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2018/12/28 15:27:40

IT in Education (EdTech, EduTech)



Blockchain in education

Digital Technology in Higher Education

IT in the education of the Russian Federation

Main article: IT in education of the Russian Federation

Artificial Intelligence in Education

Distance education

Early Childhood Education Technology (KidTech)


2024: A good web product should still affect the overall literacy rate of young users

The "What Kids Are Reading" report for 2024, based on survey data from more than 1.2 million students from the UK and Ireland, showed a 4.4% drop in the number of books read by schoolchildren. The study found that this decline is most pronounced in secondary schools. Indeed, high-quality literature in paper format is often not available to everyone and not at all times. Andrei Ivanovsky, a leading software engineer at the British technology company Contextxt Ltd, specializing in the field of EdTech, proposed his vision for solving this problem. Read more here.