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2024/11/14 13:15:57

Nervous system



2025: NUST MISIS develops electrode to stimulate nerve tissue

Scientists at MISIS University have patented a composite biocompatible microelectrode that can be used to electrically stimulate nervous tissue. It is applicable in the search for foci of epilepsy in the brain, stimulation of peripheral nerves to suppress phantom pain. It will also be useful in the study of spinal cord tissue regeneration. The university announced this on January 17, 2025. Read more here.

2024: Kidneys and nerves store memories like neurons. Scientific explanation

In mid-November 2024, a team of scientists from New York University showed that kidney and nerve tissue cells are able to store memories like neurons, opening new avenues for studying memory and treating related disorders.

The researchers wanted to find out whether tissues outside the brain are able to store memories using a long-known neurological property -- a mass distribution effect that shows we tend to remember information better if we repeat it at specific intervals rather than bison the night before the exam.

Kidneys and nerves preserve memory like neurons: a scientific approach

In the study, the scientists replicated an experiment to train two types of non-brain human cells (from neural tissue and from renal tissue) by exposing them to different chemical signals, similar to how brain cells are exposed to neurotransmitters when we learn new information. In response, non-brain cells turned on the "memory gene" - the same gene that turns on brain cells when they discover a new pattern in the information on offer and restructure their connections to form memories.

To monitor memory processes and learning, the scientists engineered these non-brain cells to produce a luminous protein that indicated when the memory gene is active and when not. The results showed that these cells could detect when chemical impulses mimicking neurotransmitter ejections in the brain were repeated rather than just acting on them for a long time - just as brain neurons can record learning intermittently. In response to impulses fed interval, the cells activated the "memory gene" more strongly and for a longer time. This shows that learning ability through interval repetitions is not a unique function of brain cells, but may be a fundamental property of all cells.[1]


Russia has created a unique technology for replacing damaged nerves

In early October 2023, the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great (SPbPU) announced the creation of the first technology in Russia to replace defects in peripheral nerve fibers.

Scientists have managed to find out how defective nerve fibers can be replaced using an artificially created substance.

Peripheral Nerve Fiber Defect Replacement Technology Created
We got a tubular matrix, the so-called conduit, the length of which was from one to one and a half centimeters. Chitosan fibers with different carbon nanotube contents were separately identified. The conduit and fibers were then aligned, i.e. the fibers were inserted into the inner lumen of the tube and secured. And with the help of this design, the two ends of the peripheral nerve were connected, - said Nurdzhemal Tagandurdyeva, graduate student of the IBSiB SPbPU.

After that, scientists began to test the development on animals. The subjects underwent surgery - part of the sciatic nerve was cut out, replacing it with a sample. According to the researchers, there were no acute inflammatory reactions in the animals. Moreover, the newly formed nerves sprouted through a tube with fibers and restored the motor activity of the legs.

Such operations are already carried out, but with the use of autineural inserts - these are the nerves of the person himself, which are taken from other parts of the body. Abroad, conduits from collagen, gelatin, chitosan, polyglycolide are used for this. However, these conduits cannot replace defects of more than 3 cm. The method of St. Petersburg scientists gives such an opportunity.

In the future, experts plan to continue research to obtain conduits using a bioprinter. This approach, they said, will help mimic the structure of native tissue and achieve better results, namely, speed up the process and improve the quality of newly formed tissues.[2]

In the Russian Federation created a device for the restoration of torn nerves

At the Institute of Bionic Technologies and Engineering, Sechenov University created a device for the restoration of torn nerves. The university told about this in June 2023.
