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2024/11/29 17:33:47

Fur products (Russian market)


Main article: Russian economy

Marking of fur coats and fur products

Main article: Marking fur coats and fur products


Cut in faux woven fur production by 9.8% to 1.9m cubic metres

At the end of 2023, the production of artificial woven fur in Russia reached 1.9 million cubic meters, which is 9.8% less than a year earlier. This is evidenced by the data of the analytical company TK Solutions, which were released in November 2024.

According to experts, the largest production of artificial fur in Russia falls on the central federal district, whose market share in 2017-2023. amounted to 97.4%%. Next comes the North Caucasus Federal District with an indicator of 2.6%.

Import share at 70%

The share of imported fur products on the Russian market, despite the rupture of part of economic ties with the West, in the first quarter of 2023 remains at the level of 70%, and the volume of "gray" imports is growing - the Russian Fur and Fur Union.