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2022/07/29 12:48:31

Population of Belarus



The main articles are:


2020: Population decline of 6.9% over 30 years

2018: Population decline since 1989 by 6% to 9.5 million


2024: Number of Ukrainian refugees - less than 50,000


2021: Net population inflow in 4 years

Marriages and divorces

2018: Divorce rate - 54.6%

Процент разводов в countries of Europe in 2016-2018

Share of the population living in the capital

The share of the country's population living in the capital. Data at the end of 2018

Male-to-female ratio

According to 2018 data, Belarus has one of the highest shares of women in the population in the world
The ratio of men to women in Europe, according to the CIA for 2016


Proportion of residents under 14 years of age in Europe, 2018

Dominant haplogroup

Data for 2019

See also:

National and racial composition

Share of people born in Russia in the population of European countries, 2018


Data for 2020


Data for 2020
The country of birth of the largest group of foreigners in each of the countries of Europe. Data for 2018


The number of Jews in Europe in 1933 and 2015.


2020: Black population share 0.01%

Data for 2020


Распространение антисемитизма в countries Eastern Europe, 2017-2018 data


1903: Fyodor Makhnov - the tallest person in history - 285 cm

Fyodor Andreevich Makhnov was born on June 18 (6 according to the old style) in a poor peasant family on a farm, near the village of Kostyuki (now does not exist), Vitebsk district, Vitebsk province of the Russian Empire.

Until the age of 8, the boy almost did not differ in height from his peers, but then began to grow sharply. At the age of 12, Fyodor's height exceeded 2 meters, and he weighed about 100 kg, could easily raise adult men, heavy logs. The children laughed at him, and he, in revenge, took their hats and hung them on the skates of the roofs. When Fedor was 14 years old, his father had to raise ceilings in the house, as the teenager ceased to fit in it.

Since Fedor's family was poor, he had to start working early to feed himself. In 1894, 16-year-old Fyodor, whose height reached 254 cm and weight about 150 kg, was seen by German Otto Billender, who quickly realized that he could make good money on it. He signed a contract with Fedor, according to which he went to work with him in a circus in Germany, while in return Billender would provide the giant with clothes, food and pay salaries. The length of Fyodor Makhnov's foot was 51 cm, the length of the palm was 32 cm. At the age of 25, his height was 285 cm, and his weight was 182 kg.

The tallest person the light has ever seen is Fyodor Makhnov. His height was 285 cm with a weight of about 182 kg. 1900s.

After 9 years, Fedor was bored with working in a circus, and in 1903 he returned to his native land. Then Fyodor, with the money he earned while working in a circus, bought a house according to his height and healed at his pleasure. In the same year, he married teacher Efrosinya Lebedeva, whose growth according to some sources was 215 cm. She gave birth to Fedor five children, whose height did not exceed 2 meters.

Russian Giant and the highest registered person in the world - Theodore Andreevich Makhnov, a peasant from the Vitebsk province of Vitebsk district near the village of Kostyuki has breakfast in a hotel, German Empire, 1903.

Fyodor Andreevich died at the age of 34, presumably from lung disease, although there are other versions. Opinions were expressed that the giant was poisoned by rivals or envious, but no evidence was given for this. He was buried in a graveyard behind the village of Gorbachi.

In 1939, his ashes were exhumed for scientific research. But the coffin and the monument were left in the same form. On the obelisk you can still read: "Fedor Andreevich Makhnov. Born June 6, 1878. He died on September 10 (August 28, old style) in 1912. The tallest person in the world. The height was 3 arshins 9 tops. " 3 arshins of 9 vertices are 254 centimeters, this figure was taken from the contract of 16-year-old Fyodor. But after 16 years, Fyodor Makhnov continued to grow and, presumably, could add another 31 cm, reaching 285 cm. The giant's wife, Efrosinya, wanted to correct the indicators on the monument, but she was prevented by the outbreak of the First World War of 1914-1918, and then the revolution.


2023: Life expectancy - 75 years

Life expectancy in European countries in 2023


Number of drug deaths per million residents

Number of deaths from drug use between the ages of 15 and 64 per million inhabitants, 2018

Number of road deaths per 100,000 vehicles

The number of deaths on the roads per 100 thousand vehicles. Data for 2018

The annual number of suicides per 100 thousand inhabitants

The annual number of suicides per 100 thousand inhabitants in Europe. Data for Russia for 2013

2016: Number of deaths from opioid use disorders

Number of deaths from opioid use disorders per 100,000 people (2016)

2012: Male-female suicide ratio

How many times more likely are men to commit suicide than women in Europe, 2012