The range of estimates of the volume of the Russian blockchain technology market diverges, as does the idea of real companies in this segment. And yet, the most close to reality is seen an estimate of 1 billion rubles in 2017. At the same time, most experts agree that 2018 will be decisive for blockchain-based technologies.
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- Large number of pilot projects
In 2018, the blockchain is called one of the most breakthrough technologies. It helps shape new business models in various sectors of the economy, both for large companies and startups. The main consumer of blockchain technology is the financial sector. First of all, this is due to the growing needs of the business of this sector of the economy for increased protection of online payments, which can be achieved precisely with the help of decentralized technology. However, in the coming years, promising areas for blockchain, in addition to finance, will also be such industries as health care, insurance, retail, real estate, the music industry, etc.
Among the problems of blockchain use in Russia, domestic IT experts most often name four:
valign = "top" [[Blockchain | Blockchain]] in Russia and in the world is a sensational, but so far, mainly "pilot" technology. IT providers that have entered the market for such projects have a difficult time: there are no established practices, and customers themselves do not always understand when there is really a need for blockchain. In an interview with TAdviser, Alexei Smirnov, director of integration solutions at Krok, one of the first integrators in the blockchain market, shared his vision of the prospects for the development of this technology and spoke about projects in Russia and abroad that his company has already implemented. |
Despite the active discussion, blockchain technology is still very poorly implemented. Most projects have not yet reached the level when they can be called held, and are in the actual status of promising startups. This applies to both Russian and Western systems.
Masterchain is a Russian national blockchain network designed to transfer digital values and information about them between participants. It uses the code base of the Ethereum blockchain network, but at the same time it is finalized taking into account the requirements for Russian cryptography, the user identification process and the secure scaling process. |
Banks serve to securely store and transfer valuable assets. The blockchain, being protected by a digital registry, can perform these functions.
Blockchain in the Central Bank of Russia
Blockchain in Sberbank
In 2017, world spending on blockchain solutions amounted to $945 million. Such an assessment at the end of January 2018 was presented by analysts of the research company IDC as part of the forecast for investments in distributed ledger technology (DLT) for the period until 2021 (more...)
2018 Projects and Initiatives
Blockchain is a distributed database that stores information about all transactions of system participants in the form of a "chain of blocks" (this is how Blockchain translates from English). All blockchain users who act as a collective notary who confirms the truth of the information in the database have access to the registry. Blockchain can be used for financial transactions, user identification, creation of cybersecurity technologies, etc.
See also Blockchain
Main article: Blockchain
- Blockchain in Russia
- State policy on blockchain development in Russia
- Blockchain in Moscow
- Blockchain in the Central Bank of Russia
- Masters Central Bank of the Russian Federation
- Blockchain in Sberbank
- Distributed Registry Systems
- Review: Blockchain 2018
Blockchain in industries
- Blockchain in the IoT
- Smart Contracts
- Blockchain in banks
- Blockchain in the courts
- Blockchain in insurance
- Blockchain in banks in Russia
- Blockchain in Medicine
- Blockchain in construction
- Blockchain in the oil industry
- Blockchain in Energy
- Blockchain in art
- Blockchain in the defense sector
- Blockchain in the transport industry
Blockchain in the world
- Investment in blockchain
- Blockchain (world market)
- Blockchain (European market)
- Blockchain in China
- Blockchain in Malta
- The R3- R3 Consortium operates a consortium of more than 60 of the world's largest financial institutions to develop breakthrough commercial applications for the financial services industry that use relevant elements of distributed and common registry technologies.
- IPChain Intellectual Property and Rights Transaction Network
- Blockchain Fund
- Emercoin Consortium