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2024/05/21 14:23:57

ICT (Turkmenistan market)


2024: How the economy is digitalized in Turkmenistan

On May 10, 2024, the Government of Turkmenistan announced that the country's public services were being converted to digital format. In addition, a report on the progress of work on the introduction of digital technologies in various sectors of the economy has been published.

It is noted that digital technologies contribute to the versatile solution of many sustainable development tasks. The relevant industry is one of the fastest growing in the world. The concept of the development of the digital economy in Turkmenistan includes three main phases. At the first stage, the creation of a state authorized body, an interdepartmental commission consisting of heads of ministries, departments and other organizations is envisaged. The second phase implies a wider and integrated introduction of digital communication systems, the development of a "one-stop shop" service, the introduction of digital reporting. At the third stage, it is planned to implement digitalization projects in the sectors of the Turkmen economy, as well as its integration into the international digital economic system.

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

The communications and telecommunications industry provides for modernization using 4G technologies, and in the future - 5G. Appropriate systems can be used in the areas of telemedicine, distance education, transport management, safety and public order.

It is said that the main macroeconomic indicators characterizing economic development remain at a stable level in Turkmenistan, monetary policy is being improved, and production, as well as export-oriented and import-substituting industries are being supported. Innovative technologies are being introduced into the banking system. In particular, the ongoing digitalization of banks is aimed at modernizing the financial structure, expanding the range of products and channels of interaction with customers using digital technologies. The country's banks lend to priority sectors of the economy.

The digital transformation made it possible to expand the range of banking services and the capabilities of the national payment system that are provided to customers, to increase the competitiveness of Turkmen banks, the document says.

In addition, digitalization affects the field of education: the very structure of education and the organization of the educational process are fundamentally changing. The use of new information ­ communication technologies is an initial condition for the further development of digital pedagogy. Methodically, the digitalization of the education system relies on new educational standards. These are, in particular, tools for creating educational materials, as well as means of effective content delivery.

Trade is named the most important driver of economic growth in Turkmenistan - it provides more than 10% of the country's GDP. An important role in the aspect of digitalization belongs to this area, where "the foundation for the development of high-tech and innovative solutions has been laid." The concept involves the implementation of a wide range of complex measures aimed at developing Internet trade in general, as well as increasing the competitiveness of local manufacturers.

In general, as noted, Turkmenistan has approached the implementation of the task of switching to a digital economy. It is planned to accelerate the achievement of the goals by improving the legislative framework, creating the necessary infrastructure, favorable conditions for the development of IT companies, solving personnel issues and other initiatives. The importance of expanding the range of digital information services for the population is also noted.[1]

2022: Russia, Turkmenistan sign ICT cooperation agreement

In June 2022, an agreement on cooperation in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) was concluded between Russia and Turkmenistan. The corresponding memorandum was signed by Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Bella Cherkesova and Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Mammetkhan Chakyev. Read more here.
