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2022/12/12 12:58:51

Health care in Italy


Main article: Italy

Disease statistics


Data for 2017


2019: Chronic depression affects 5.3% of the population aged 15 + years

at 15
Процент population + years of age who reported "suffering from chronic depression" in 2019

Maternity leave

Число недель оплачиваемого maternity leave countries around the world for 2021


2023: Italy bans production and sale of artificial meat

On November 16, 2023, the Italian parliament finally approved a law prohibiting the production and sale of artificial meat grown in laboratory conditions from animal cells. The new rules also prohibit the use of terms that describe plant-based products as real meat products - like steak. Read more here.

2020: Duration of guaranteed paid sick leave 6 months or more

Data as of September 1, 2020


Health Care Cost Dynamics

High proportion of doctors over 55 years of age

Data for 2019

2018: 19.6% of women smoke tobacco

2018 data