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2025/01/31 12:31:49

Personnel for unmanned aircraft systems


Unmanned aerial vehicles in Russia

Main article: Unmanned aerial vehicles in Russia


Moscow Mayor's Office allocated 1.7 billion rubles for the purchase of drones for schools

In September 2024, the Moscow authorities announced an auction for the purchase of unmanned aerial vehicles for the capital's schools and colleges. The total amount of the project is ₽1,7 billion, follows from the information posted on the public procurement portal. The purchase includes drone control training kits, FPV cameras, first-person quadcopter control helmets, navigation modules, repair kits and instructions for maintaining and firmware the devices. Read more here.

Russia released the first manual for studying drones in labor lessons

In September 2024, Russia presented the first textbook for the study of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in labor lessons. The manual, developed within the framework of the federal project "Personnel for ALS," is intended for students in grades 8-9 and is aimed at in-depth study of unmanned technologies in the Robotics"" module of the subject "Labor (technology)."

According to TASS, the manual, created in cooperation with the Geoskan Group of Companies, includes chapters on the classification and design of drones, the basics of manual piloting, modern trends and professions related to the world of unmanned systems. The introduction of such topics into the educational program reflects Russia's desire to develop personnel potential for the unmanned aircraft systems industry.

The first manual for studying drones in labor lessons was published in the Russian Federation

According to the newspaper, the author of the tutorial, Mikhail Lutsky, head of the educational projects department of the Geoskan Group of Companies, noted that the material was developed in such a way as to be available to schoolchildren with different levels of training. This helps students learn new skills with ease and navigate the fast-growing world of unmanned technology. The manual contributes to the formation in young people of an understanding of the importance of engineering professions, which is extremely important for the conscious choice of their further career path.

Today, most schools in Russia are equipped with modern educational equipment that allows you to organize classes on the study of drones at a high level. This textbook will be an important step in the popularization of engineering and technical disciplines among schoolchildren, - said Victoria Kopylova, vice president for publishing at Enlightenment JSC. According to her, the creation of educational materials in the field of unmanned technologies opens up new horizons for students and stimulates interest in science and technology.[1]

Deliveries of VR-simulators "Sky-22" for training UAV operators began in Russia

Multifunctional VR-simulators "Sky-22" for the training of operators of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) began to mass-enter military units and training centers of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. This became known on July 1, 2024. Read more here

In Russia, they developed and began to use a system for training FPV-drone operators for the needs of SVO. They are trained in just a month

In mid-May 2024, it became known that the Russian University of Sports "GTsOLIFK" developed and began to use a new system for training FPV drone operators (unmanned aerial vehicles with a camera that transmits video to virtual reality glasses or a pilot's helmet) for the needs of a special military operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Thanks to the proposed method, specialists study in less than a month. Read more here.

From the new academic year, 523 schools and 30 colleges in Russia will open circles for training in drone control

In 523 schools and 30 colleges, circles for training in drone control will be opened from the new school year. This was announced by a representative of the Ministry of Education at a meeting of the government commission for the development of unmanned aircraft systems (ALS), which took place on April 22, 2024.

We are talking about the opening of the so-called practical training centers for training in drone control. About 17 thousand drones and teachers will be purchased for educational institutions to organize training.

The federal educational program for drone control should be fully launched in schools and colleges of the country from September 1, 2024

Full readiness of the program should be ensured from September 1 [2024], when students begin the next academic year. To do this, it is necessary to launch the program from July [2024], - said First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov.

According to him, educational institutions should not only be equipped with drones, but also have appropriate sites for training flights. The First Deputy Prime Minister noted that within the framework of the project, specialized classes, small and main flight zones, repair stations and 3D printing zones will be equipped in schools and colleges. 

In addition, as the press service of the Cabinet adds, Belousov instructed the Ministry of Education to further work with the Federal Air  Transport Agency on the issue of certification of prepared educational programs and teachers.

The school curriculum for grades 10-11 in primary military training has already included training in the basics of using drones. Within the framework of the "Fundamentals of Technical Training and Communications" module, schoolchildren will get an idea of ​ ​ the methods of combat use of drones and conducting terrain reconnaissance with them. In addition, students should know the "algorithm for countering enemy UAVs" and "perform practical actions to control UAVs."[2]

The Government of the Russian Federation launched a project for the training of specialists in the field of production and control of drones

In March 2024, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree on the launch in Russia of a pilot project to train specialists in the development and production of unmanned aerial vehicles. As the press service of the government clarifies, within the framework of this initiative, training programs in the field of unmanned systems will be developed, as well as test the mechanisms for training and certification of students on these programs.

The project, which will last until the end of 2029, is aimed at creating a system for continuous training of specialists in the development and production of drones, as well as the operation of aircraft weighing up to 30 kg. The developer of training courses will be the University of the National Technology Initiative 2035, on the basis of which this project will be carried out.

Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree on the launch in Russia of a pilot project to train specialists in the development and production of unmanned aerial vehicles

In addition, experts from the Aeronext Association of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Industry Enterprises and employees of the Agency for the Development of Professional Excellence (WorldSkills Russia) will take part in the development of the program.

Methodical support to "pilot" will be given by the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Education and Science and Minpromtorg. The Ministry of Transport will establish the procedure for conducting the exam, accreditation of the centers for conducting the exam, as well as monitoring the level of qualifications of specialists in the field of unmanned aircraft systems, valid during the implementation of the pilot project. At the end of the training, students will take qualification exams at the Russian University of Transport.

The press service of the Cabinet adds that the decree signed by Mishustin is necessary to fulfill the president's instructions. The list of instructions related to the development of unmanned aircraft systems was approved by the head of state Vladimir Putin in December 2022.

Government of the Russian Federation Resolution of March 21, 2024 No. 348


The Russian market for UAV management training services soared 87% to ₽0,46 billion over the year

At the end of January 2025, the Gidmarket analytical agency published data on an increase in the volume of educational services in the field of drone control by 87% in 2023 compared to 2022 - up to ₽0,46 billion.

The average annual growth rate of the market since 2019 was 98%. During this period, the market volume increased from ₽0,04 billion to ₽0,46 billion, demonstrating steady growth throughout the period.

Growth dynamics show a consistent increase: in 2020, the volume reached ₽0,06 billion with an increase of 66%, in 2021 - ₽0,11 billion with an increase of 84%, and in 2022 - ₽0,25 billion with a record growth of 125%.

The development of the market is driven by the growing demand for drone management specialists in agriculture. Drones are actively used to monitor crops, analyze soil, accurately apply fertilizers and map agricultural land.

The use of UAVs in the agricultural sector allows you to quickly assess the state of the fields, identify problem areas, collect data on soil composition, moisture level and nutrient content. Of particular importance is the possibility of accurate dosing of chemicals, which reduces their consumption and minimizes environmental impact.

Educational programs are focused on training specialists to solve specific problems in agriculture. The training includes practical drone control skills to create accurate field maps, crop planning and harvesting.

Thanks to state support and the development of educational programs, the Russian agricultural sector is actively introducing advanced technologies of unmanned aerial vehicles, which contributes to improving the efficiency of agricultural production.

Training programs focus on the environmental aspects of drone applications, including methods for spot application of agrochemicals to minimize their environmental impact.[3]

Mishustin allocated 8.3 billion rubles for school classes for drone classes

At the end of January 2024, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed an order that allocated more than 8.3 billion rubles to equip schools and colleges with equipment for studying and developing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The funds are intended for 30 regions of Russia.

According to TASS, citing a document signed by Mishustin, classes on the study and development of drones will be held as part of additional educational programs. More than 550 educational organizations will be equipped with subsidies. The rules for the provision of funding and the distribution of funds were approved by the Cabinet of Ministers in December 2023.

Mikhail Mishustin signed an order, which allocated more than 8.3 billion rubles to equip schools and colleges with equipment for classes in the study and development of UAVs

The government instructed the government to create a system for continuous training of specialists in the development, production and operation of unmanned aircraft systems at the Vladimir Putin end of 2022, the agency recalls.

Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko said that modules for teaching skills in the design, development, production and operation of drones will be included in 140 educational programs until 2030. By the beginning of 2024, 11 out of 30 advanced engineering schools have launched such educational programs and are conducting research and development on the topic "Unmanned Aircraft Systems." According to Chernyshenko, a number of Russian universities already have educational programs for drones, but they are planned to be scaled, given the rapid development of the industry.

In September 2023, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin held a stratification for the development of unmanned aircraft systems; it was tasked with almost doubling the volume of the Russian market for heavy and medium-sized vehicles in the next seven years. We have to not only form the industrial base and software, but also develop scientific and technological competencies. To do this, we will prepare engineering and design personnel. It is very important to attract young people, - concluded the Deputy Prime Minister.[4]

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation creates a digital register of personnel for unmanned aircraft systems

At the end of November 2023, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education announced the development of a digital register of unmanned aircraft systems personnel. The new system is designed to take into account the training of specialists who have mastered professional educational programs.

According to TASS, citing a statement by the Ministry of Education and Science, the project developed by the department to create a digital register of personnel for drones will help Russians get new skills in demand in the formats of basic vocational training programs or additional professional programs. It is also planned to take into account the needs of the industry and specific enterprises in specialists in the development, production and operation of unmanned aircraft systems.

The Ministry of Education and Science has developed a digital register of personnel of unmanned aviation systems

The Ministry of Education and Science has developed a draft decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the provision of a subsidy to the ANO "University of the National Technological Initiative 2035" for the training of professional personnel in the field of UAVs. The initiative is aimed at implementing the activities of the federal project "Personnel for unmanned aircraft systems," which is supervised by First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov.

In July 2023, the Ministry of Education and Science announced that in 2025 about 40 thousand students will study at universities in the field of unmanned aviation systems; in 2030, the number of such students should grow to 180 thousand people. At the same time, the ministry noted that educational modules within the framework of the planned federal project "Personnel for unmanned aircraft systems" will be developed and updated every year.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called the UAV industry "the most important area of ​ ​ the country's activity" and proposed to start teaching drone management in schools. According to the head of state, the volume of this industry can reach 1 trillion rubles.[5]

The study of the combat use of drones is being introduced in Russian schools

In mid-November 2023, the Ministry of Education issued an order to introduce a program for studying the combat use of drones in Russian schools. The agency named the goals of the initiative:

  • forming an idea of ​ ​ modern combined arms combat;
  • understanding of the possibilities of applying modern achievements of scientific and technical progress in modern combat conditions, including methods of combat use of UAVs.

The program is being introduced into a new school course on the basics of security and defense of the Motherland (in the past - "Fundamentals of Life Safety," life safety). Pupils, among other things, must also receive:

  • the idea "of ​ ​ the role of Russia in the modern world, threats of a military nature, the role of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in ensuring the protection of the state";
  • knowledge of the elements of initial military training and safety requirements in the handling of small arms;
  • the notion "of the value of safe behavior to the individual, society, state."

The Ministry of Education issued an order to introduce a program for studying the combat use of drones in Russian schools

The order makes "changes to the federal state educational standards of basic general education and secondary general education in terms of changing the name of the educational subject" Fundamentals of Life Safety "to the name" Fundamentals of Safety and Defense of the Motherland, " as well as adjustments to the requirements for subject results of mastering the subject "Fundamentals of security and defense of the Motherland" for students in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, "the explanatory note says.

In September 2023, Minister of Education Sergei Kravtsov previously said that high school students, among other things, will be taught how to counter unmanned aerial vehicles. Then the head of the Ministry of Education announced a professional retraining program for participants in hostilities.[6]

Russian schools began to teach drone control

From September 1, 2023, Russian schools began to teach drone control. Work in this area is being carried out within the framework of the approved federal project "Personnel for unmanned aircraft systems."

According to "Parlamentskaya Gazeta" with reference to the rector of the University of the National Technological Initiative 2035 Vadim Medvedev, it is assumed that by 2030 1.1 million children in 42.8 thousand schools and colleges will be trained in the development and operation of drones. And practical-oriented educational programs in the field of unmanned aircraft systems will appear in 70 universities. 65 thousand students will undergo training or retraining using state support measures to obtain competencies in the production and use of drones.

Russian schools began to teach drone control

In April 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed to start teaching how to control drones in schools. According to the Russian leader, such an "early career guidance" "will benefit the country," and will also distract children "from what would not have to be done."

I fully support the proposals made by our companies so that from school the guys can learn to control, assemble, design drones. I am sure, firstly, this will take the guys a useful and interesting business, distract from what would not have to be done; secondly, this so-called early career guidance will benefit the country in the end, "Putin said (quoted by TASS).

According to RIA Novosti, citing the deputy chairman of the Council for the Development of the Digital Economy under the Federation Council, Senator Artem Sheikin, the school program for drone control provides for the study of "types, purpose, tactical and technical characteristics and general structure, reconnaissance of the area and methods of ​ ​ countering enemy UAVs."[7]

The Government of the Russian Federation allocates 57.7 billion rubles for training personnel for the field of drones

The Russian government allocates 57.7 billion rubles for the training of drone specialists. This became known from the federal project "Personnel for unmanned aircraft systems" in mid-May 2023.

As Vedomosti writes with reference to this document, the indicated amount will go to train specialists in the development and use of drones in 2024-2030. It is expected that in 2024 alone, about 5.3 billion rubles of budget funds will be spent on this initiative.

57.7 billion rubles allocated for the training of drone specialists

According to the passport of the project "Personnel for unmanned aircraft systems," its main goal is to create a system for continuous training of specialists in the development, production and operation of unmanned aircraft systems and control over the level of qualification of such specialists. As a result, modules for unmanned aviation systems (ALS) should be developed and introduced into educational programs of general, secondary vocational and higher education.

The authors of the document expect that this will prepare at least 100,000 new workers for various areas of development and use of ALS in 2024, and by 2030 their number should grow to 1 million specialists.

One of the educational institutions training ALS operators within the framework of the project will be the Center for Unmanned Systems (CBS) in Tula. By mid-May 2023, representatives of units of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other law enforcement agencies are trained here. For six issues of cadets, the center has prepared 147 operators of unmanned aerial vehicles, said Maxim Sinyavsky, Deputy Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Tula Region.

In April 2023, the secretariat of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Andrei Belousov told reporters that the government had formed a national project for the development of unmanned air systems and would soon report to the president on the state of work. According to the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the RFVasiliya Shpathe RFVasiliya Shpak, a passport of the national project has been created, within the framework of which several federal projects are being formed. Two of them - "Stimulating demand for domestic ALS" and "Development, standardization and mass production of ALS and components" - are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.[8]
