (when he is called to his house), the medical organization must transmit information on the issuance (formation) of an electronic sick leave to the FSS no later than the next working day;
  • The FSS asks the employer for information about the employee within one working day. The employee can independently inform the employer of the electronic hospital ID;
  • within two days, the employer submits documents to the FSS;
  • The FSS pays a temporary disability benefit to the employee.

Benefits are paid first for the first 7 calendar days, then the second time - after 14 calendar days.

What is required of the employer?

There are general requirements for working with electronic hospitals, regardless of why this document is drawn up: for SARS or because of quarantine. Both the medical institution and the employer should be connected to electronic document management with the FSS.

The employer must have the technical means to work with electronic hospitals. For this, it is easiest to use special services for reporting, the functionality of which includes work with electronic disability sheets.


Dmitry Selivanov at TAdviser SummIT - about the fantastic opportunities of social services of the present and future

On November 29, 2018, Dmitry Selivanov, head of the information technology and youth protection department of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS), at the TAdviser conference SummIT spoke about digital social services - the results of their development in 2018 and plans. Their development is carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor and the FIU, a joint movement plan for the short-term period until 2019, as well as for the long-term period, has been developed.

Regarding electronic hospital sheets, Dmitry Selivanov said that by November 2018 more than 4 million such sheets had already been issued, and each day they were issued 20-30 thousand each with an upward trend. More and more medical organizations throughout Russia are joining this project. Also interested in it are developers of medical and accounting software solutions.

Slide from Dmitry Selivanov's presentation

In 2018, the FSS introduced blockchain, a storage network for archival records on electronic hospitals. A manifesto of participants is being prepared, and the FSS is ready to extend this network to participants in information interaction: regional government entities, medical organizations, the Ministry of Health and the largest insurers.

More than half of medical institutions in Russia issue electronic sick leave

By the end of November 2018, more than half of medical institutions in Russia provide electronic hospital sheets along with traditional paper ones. This was reported by TASS News Agency of Russia with reference to the press service of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS).

At the moment, electronic hospital sheets of 6744 medical institutions are issued, which is more than 55% of all medical organizations in Russia, the fund calculated, adding that the number of such issued documents exceeded 4 million pieces.

By the end of November 2018, 55% of medical institutions in Russia provide electronic hospital sheets along with traditional paper ones

According to FSS statistics, most often electronic hospitals are issued in the Belgorod region: they account for 95.45% of ballots in the region. Following are the Republic of Mordovia (the share of electronic sick leave is 84.2%), the Chechen Republic (74.7%) and the Lipetsk Region (72.07%). On November 28, 2018, the FSS reported that more than 60% of medical organizations in the Murmansk region began issuing electronic sick leave.

In accordance with Russian law, a medical organization can issue a certificate of disability in electronic format in a special automated system, sign an electronic signature and send it to employers and the FSS. The digital sheet of incapacity for work is issued exclusively at the request of the patient and is recorded in the special medical information system "Sosstrakh." The project operator is FSS.

According to the head of the Department for the Organization of Insurance Payments of the FSS of the Russian Federation Tatyana Lototskaya, thanks to this project, the time of doctors to discharge sick leave was reduced, and its forgery became impossible.

The procedure for paying an electronic sick leave is no different from paying a sick leave in paper form. The employer calculates the amount of the allowance and assigns the allowance within 10 calendar days from the day when the employee presented the electronic hospital number. Payment must be made in the nearest salary.[6]

2017: Law

In Russia, from July 1, 2017, paper and electronic hospitals will have the same strength. The corresponding law was adopted in April by the State Duma in the third reading.

To register an electronic hospital, the patient will be obliged to express in writing his consent to record data of this kind in an automated information system, to which both insurance companies and medical institutions and doctors will be connected. The enhanced digital signature placed by the doctor and the medical institution will serve as a protection for the digital document. Electronic sick leave will also be provided with a cash allowance, which is paid in connection with temporary disability, pregnancy or childbirth. The paper version of the temporary disability document will also be applied.

Such an opportunity, according to the creators of the system, will be convenient for both patients and medical institutions. The former will be able to see information about insurance payments through the Unified Portal of Public Services in real time, and hospitals and insurance companies will establish a more productive exchange of data among themselves, which will entail simplification of document flow and reduce the risk of forgery of sick leave. According to experts, less funds will be spent on printing paper forms for sick leave, and in 2017 the Social Insurance Fund will be able to save up to 12 million rubles on this.

See also
