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2022/09/06 10:12:01

Population of Sweden



The main articles are:


2020: Population growth of 17.9% over 30 years

Male-to-female ratio

The ratio of men to women in Europe, according to the CIA for 2016

Birth rate

2023: The average age of a woman at the birth of her first child is 30 years

Data for 2023

2019: Average age of women at birth of first child is 29 years or older

EU Country Data - 2019 US Data - 2013

Number of children per woman

2022: Sweden among anti-leaders by number of childless women

The share of women born in 1970 without children in countries of the world as of 2023

2021: Fertility rate drops to 1.67 children per woman


Fertility rate in Europe 2019 UK data 2018

Children out of wedlock


As of 2018


Percentage of children living with unmarried parents in 2005 and 2014


2024: Number of Ukrainian refugees - less than 50,000


2021: Net population inflow in 4 years

Marriages and divorces

2018: Divorce rate - 49.1%

Процент разводов в countries of Europe in 2016-2018

Parents and children

2021: Proportion of young people living with their parents - 4.1%

The proportion of young people aged 25 to 34 living with their parents. As of 2021

2020: Average age when children start living apart from their parents - 17.5 years

At what age children begin to live separately from their parents, data for 2020


2018: Proportion of residents under 14 - 17.5%

Proportion of residents under 14 in European countries, 2018

Dominant haplogroup

Data for 2019

See also:

National and racial composition


The country of birth of the largest group of foreigners in each of the countries of Europe. Data for 2018


Share of people born in Russia in the population of European countries, 2018


The number of Jews in Europe in 1933 and 2015.


2020: Black population 3.09%

Data for 2020

Share of the population living in the capital

The share of the country's population living in the capital. Data at the end of 2018


2021:25% of adults out of wedlock used dating sites

Доля взрослых вне брака, которые пользовались сайтами знакомств в countries of the world in 2021

Welfare of citizens


$39 billionaires

The number of dollar billionaires in Europe in 2023

$5 million - the threshold for entering the number of 1% of the richest people in the country

According to data published in February 2024

Low level of the number of homeless people - 6 people per 10 thousand population


There are 467 thousand millionaires in the country

4,359 ultra-rich

Ultra high-net-worth individuals, UHNWI are individuals with a net worth of at least USD 30 million in 2018 dollars.

According to data available for June 2022.

2021: The richest 1% of citizens account for 27.3% of the country's wealth

Data for 2021


3rd place in the EU in terms of the size of financial assets of citizens

The 5 richest and 5 poorest EU countries. Financial assets per person in thousands of dollars (black), liabilities (blue), net financial assets (red)

6.5% of Swedes are undernourished


In Sweden - 32.3 billionaires per 10 million people

The number of dollar billionaires per 10 million people, as well as the total number of dollar billionaires in Europe in 2018

480 cars per 1000 people

For 2018


2021: Installing chips with COVID passports

The Swedish company Epicenter has developed microchips implanted under the skin with certificates of vaccination against the coronavirus COVID-19. This became known on December 19, 2021. Read more here.

2018:3 thousand residents implanted chips

In May 2018, it became known that since 2015, about 3 thousand residents of Sweden have implanted chips in themselves. Tiny chips, the size of rice grains, eliminate the need to carry contactless cards to open doors and identify themselves, and allow train tickets to be bought, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported.

Chips sewn under the skin contain information about the owner. For data transfer from the implant, Near Field Communication (NFC) technology is used, the same as is used for contactless payments.

Tiny chips, the size of rice grains, eliminate the need to carry contactless cards to open doors and identify themselves, and allow you to buy train tickets

Journalists talked with 28-year-old Ulrika Celsing, one of those 3 thousand Swedes who voluntarily became cyborgs or, as they are also called, biohackers.

The chip sewn into the hand replaces the girl with the keys to her office at the Mindshare media agency and a card to enter the gym for season ticket classes. Also, if needed, Ulrika can purchase a train ticket from Swedish railway company SJ, which accepts payment using microchips. Tickets are booked online, and in the carriage, the conductor scans the chip and registers passengers.

It was interesting to try something new and see how it could make life easier in the future, "the girl told AFP.[1]

It has long been a curiosity for Swedes to share their personal data. Citizens of the country provide information about themselves for registration with the national social insurance system and other state bodies. Perhaps this is partly why Sweden is more willing to master chipping technology than other countries, AFP notes.

According to Business Insider, about four years ago, the Swedish group Bionyfiken began holding "implantation parties" where chips are massively implanted into people. In an interview with the publication in 2015, Bionyfiken founder Hannes Sjöblad stated that the human body is the next big platform for technology adoption.[2]


Main article: Vision

2014:67% of the population wear glasses or lenses

2014 data


2023: Life expectancy - 83.6 years

Life expectancy in European countries in 2023

2022: Excess mortality due to COVID-19 - 4.4%

Data for 2020-2022

2020: Among the countries with the highest number of drug deaths per million people

Countries with the most drug-related deaths per million people aged 15 to 64


Number of drug deaths per million residents

Number of deaths from drug use between the ages of 15 and 64 per million residents, 2018

Number of road deaths per 100,000 vehicles

The number of deaths on the roads per 100 thousand vehicles. Data for 2018

The annual number of suicides per 100 thousand inhabitants

The annual number of suicides per 100 thousand inhabitants in Europe. Data for Russia for 2013

2016: Number of deaths from opioid use disorders

Opioid use disorder deaths per 100,000 people (2016)

2012: Male-female suicide ratio

How many times more often men commit suicide than women in Europe, 2012

See also