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2022/09/30 01:55:28

WMS Technology Trends

This article is included in the TAdviser overview of Warehouse Management Systems (WMS).


2023: "Robots Kick In, Not Man": WMS Tech Trends

Experts interviewed by TAdviser unanimously stated that the main trend in the automation industry is robotization of processes and the use of artificial intelligence elements.

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In some large companies, high bay systems, assembly robots, conveyor systems, robo-hands are already operating in warehouses. There are other cases, for example, the Glavarchiv of Moscow was recently robotic. Because paper documents have a high fire risk, the warehouse has created a low-oxygen environment. Accordingly, people cannot work there, so they use a robot, "said Ivan Denisov, CEO of GTLogistics.

The main trends are increased integration with robots and automatic cargo transportation and processing systems, which is also relevant in conditions of labor shortage. In addition, it is worth noting that the number of requests for digital twins and simulation systems has increased by about 4 times over the past year. For our part, we are actively developing these technologies, - added Dmitry Blinov, founder and managing director of LogistiX Group of Companies.

However, at the moment, cost-effective robotization can be in a fully automated warehouse when working with an expensive product, for example, in large medical warehouses. In other cases, robots are used either pointwise or to improve the image. Mass robotization in warehouses is still economically ineffective, experts say. At the same time, these systems are promising and over time their share will only grow.

Vladimir Lykov, commercial director of EME, said that one of these systems is, for example, the Digital Warehouse complex, which includes robotic control, self-propelled trolleys, robotic manipulators, unmanned transport systems and conveyor systems. All this works under the control of WMS. In addition, according to him, "smart" solutions remain relevant, allowing you to achieve maximum performance and speed in work - pick-by-line, pick-to-light, pick-by-voice technologies and others.

Artem Dolgikh, director of business development at AXELOT, clarifies that now there are no universal solutions that could be massively used by our customers, but where this turned out to be possible, robotic systems already manage warehouses with a minimum amount of human labor:

I think that in the coming years solutions will be found that will make the use of robotic technologies massive - something more practical in computer vision, object recognition using neural networks, more flexible in the execution of mechanical elements, navigation with the highest accuracy, and so on. "Robots work hard, not humans" - this is the main advantage that will allow you to stop getting tired, depend on the human factor, deal with the consequences of errors and will increase not only the speed, but also the throughput of existing sites.

2022: Current Technology Trends

The WMS industry is quite conservative, however, some technological innovations are planned here. In particular, as market participants note, changes are ripe in the classical architecture of WMS systems, which did not allow such solutions to scale horizontally. Vendors are now focusing on service-oriented architecture. The ability for developers or even customers to add new services to the system is designed to expand the range of functional tasks if necessary, without losing performance.

As the experience of the pandemic has shown, one of the most important trends is to reduce dependence on any personnel, minimize the cost of training a new employee, and optimize the number of warehouse workers.

According to Vladimir Lykov, Customer Relations Director of EME, 5th generation WMSs just allow you to effectively solve such problems.

At EME, we offer our customers a new approach to implementing a configurable system through pre-installed business processes. This approach allows you to standardize and centrally manage the business processes of all warehouse stores. The work is carried out according to the scenarios recorded in the system. The actions are initiated by the system, not the employee, he explains.

Axelot relies on a high level of parameterization and visualization of settings in the WMS system. According to the company, such a system will allow you to cover most of the warehouse processes in its basic functionality, and additional functions - "enable" using settings. The high level of parameterization in WMS allows you to make personalized customization of the functionality for each specific warehouse. At the same time, the presence of visualization, which greatly simplifies work with the system, will be an incomparable plus. It allows you to display those settings that were made in terms of zoning, storage locations, zone types in visual view. This makes it possible, firstly, to evaluate whether the settings in the system coincide with what the company actually has in stock. The second feature of this toolkit is that this approach allows you to obtain information about the real geometric proportions in the warehouse.

Flexible integration capabilities play an important role in WMS systems. We are talking about interaction with other information systems, as well as with government services, such as, for example, Mercury, Honest Sign or various marketplaces. Algorithms are also being developed for easy integration of the warehouse management system with a variety of technological equipment for automatic cargo processing, maximum automation of work with goods in warehouses.

To improve the efficiency of WMS, solutions are offered in the field of voice dialing and control (Pick-by-Voice), Pick-to-Light and Put-to-Light selection and sorting systems. These technologies improve the performance and accuracy of order collection operations.

A number of developers consider the adaptability of the user interface promising. It can be easily customized and customized for individual projects.

The development of cloud WMS systems has remained a relevant technological trend for several years. This solution implementation allows you to launch at minimal cost and in the shortest possible time. However, due to the traditional shortcomings of the cloud model as a whole and the low customization capabilities, such systems are not suitable for everyone.

In light of the sanctions situation in 2022, the relevance of the import-independent stack on which the WMS system can operate has increased many times. Support for Linux-based operating systems and free DBMSs, primarily PostgreSQL, is now one of the clear advantages.

Another trend is the robotization of warehouses and industries. Thus, the Digital Warehouse solution developed at EME allows you to close warehouse and production equipment, corporate and transport systems into a single circuit.

It should be noted that such solutions are currently available only for large production and logistics companies that can afford projects with a payback of several years. Robots, automated selection systems, automatic pipelines operating under the control of a single system are real solutions of today, "says Vladimir Lykov, EME Customer Relations Director.

At the same time, according to Ivan Denisov, CEO of GTLogistics, robotization in a fully automated warehouse when working with expensive goods, for example, in large medical warehouses, can be cost-effective. In other cases, robots are used either pointwise, or their use is of an image nature.

Mass robotization in warehouses is still economically ineffective, especially in Russia, where the average level of wages is lower than European ones, while there is a problem with the economic efficiency of robotization even in Europe, he says.

2011: New and promising technologies in WMS


Warehouse automation experts differ in assessing the prospects for voice control technology (the so-called Pick-by-Voice). According to Alexander Edelmann, Director of the Logistics Department of PSI Logistics (PSI), Pick-by-Voice in the Russian market is one of the most dynamically developing technologies. "In 2010, we saw an increase in the number of requests received for this technology, and in turn, corresponding offers appeared on the market. The success of this technology is easy to explain - voice selection systems are very affordable and have significant potential for optimizing processes, "the expert noted.

At the same time, Ilya Luzhansky, a business analyst at Logistics at Ansoft, noted that companies that would like to use Pick-by-Voice or Pick-to-light technologies can today be "counted according to Maltsi." This is fashionable, but little justified in terms of return on investment, "he said. According to Ilya, in the near future there will be a deferred demand for WMS, which arose due to the crisis. It will be expressed in the implementation of solutions with optimal functionality and without excesses.

Pick to light is a paperless selection system based on equipment from European manufacturer Pick to light Systems. The system improves the efficiency of logistics processes in warehouse complexes and in distribution centers of any type, as well as in assembly production lines. Its main components are light modules: they are located near each storage cell, integrate with the WMS system and control the work of collectors, assigning specific tasks for operations.


If the disagreement over the new Pick-by-Voice technology is quite understandable by its short existence in the practice of automation, then in relation to the technology (RFID) that has been trying to break its way radio frequency tags for a long time, all experts are in solidarity - expensive and unpromising. "For the mass market, the technology is still expensive," said the "'Dmitry Kunyashev'" project coordinator of the Logistics direction. " In KORUS Consulting general, the name price slows down the widespread development of RFID both in the Russian and world markets. So already leading consulting companies, such as, Gartner Forrester issue RFID "yellow card."

Mobile technologies

Mobility permeates all areas of business application automation, and warehouse management is no exception. Igor Sidorenko, commercial director of Bukhta, believes that the use of cheaper mobile devices in automation of small warehouses is "especially promising." Traditional full-featured TCD (terminals of collecting data) cost about 1.5-2 thousand euros per unit. "For large companies, this is quite acceptable and reasonable. But for warehouses with an area of ​ ​ less than 2-3 thousand square meters. meters it is much more profitable to use devices worth about 300-500 euros, "he explained.

Two-dimensional barcoding

Evgenia Vykhodtseva, Commercial Director of ISolutions, believes that in the near future there will be a demand for two-dimensional bar coding technology, which allows you to encode much more information than widespread linear EAN-13 codes. "In logistics, the technologies that will allow to reduce the time for the acceptance/shipment of goods, the processing of pallets and so on will always be promising," said Evgenia.

Integration with other systems

By itself, the integration of WMS with other business systems is not news to the market, but recently it has appeared in new angles. If traditionally WMS is integrated with accounting programs and ERP solutions, now consolidated solutions for trading enterprises that also provide responsible storage services have also become relevant. This is due to the desire of companies to diversify and optimize their business, which gives them additional opportunities to generate stable income. The integration of WMS into larger complexes that support supply chain activities is also relevant.

Robotic warehouses

Fully robotic warehouses (not involving human labor) are also a very interesting approach to warehouse automation, but understandably niche. The use of such an approach is justified in cases where it is necessary to mitigate the influence of the human factor, for example, when storing harmful or easily spoiled products.

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