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2023/10/20 13:38:39

Russian software and hardware complexes: a new round of development


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The concept of HSC (hardware-software complex) has long existed on the market. Today it is entering a new stage of evolution - it covers a separate segment of the IT market in Russia with its own conceptual apparatus, classifier and regulation. How do these changes affect the nature of the activities of PAC suppliers, customers of IT projects and the IT market of the Russian Federation itself, which is going through a difficult phase of its development? TAdviser has prepared an overview of the current state of the Russian PAC segment.

The concept of software and hardware has not only long been included in the lexicon of IT specialists. It is used in federal professional standards of IT specialists - it describes equipment with built-in software (firmware), for example, wireless headphones or any other gadget with a built-in operating system, which has both software and data cannot be changed by user means. In this case, the computer program and data included in the firmware are classified as software, and the hardware circuits containing the computer program and data are classified as hardware. And in the form of a software and hardware complex, this set of software and equipment on which it is executed is described in the state standard GOST R ISO/IEC 9126-93 "Information Technology. Evaluation of software products. Characteristics of quality and guidelines for their application. "

In November last year, the members of the association APKIT decided to create a special Council for PAC, which will deal with the development of software and hardware systems (PAC) in IT. In industries Russia support of this decision, on December 28, 2022, Resolution Governments of the Russian Federation No. 2461 "On Amending Government Decree of the Russian Federation No. 1236 of November 16, 2015 and invalidating certain provisions of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" was published, where Ministry of Digital Development the task was set to promptly create a classifier of software and hardware systems and rules for applying this classifier.

What is happening in the PAC IT market today? How is a new segment of the IT market formed?

The initiative to "legalize" PACS was announced back in 2021. According to the electronic development strategy industries RUSSIAN FEDERATION for the period until 2030, it is necessary to create a technological groundwork in the form of software and hardware complexes (PAK) that ensure implementation. end-to-end technologies The current tasks of introducing analytical and - ERP systems already require the use of hardware and software systems. At the same time, the incompatibility of domestic software and hardware with complex technological processes is most often the reason that customers prefer foreign solutions. More…

Interviews with experts
link=Статья:Виктор Урусов, Скала%5Eр: Мы предлагаем не просто ПАКи, а модульную платформу
link=Статья:Анатолий Вершинин, АТБ Электроника: Мы производим аппаратную часть для ответственных применений

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2461 of December 28, 2022 gives a detailed definition of PAC: a software and hardware complex is a set of technical and software tools that work together to perform one or more special tasks. In particular, PACS should be an electronic computer or a specialized electronic device, the functional and technical characteristics of which are determined exclusively by a set of software and hardware, and cannot be implemented during their separation. Read more about what the "hardware and software complex" implies here...

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation dated 31.01.2023 No. 62 "On the approval of the classifier of software and hardware systems and the rules for the use of the classifier of software and hardware systems (PAC)" in April, the department approved the corresponding classifier.

About a hundred PAC classes are grouped into 15 sections. More...

Current products
link=Продукт:Скала%5Eр Машины баз данных (МБД)
link=Статья:АТБ Электроника: производство российских базовых станций IIoT вышло на промышленный уровень
link=Статья:Программно-аппаратные комплексы Айдеко: защита информационных активов бизнеса
link=Статья:Российская аппаратная платформа АТБ-АТОМ-1 — надежная и доступная замена иностранных решений
link=Статья:Операционные системы Альт — фундамент 12 полностью российских ПАКов — рассказывает Базальт СПО?erid=LjN8K1hWj

The TAdviser analytical center has released a map "Russian software and hardware complexes," on which it noted the Russian developers of such solutions.

The map includes more than 300 domestic companies - developers of software and hardware systems (PAC) for various fields of application. During the preparation of the map, PACS were segmented into 31 categories in four main segments: PAC for high-load systems, functional PAC, automated workplaces and niche solutions.


The most important regulatory act regulating the use of PAKs at PACS facilities is the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On Measures to Ensure Technological Independence and Security of the Critical Information Infrastructure of the Russian Federation" No. 166 of March 30, 2022. He says that from March 31, 2022 customers (except for organizations with municipal participation), making purchases in accordance with No. 223-FZ, cannot purchase foreign software, including as part of software and hardware systems for use at significant objects of critical information infrastructure of Russia belonging to them. Even more important is another requirement of the decree - from January 1, 2025, state authorities, customers are prohibited from using foreign software on their significant critical information infrastructure facilities [1]More...

Judging by the product catalogs of Russian IT vendors, today there are many PACS of various orientations on the Russian market. True, there is no need to talk about high competition in this market segment yet. Moreover, even a deficit is noticeable at the moment.

Let's see further what the proposal of Russian PACS in the main areas of IT solutions looks like (as of 2023)...

According to the results of a study of import substitution processes at system-forming enterprises and organizations of critical information infrastructure (CII), published in January 2023 by the information security developer SearchInform, only 3% and 1.7% of companies, respectively, replaced foreign operating systems and DBMSs with domestic ones. The main difficulty of migration is the compatibility of new solutions with current software and equipment. Indeed, large companies have introduced a large number of various software, and for a successful transition to Russian products, it is necessary not only to replace system and infrastructure software, but also to finalize application solutions so that they work on domestic platforms. These problems solve PAC complexes well. More…

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