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2024/06/12 07:23:30

Northern Russia



Main article: History of Russia

2nd century: hatched ceramics in the Novgorod settlement

Rurikovo Settlement 1 of the early metal - early Iron Age era has a cultural layer with shaded ceramics dating back to the first centuries of the new [1]

III century: The unsupported site of Finno-Ugric fishermen on the site of the future Lyubsha

More detailed information about the settlement in Lyubsha, available to Ryabinin and Chernov, was interpreted by them as the presence of traces of an uncoupled site of Finno-Ugric fishermen on the site of a settlement since the III century.

4th century: Way from Sweden through Ladoga in the Urals

There was an ancient route from Sweden through Ladoga in the Urals. It functioned intensively in the second half of the IV - the first half of the VI [2] Ladogee County was obviously a station along the way.


Settlement by Slavic tribes of Priilmenye

According to V.V. Sedov, the settlement by the Slavic tribes of Priilmenye took place in the VI-VII centuries.

On the site of the future fortress of Lyubshi there is a wooden fortification of the Finno-Ugric tribes

At the turn of the VI-VII centuries, on the site of the future stone fortress in Lyubsha, the strengthening of the Finno-Ugric tribes appeared and functioned. It was a wooden prison, fortified with a rear on the shaft. Nevolin belts and some other incidental finds indicate that the settlement was included in the contact system between Prikamye, South Ladoga , Finland and Central Sweden.

Nevolin culture is an archaeological culture of the era of the Great Migration of Peoples and the beginning of the Middle Ages in the main part of the river basin. Sylva. Kungur district Perm Territory. Verkh-Sainsky burial ground: 1 - reconstruction of the Nevolin-type women's belt; 2 - details of the men's belt of the 8th century. Collection of Udmurt State University (Izhevsk)

The discovery of this early settlement further testifies in favor of the fact that contacts with the Scandinavians were started by the Finno-Ugric population - Perm, weight, miracle and soul, and the Slavs joined them later.

Languages spoken in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East in 600g (as of 2021)

650: The unsupported settlement of Aldeigjuborg of immigrants from the island of Gotland on the site of the future Ladoga

Around 753, 2 km from the prison of Lyubsha higher along Volkhov, on the other side there was already a Scandinavian (presumably founded by immigrants from the island of Gotland) unsecured settlement - the future Ladoga. Other sources mention that the advance of immigrants from the Åland Islands to Ladoga began in the Vendel period (550-793).

Russian scientists determined this date from a saw from the wooden structure of the Earthen settlement by the method of dendrochronology. However, later experts drew attention to new studies of archaeological finds in the radiocarbon laboratory of the RSPU: they showed that the formation of the settlement began earlier.

"The settlement of the southern section of the Earthen settlement began no later than the middle of the 7th century. Wooden structures have not been preserved there, unlike the western section, so it is not possible to conduct dendrochronological research and set an exact date, "said Marianna Kulkova, associate professor of the Department of Geology and Geoecology of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen in April 2023[3].

Work on radiocarbon dating of archaeological finds was carried out by the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen in the framework of cooperation between the university and the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The Scandinavians who settled in Ladoga, who made up here, "probably a relatively independent political organization" (Lebedev 1975. P. 41), created the toponym Aldeigja, and then gave the city the name Aldeigjuborg (Aldeigyuborg), in accordance with the familiar toponymic model X-borg.

From the Finnish name of the Ladoga River (modern: Ladozhki) came the Scandinavian toponym Aldeigja (most likely, first as the name of the river, and then - settlements), and from it (with metathesis ald > lad) - Old Russian Ladoga[4].

Russia was included in the system of Norse mythology and was described as the possession of one of the sons of Odin, from whom came the dynasty of "Russian kings" who lived long before the arrival of Rurik.

In the Scandinavian legend "about ancient times," in the "Saga of Herver," the ancient dynasty of the Jarls Aldeigyuborg (Ladoga) and Holmgard (probably Prednovgorod, Novgorod settlement) is noted. The son of the supreme god Odin Sigrlami reigned within Gardarika. His successor Swafrlami, according to the saga mentioned, became the first owner of the conspired sword of Turfing, who delivered victory in battles to his owner. The robber Arngrim took possession of the sword. His sons were friends with Jarl Aldeigyuborg Bjartmar. Angantiur, one of the sons of Arngrim, married the daughter of Ladoga Jarla Swafa. Their daughter was brought up in Aldeigjuborg, and she managed to get the coveted sword. She became very strong, constantly exercising in javelin throwing, archery and sword possession. She then gave Turfing to her son, the great hero Haydrick.

The "Saga of Herver" was recorded in the late XIII - early XIV centuries. It was compiled by two Icelanders in the second half of the 10th century and tells about the events of about the V-VI centuries. Whether the saga concludes a historical grain, it is difficult to judge [5].

700: Ilmen Slovenes destroy wooden fortifications of Finno-Ugric and erect stone-earthen Lyubshan fortress

The destruction of the Finno-Ugric fortification in Lyubsha probably dates from the beginning of the VIII century. The destruction of the Finno-Ugric settlement in the VIII century was recorded by Ryabinin and Chernov as catastrophic - the prison was burned, presumably as a result of a conflict with the Ilmen Slovens that appeared in the region, which Ryabinin considered carriers of the culture of long [6]..

At the beginning of the VIII century, a stone-earthen Lyubshan fortress was built on the site of the Finnish prison, the origins of the fortification traditions of which date back to the Slavs of Central Europe.

Thus, this monument precedes the appearance of development on the Staroladozhsky Zemlyanoy settlement in the middle of the VIII century. The nature of the finds and the cultural layer allows its population to be attributed to Slavs of Central European origin, who had a connection with the Western Slavs of the Baltic Pomerania, the Slavs and Kriviks of the Upper Dnieper region, and with the remote Slavic lands of Podunavye.

800: Town of Ilmen Slovenes in Novgorod settlement

At the Blagoveshchensky excavation of the Novgorod settlement, developed on the site of the Annunciation Church, under the oldest fortification (under the Gorodishchensky rampart, fortified with log log log cuttings), archaeologists found a cultural layer of a small town of Ilmen Slovenes with Slavic stucco ceramics and traces of fire. The layer dates from the VIII - the first half of the 9th century.

Excavations on Novgorod Gorodishche/Vladimir Bogdanov

854: Slovene, Krivichi, Merya and Chud pay tribute to the Varangians

In the Novgorod first chronicle, under 854, it is said: "In the times of Kiyev and Schek and Khoriv Novgorodsty, people, the recomes of Sloveni, and Krivitsi and Merya: Slovenѣ their volost imѣli, and Krivitsi their own, and Measure their own; the owner of his family; and Chyud is his own kind; and a tribute to Dayah Varyagom from her husband by bѣlѣi vѣveritsi; and the same biahu with them, then the violence dѣyakhu Slovenom, Krivichem and Meryam and Chyudi. "

859: Payment of tribute to the Varangians from miracles, Slovenes, Meri, Vesi and Krivichs

According to Russian chronicles, in the middle of the 9th century, Slavic tribes of Slovenes, Krivichi and Finnish tribes of miracle, mary and vesi paid tribute to the Varangians who came from across the sea, possibly Varyazhsky (Baltic). According to the Tale of Bygone Years: "In lѣto 6367 [859]. Imakh's tribute to the Varyaz, coming from the castle, to the Chudi, and to the slovѣnekh, and to the Meryakh and to the vsѣkh, Krivichakh. "


Expulsion of the Varangians and the beginning of conflicts between tribes

In 862, the tribes of Slovenes, Chudi, Krivichi, Meri and Vesi expelled the Varangians and began to rule themselves. After that, strife began between them. "A Tale of Bygone Years": "In lѣto 6370 [862]. And I drove the Varangians beyond the sea, and I did not give them tribute, and hourly myself in sobѣ volodѣti. And I do not bѣ in them the truth, and I will give birth to the family, and the former usobitsѣ in them, and fight yourself on an hourly basis. "

The Novgorod first chronicle: "Both Slovenѣ and Krivitsi and Merya and Chyud on Varyaga, and I went beyond the sea; and now vladѣti sobѣ and cities themselves put. And they themselves entered the battle, and the speed between them and the army is great and strife, and they entered the hail into the hail, and did not bѣshe in them the truth. "

Rurik's calling to resume the Varangian trade route to the south

According to the Russian annals, Slovenia, along with the Kriviks and Finno-Ugric tribes, Miri, Meri, as well as, possibly, Vesi, participated in the calling of the Varangians, led by Rurik, to reign in Ladoga or Novgorod and other cities in 862.

According to the "Tale of Bygone Years": In the year 6370 [862 according to the modern chronology]... We went over the sea to the Varangians, to Russia. Those Varangians were called Russian, as others are called Swedes, and others are called Normans and Angles, and other Goths are like this. They told Russia chud, Slovene, Krivichi and all: "Our land is large and abundant, but there is no order in it. Come to reign and own us. " And three brothers with their childbirth were elected, and they took all Russia with them, and came primarily to the Slovenes. And they put the city of Ladoga. And the eldest sat down, Rurik, in Ladoga, and the other - Sineus, - on White Lake, and the third, Truvor, - in Izborsk. And from those Varangians, the Russian land was nicknamed.

According to E. A. Melnikova and V. Ya. Petrukhin, the legend of the calling of the Varangians corresponds to the traditional folklore story about the origin of state power and the ruling dynasty, which can be traced among different peoples. So, there is a significant semantic coincidence of the annalistic vocation of the Varangians with an episode from the work "Acts of the Saxons" by Vidukind of Korwei, in which the Britons turn to three brothers-Saxons Lot, Urian and Angusel with a proposal to transfer power over themselves to them: "They are ready to hand over your power to an extensive, endless country replete with various benefits...."

V.T. Pashuto considered historically reliable at least the core of the narrative about the vocation of the Varangians and drew attention to the contractual terminology of the annalistic story: the Varangian princes were called to "volodet," "judge" ("row") by law, by a number, that is, by an agreement that determined the conditions for inviting the prince to take the throne.

The practice of concluding agreements between the leaders of Viking detachments and the local rulers of non-Scandinavian countries who hire them for service was widespread. Are known

  • the treaty of 878 in Wedmore between King Alfred Veliky of Wessex and the leader of the Danish Great Army Gutrum,
  • the 911 treaty in Saint-Clair-sur-Ept between the French king Charles III the Simple and the leader of the Norman detachment settled in the Seine valley, Hrolv (Rollon) and other similar agreements.

The result of the calling of the Varangian princes was the conclusion of an agreement (other Russian row) between them and the local tribal nobility (Slavic and Finnish). The content of the series corresponds to the later practice of resolving relations with the Varangians in Russia. This agreement also finds parallels in treaties that were later concluded between Russian princes and cities.

The Varangians invited to reign were limited by the conditions of "judge and row" "in a row by law," that is, to manage and decide the court in accordance with the norms of local law, legal custom. This restriction made the prince dependent on local society and stimulated the rapid integration of the Scandinavians into the East Slavic environment.

According to the BRE, "There is no reason not to trust this tradition, but the annalistic chronology of events (the expulsion of the Varangians, the vocation of Rurik, the vocation in Kyiv of Askold and Dir in 852, the death of Rurik in 879, the capture of Kyiv by Oleg in 882) is clearly conditional."

Interestingly, in the Lavrentievsky, Ipatievsky and Trinity lists of "Tales of Bygone Years," as well as in the Russian edition of the 13th century "Chronicler Soon" by Patriarch Nikifor, placed in the Novgorod Kormchy Book (1280), Russia is named among the tribes that invited the Varangians: "coming Russia, chud, Slovene, Krivichi to Varangian, deciding: our land is great and abundant" or as in the "Tale of Bygone Years": "deciding Russia, Chud, Sloveni and Krivichi."

According to G.V. Vernadsky, a community of Scandinavian merchants arose in the area of ​ ​ Lake Ilmen by the middle of the 9th century, which, thanks to its commercial activities, was in one way or another associated with the Russian Khaganate. The latter, according to the historian, was located at the mouth of the Kuban River on the Taman Peninsula. Vernadsky considered Staraya Russa to be the center of the northern "branch" of the Russian Khaganate. According to Vernadsky, in the vocation of the Varangians, according to the Ipatiev list of "Tales of Bygone Years" ("rkosha rus, chud, Slovene, and krivichi and all: our land is large and abundant, but there is no outfit in it: let you go to reign and volodit us") - members of the Swedish colony in Old Rus participate "under the name" rus ", mainly merchants trading with the Russian kaganate in the Azov region. Their goal in "calling the Varangians' was, first of all, to reopen the trade route to the south with the help of new groups of Scandinavians."

Wooden fortress of the Scandinavians on the Novgorod settlement

On the territory of the Settlement (the so-called Rurikov settlement), as a large administrative and trade and craft center, already in the ІKh century. there were princely choirs, residential buildings, a team, administrative and outbuildings, craft workshops.

The settlement was on the island, which gave it natural protection, and its central cape part was further fortified with a moat 4.5 m deep and up to 28 m wide, on the edge of which stood a fortress cut down from thick oak logs. Dendrochronological analysis of the spils from the wooden structures of the fortress gave the date of its construction in 862, which coincides with the annalistic date of the calling of the legendary prince Rurik.

The Novgorod settlement, like the settlements of Georgy and Sergov, the town on the Veryazh River, are actually fortified ship sites. The most similar to the early fortifications of the Novgorod settlement are the later fortifications on Starokievskaya [7].

From the Gorodishchensky hill, it was easy to control the passage of ships from Volkhov to Lake Ilmen. On the opposite bank of the Volkhov upstream of the Settlement were the Slavic pagan sanctuary Peryn and the village on the Prost River.

The collection of finds obtained from archaeological research allowed scientists to conclude that along with everyday activities in agriculture, fishing, hunting, various crafts, priority activities of its inhabitants were trade, craft and military affairs. The nature of material culture testifies to the multi-ethnic nature of the inhabitants of the princely residence, a significant part of which were immigrants from Scandinavia, who were among the princely vigilantes, traders, artisans and partially lived families.

A diverse assortment of imported goods and jewelry found during excavations demonstrates a wide range of trade relations between the inhabitants of the Settlement: eastern and Byzantine coins, crystal, carnelian beads, glass vessels, precious metal products, rare delicacies (walnuts, peaches, almonds) delivered from southern countries; Finno-Ugric things from the Perm Territory, the Middle Volga Region and the Baltic States, Frisian ridges, steatite objects, weapons and jewelry from Scandinavia and Western Europe.

Tamgi Rurikovich

Family signs of the Rurikovich, Tamgi, appear in the first representatives of the ruling dynasty.

Tamgi Rurikovich

Artisans marked them with various objects: coins, seals, rings, pendants and even stones. Princely coats of arms were required to wear tyuns (princely or boyar governors) and vigilantes. Unlike Western European noble coats of arms, these heraldic elements had not generic, but personal significance. Each prince had his own coat of arms, which evidently represented his authority.

In general, all signs on the coats of arms of ancient Russian princes are similar. They are a figure resembling an inverted letter "P," often with an additional process in the middle or below. If on the seals the princely emblems were depicted schematically, then on the coins they were ornamented: the drawing was complicated by crosses, curls, circles.

Double-toothed and trident tamgs were also characteristic of the Khazar culture (VIII-IX centuries AD). They appeared as decorations on the waist set, stamps on pottery, graffiti on stone blocks and bricks of fortresses. It is highly likely that the style of the emblems of the ancient Russian princes was taken from the Khazars. The Khazars at one time adopted a double-toothed sign from conquered pagan tribes, it was an image of a skull of cattle and was used as a charm over a dwelling or camp.

A.A. Molchanov in the article "Signs of the Rurikovich: Old Russian princely emblematic" came to the conclusion that trapezoidal pendants with princely emblems are similar to Scandinavian credentials designed to certify the official nature of the mission. Academician Valentin Yanin agrees with this conclusion, he suggested that the pendants with the signs of the Rurikovich inscribed on them belonged to the Virniki - representatives of the princely administration, who collected court duties and fines.

Princes before Vladimir (Igor, Svyatoslav, Yaropolk), according to archaeologist Sergei Beletsky, used two-teeth. But after the reign of Vladimir, signs in the form of a trident dominated for seven generations. True, then, from about the XII century, double-toothed figures began to prevail again.

879: Death of Rurik

In 879, Rurik died and Oleg began to reign in Novgorod as the guardian of his young son Igor.

882: Joining Kievan Rus'

Main article: Kievan Rus

In 882, Oleg came to Kyiv, killed the local rulers Askold and Dir and declared Kyiv the "mother of Russian cities," began to rule in it.

Novgorod and Leningrad Oblast


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