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2016/09/06 15:21:57

SRM: functional comparison of systems

Drawing up comparative tables which allow to estimate strong and weaknesses of software products in sale of these or those tools became a result of a research

The directory of CPM-solutions and projects is available on TAdviser



In September, 2016 TAdviser provided results of comparison of functionality of the most popular CPM systems presented at the domestic market.

In a research budgeting systems and the systems of consolidation were considered: Oracle Hyperion SAP BPC IBM Cognos TM1 + Controller"1C Management of holding", "Galaktika of CnP", "INTALEV: Corporate management". Comparison took place by such parameters as:

  • Support of large volume data / scalability
  • Integration with products of Microsoft
  • Speed of making changes in model
  • Hot Backup
  • Possibility of Drill Through before transaction
  • Possibilities of approval
  • Possibility of Ad-Hoc of the analysis
  • Access from mobile devices
  • Possibility of maintaining parallel hierarchies in one structure
  • The preconfigured possibility of multicurrency
  • Possibility of maintaining uniform reference books for different blocks / applications
  • Existence of means for data loading from external sources with verifiability of correctness, a meppingama and security
  • Existence of the preconfigured methods a consolidation / a possibility of creation own metodovo consolidations
  • The number of measurements in the application

It should be noted that all budgeting systems provided in comparison are supported by basic functions of the majority of planning processes, such as: "What-if analysis and extrapolation of data"; "Planning from top to down and from below-up"; Calculations of KPI; "Version control of budgets". For this reason they were not selected in a separate factor of comparison.

Similarly with the systems of consolidation - the solutions presented in comparison support the general for all basic functions: "Business acquisition/leaving accounting"; "Calculation of an effective share of ownership for indirect and counter possession"; "Data access via the MS Excel".

Besides, in a research the functionality of the systems of ABC was compared: SAS Cost and Profitability Management, Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management, SAP Profitability & Cost Management and "INTALEV: Corporate management". The following parameters were estimated:

  • Support of large volume data / scalability
  • Integration with products of Microsoft
  • Speed of making changes in model (whether interruption of service at making changes is required)
  • Complexity of change in model - a possibility of modification of model without IT
  • Restrictions on quantity analyst
  • Detailing with history logging on all stages of distribution
  • Calculation of cyclic allocations
  • Version control (Possibility of modeling)
  • Built-in integration tools
  • Possibility of Ad-Hoc of the analysis (or the forms only preconfigured)
  • Possibility of Drill Through to transaction

Drawing up comparative tables which allow to estimate strong and weaknesses of software products in sale of these or those tools became a result of a research

Budgeting system

CPM system / Functionality Oracle Hyperion SAP BPC IBM Cognos TM1 + Controller "1C Management of holding" Galaktika of CnP "INTALEV: Corporate management"
Support of large volume dannykh1/scalability Is supported the maximum amount of data The maximum amount of data Is supported average amount of data Is supported average amount of data Is supported average amount of data Is supported average amount of data is supported
Integration with products of Microsoft Integration into Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook Integration into Excel, Word, PowerPoint. Integration only into Excel MS Project (import of investment projects). The MS Excel (work with the budget by means of Add-on of setup) Integration only into Excel Integration into Excel, Word, Project, txt, Outlook. import of ODBC given using sources
Speed of making changes in model (whether interruption of service at making changes is required) Is required interruption of service during installation of changes in release Adding of new elements in a system does not require interruption of service Adding of new elements in a system does not require interruption of service Interruption of service during installation of changes in release Is required adding of new elements in a system does not require interruption of service interruption is not required
Hot Backup - whether is required interruption of service Limited access for the period of a backup Limited access for the period of a backup Limited access for the period of a backup Hot Backup Is supported it is not required (back up at the level of the SQL server) Hot Backup is supported
A possibility of Drill Through before transaction yes yes yes yes yes yes
Possibilities of approval (linear / array structure) Linear and array structure Only linear structure. Matrix only the linear structure is available by means of completion of the code. Matrix the linear and array structure Linear and array structure Linear and array structure is available by means of completion of the code
Possibility of Ad-Hoc of the analysis yes yes yes yes yes yes
Access from mobile devices Is available to andoird, and through web the browser Is available to iOs to andoird, and through web the browser Is available to iOs only to ipad and through web the browser Is available through web the browser Is available to andoird, and through web the browser Is available to iOs to andoird, ios and through web the browser
A possibility of maintaining parallel hierarchies in one structure yes yes yes yes yes yes
The preconfigured opportunity мультивалютностиДаДаНетДаДаДа
A possibility of maintaining uniform reference books for different блоков/приложенийДаДаДаДаДаДа
Existence of means for data loading from external sources with verifiability of correctness, a meppingama and security yes yes is not present yes yes yes

* All budgeting systems provided in comparison are supported by basic functions of the majority of planning processes, such as: "What-if analysis and extrapolation of data"; "Planning from top to down and from below-up"; Calculations of KPI; "Version control of budgets". For this reason they are not selected in a separate factor of comparison.

(1) - It is meant volumes of bases from 500 GB the maximum amount of data. At the same time the main conditions of support of bases of such volumes are the following criteria: lack of significant deterioration in performance; lack of need to create specialized solutions.

System of consolidation

CPM system / Functionality Oracle Hyperion SAP BPC IBM Cognos TM1 + Controller "1C Management of holding" Galaktika of CnP "INTALEV: Corporate management"
Support of large volume dannykh1/scalability (examples) Is supported the maximum amount of data The maximum amount of data Is supported average amount of data? Is supported average amount of data Is supported average amount of data Is supported average amount of data is supported
Integration with products of Microsoft Integration into Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook Integration into Excel, Word, PowerPoint. Integration only into Excel MS Project (import of investment projects), the MS Excel (work with the budget of posredst of Ad-on of setup) Integration only into Excel Integration into Excel, Word, Project, txt, Outlook. import of ODBC given using sources
Speed of making changes in model (whether interruption of service at making changes is required) Is required interruption of service during installation of changes in release Adding of new elements in a system does not require interruption of service Adding of new elements in a system does not require interruption of service Interruption is required if changes are made to metadata. Changes in the code and model can be applied "on the fly" Adding of new elements in a system does not require interruption of service Interruption is not required
Hot Backup - whether is required interruption of service Limited access for the period of a backup and restructuring Limited access for the period of a backup Limited access for the period of a backup It is not required (back up at the level of the SQL server) It is not required (back up at the level of the SQL server) It is not required (back up at the level of the SQL server)
A possibility of Drill Through to транзакцииПоддерживаетсяПоддерживаетсяПоддерживаетсяПоддерживаетсяПоддерживаетсяда
Possibilities of approval (linear / array structure) Linear and array structure Only linear structure. Matrix only the linear structure is available by means of completion of the code. Matrix the linear and array structure Linear and array structure Linear and array structure is available by means of completion of the code
Possibility of Ad-Hoc of the analysis yes yes yes yes yes yes
Access from mobile devices Is available to Android and iOS Is available to Android and iOS Is available only to iPad The browser Is available through web is available to Android and iOS The browser is available to Android, to IOS and through web
The possibility of maintaining parallel hierarchies in one structure including parallel structures of ownership is is is not present yes yes yes
Existence of the preconfigured methods a consolidation / a possibility of creation own metodovo consolidations yes are not present is not present yes is not present yes
The preconfigured opportunity мультивалютностиДаДаНетДаДаДа
The number of measurements in the application Is not limited 7 measurements with restriction on structure of 4 reference books No more 10th analyst Are not limited Not limited Not limited
A possibility of maintaining uniform reference books for different блоков/приложенийДаДаНетДаДаДа
Existence of means for data loading from external sources with verifiability of correctness and a meppingama yes yes is not present yes yes yes

* All systems of consolidation provided in comparison support basic functions, such as: "Business acquisition/leaving accounting"; "Calculation of an effective share of ownership for indirect and counter possession"; "Data access via the MS Excel". For this reason they are not selected in a separate factor of comparison.

(1) - It is meant volumes of bases from 500 GB the maximum amount of data. At the same time the main conditions of support of bases of such volumes are the following criteria: lack of significant deterioration in performance; lack of need to create specialized solutions.

System of ABC

CPM system / Functionality SAS Cost and Profitability Management Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management SAP Profitability & Cost Management "INTALEV: Corporate management"
Support of large volume data / scalability Is supported the maximum amount of data Badly scalable solution Supports large volumes of data. There are implementations in very large holdings. Average amount of data is supported
Integration with products of Microsoft Integration into Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook Integration into Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook Excel integration into Excel, Word, Project, txt, Outlook. import of ODBC given using sources
Speed of making changes in model (whether interruption of service at making changes is required) Changes are made very quickly, perhaps Demands change of technical settings without attraction of IT Changes are made very quickly, perhaps without attraction of IT It is not required
The complexity of change in model - a possibility of modification of model without IT The simple interface of setup by the user Is restrictions The simple interface of setup by the user Not difficult, there is an opportunity
There is no restriction on quantity the analyst there are restrictions There are restrictions No
Detailing with history logging on all stages of distribution yes is restrictions Detailing and storage is possible on additional an indicator Yes
Calculation of cyclic allocations yes is restrictions yes yes
Version control (Possibility of modeling) yes yes yes yes
Built-in integration tools yes yes yes yes
A possibility of Ad-Hoc of the analysis (or the forms only preconfigured) yes yes yes yes
A possibility of Drill Through to transaction yes yes yes yes


In January, 2014 the analytical agency TAdviser Report conducted a research on comparison of functionality of SRM of systems provided in Russia.

Within the research the following products were considered:

It should be noted that not all from the considered products represent "net" CPM therefore the functionality associated with the systems of this class was considered first of all. By determination of analysts of SRM (Corporate Performance Management) are performance management systems of the enterprise.

CPM systems represent a set of powerful opportunities of the multidimensional analysis  of BI, business planning and budgeting. Unlike  the ERP systems giving opportunities of operational management of business the circle of tasks of CPM includes strategic aspects of activity. However SRM the functionality can be implemented also within ERP systems (as, for example, in products of Galaktika, Microsoft, SAP).

In more detail about SRM read here.

Parameters of comparison of systems

The analytical center TAdviser conducted own research devoted to comparison of functionality of the key systems of the class CPM presented at the Russian market. 

Comparison of these systems was carried out on keyword parameters:

  • The supported OS and DBMS
  • Scalability
  • Integration with other information systems
  • Setup of budget structure
  • Planning of the budget
  • Control and analysis of budget implementation
  • Operational financial planning
  • Carrying out payments
  • Management of performance indicators
  • Setup and consolidation of the reporting
  • Industry solutions

Each system was estimated proceeding from the data provided by suppliers and also taking into account opinion of the customers using the studied functionality.

On the basis of the got GPAs final ranging of systems formed. It should be noted that owing to initially close level of development of functionality of the compared products results of a research did not detect big "lag" between positions in the created rating. The gap between the products which got into top four is practically absent: 73%, 72%, 72% and 71% of point respectively.

Image:CPM-системы в России TAdviser 2014 main.png

It is possible study the complete text of a research and the description of functionality of systems here.

According to the research TAdviser Report the greatest opportunities of scalability are offered by foreign products – IBM Cognos and SAP. At the same time at the last system certain restrictions on integration are noted (it is necessary to have the minimum basic set of SAP). On the other hand, a SAP product together with solution 1C are in the lead on the width of an industry scope. In terms of setup of budget structure the maximum points both at "net" SRM – Prestima, and at the product which is not belonging to the class SRM – 1C Consolidation 8. In the field of control and the analysis of budget implementation the products Oracle Hyperion EMR and Prestima are in the lead on points; in the field of management of performance indicators – IBM Cognos and Prestima.

Image:CPM research TAdviser 2014.png

The same data are presented below in a tabular style

In general it is possible to notice that some priority – proceeding from a comparison technique - received "net" SRM at assessment.

Main outputs

"Classical" SRM are presented at the Russian market today by a small amount of products which compete with the systems of other classes in a varying degree implementing similar functionality. According to sector border of SRM for the Russian customer remain a little indistinct so far and it is possible to speak about his insufficient maturity. However results of the research TAdviser Report allow to speak about considerable potential of demand for "net" SRM. Their penetration in the market, most likely, will extend as possibilities of their scalability, on the one hand, and also flexibility of setup and integration with other systems raise, on the other hand.

Comparison of functionality of CPM systems: Part 1

| align="left"|Oracle Hyperion EMP| align="left"|MS Dynamics AX
Product Podd OS and DBMS Masshtab-t Integr-ya with the IC Nastr byud-y structures Planir-e of the budget Control/analysis
65% 70% 70% 70% 70% 80%
IBM Cognos 65% 65% 60% 75% 65% 75%
Prestima 50% 60% 60% 80% 75% 80%
SAP (budgeting) 55% 70% 55% 75% 65% 75%
1C: Consolidation 8 60% 65% 50% 80% 65% 70%
25% 60% 55% 65% 65% 70%
Intalev of KM7 45% 55% 45% 65% 55% 65%
Galaktika ERP 40% 50% 60% 60% 50% 65%

Comparison of functionality of CPM systems: Part 2

| align="left"|Oracle Hyperion EMP| align="left"|MS Dynamics AX
Product To the opera financial-e plan Carrying out payments Upr-e eff-ta flows Setup and kons-I otch-t Industry solutions GPA
80% 75% 70% 80% 70%

| 73%

IBM Cognos 85% 75% 80% 80% 70%

| 72%

Prestima 85% 80% 80% 80% 60%

| 72%

SAP (budgeting) 80% 80% 75% 75% 75%

| 71%

1C: Consolidation 8 75% 70% 75% 70% 75%

| 69%

70% 70% 70% 70% 70%

| 63%

Intalev of KM7 70% 70% 70% 70% 70%

| 62%

Galaktika ERP 70% 65% 70% 65% 65%

| 60%

TAdviser, 2014

Download the complete table of comparison of functionality of CPM systems