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2024/06/26 14:38:17

Fabry disease

Fabry disease is a rare genetic hereditary disease caused by a deficiency of the enzyme alpha-galactosidase, which leads to the accumulation of lipids in the cells of the body. The disease affects the kidneys and cardiovascular system, leading to heart failure, heart attacks and strokes. Pathology detection is complicated by non-specificity of symptoms, which are often similar to more common diseases.


Main article: Orphan (rare) diseases

Diagnosis of the disease

2024: It takes an average of 21 years to make a diagnosis

Without an established diagnosis and on time treatment, patients with Fabry disease die at the age of 40-50 years. The highest mortality is observed among patients with a renal type of the disease, that is, in those whose disease manifested itself in kidney damage. And it is patients in hemodialysis centers who are more often diagnosed.

One of the leading Russian specialists in Fabry's disease, Sergey Moiseev, a member of the correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, director of the Clinic named after E.M. Tareeva Sechenov University in June 2024 shared data on the results of screening patients and their relatives in dialysis departments: out of 331 examined, the disease was detected in 165, that is, almost 50%. At the same time, he stressed that early diagnosis is critical for successful treatment. Now it takes an average of 21 years to establish a correct diagnosis.

The key method for detecting Fabry disease is family screening: according to Ekaterina Zakharova, MD, head of the laboratory of hereditary metabolic diseases, head of the laboratory of selective screening of the Moscow State Research Center named after Academician N.P.Bochkov, for each patient with Fabry disease there can be up to five additional cases of the disease in one family.

'Late diagnosis is not a unique Russian problem, especially when it comes to orphan diseases. However, as soon as therapy becomes available, specialized specialists begin to be more attentive to various symptoms, see the disease more systematically and may suspect a rare diagnosis, which means that they send the patient for screening, "the expert said.

The diagnostic method involves determining the activity of the enzyme alpha-galactosidase or measuring the concentration of lysosomal globotriaosylsphingosine (lise-Gb3) in dry blood spots. Testing allows you to accurately establish the presence of the disease and prescribe the necessary therapy in a timely manner.

Treatment of Fabry disease

Enzyme replacement therapy (PFT) is used to treat Fabry disease in 2024, which has already proven itself well: 90% of patients did not have adverse clinical outcomes against the background of long-term PFT.

2025: The first patient with Fabry disease began receiving treatment with a completely Russian-made drug

In February 2025, the first batch of the drug Fabagal (agalsidase beta) Russia produced in the full cycle, including the substance, was launched on the market. The project on the localization of the orphan drug - from biosynthesis of the cell line-based substance to the final dosage form - was implemented by the company "" Petrovax Farm together with. NICEM named after N.F. Gamalei This is the first time in history the Russian medicine that the drug for the treatment of a rare disease was completely recreated in ours. Its to the country use will provide therapy to almost twice as many patients due to the lower price. More. here

2024: A drug for the treatment of Fabry disease is localized in Russia

On December 13, 2024, Petrovax Farm announced the registration of a local drug for the treatment of Fabri-Fabagal disease (agalsidase beta), produced in a full cycle. This is the first orphan drug in Russia for which the technology of substance production has been transferred. The project was implemented jointly with the N.F. Gamalei. Read more here.

2023: Orphan drug Fabagal for the treatment of Fabry disease is registered in Russia

The biotechnological company Petrovax has received a marketing authorization for the biosimilar agalsidase beta-orphan drug Fabagal, which is used to treat Fabry disease in adults and children over 8 years old. The company announced this on August 21, 2021. Read more here.