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2017/06/05 15:44:10

Smart Traffic Light system

The Smart Traffic Light system is intended for capacity growth of intersections using dynamic management of traffic light signals. A system consists of controllers, cameras and remote motion sensors which in real time estimate load of intersections and transfer this information to the central server of management. Contact with the central server can be performed through a radiosreda or on optical lines of communication.


Principle of system operation "Smart traffic light". Source:

Further on the basis of indications of sensors the central server gives a command to controllers of traffic lights to turn on the red/green light so that as much as possible to reduce time of stay of cars at intersections. For example, if on one of the directions the high load is observed, to it green light lasts [1].

A system is capable to predict a transport situation for 15-30 minutes ahead and in advance to develop the effective management plan traffic. At emergence of road accident at intersections, this plan is automatically adjusted.

Depending on types of sensors, a system can consider a priority of public transport, emergency services and "special maintenance" before other participants of the movement. In case of failure traffic lights switch in a standalone mode of work, and intersections begin to be regulated by a traditional method. It allows to avoid traffic standstill at emergence of non-staff situations.

Key advantages

Transport traffic jams strongly influence public life of the modern cities. Labor productivity decreases, the logistics worsens. The population become negatively configured in relation to the city authorities. Many kilometers traffic jams lead to big losses of income. It is also useless the spent time of car owners, the fuel for nothing spent, increase in emission of harmful substances in the atmosphere.

According to the estimates of the American University of Carnegie-Mellon, because of traffic jams only the economy of the USA annually loses more than $120 billion. These losses are connected with inefficient use of labor resources and additional emission in the atmosphere about 25 billion kg of harmful substances. Scientists of the University counted that system implementation "Smart the traffic light" allows to reduce to drivers time for the road almost by 25%, and the time spent in traffic jams – more, than for 40%. As a result motorists have an opportunity to spend more time for useful things instead of for nothing standing idle in traffic jams. By estimates of researchers, smart traffic lights allow also almost to reduce amount of the harmful substances released into the atmosphere by 21%.

It should be noted that despite obvious advantages, smart traffic lights will not be able to solve a problem of traffic jams completely. The Smart Traffic Light system is capable to increase intersection performance only as much as possible. At the same time the city authorities all the same should broaden roads and to build difficult traffic intersections. According to the estimates of analysts, one city band is on average capable to service no more than 1800 cars per hour. And it provided that vehicles does not stop at intersections and do not face such obstacles as narrowing of the road, unsatisfactory quality of a roadbed, etc. As the number of cars steadily grows in our country, it is obvious that even at the maximum capacity of intersections, traffic jams will grow in large megalopolises if to be engaged only in implementation of the systems "Smart Traffic Light" and not to solve other road problems.

Situation in Russia and abroad

The first attempts of centralized operation by traffic lights were made in the USA and Canada in far 60th years of the last century. At the moment the Smart Traffic Light system everywhere is implemented in all developed Western countries (the USA, Great Britain, Denmark, etc.). In Copenhagen it is even going to install about 400 smart traffic lights which at intersections would give advantage to cyclists and public transport. For it it is going to allocate about $9 million budgetary funds. According to the estimates of the city authorities, the similar solution will allow cyclists and city transport to move across Copenhagen for 10 and 5-20% quicker respectively.

Among the main players of the market proposing specialized solutions for smart traffic lights it is possible to select IBM, SCOOT, SCATS, RHODES, UTOPIA, etc. In 2010 the IBM company was even going to make the patent which would allow to switch-off far off engines of the cars passing on red light.

In Russia the first smart traffic lights appeared in Moscow. Tests took place on pilot section 7.5 km long about 10 years ago. The sensors bred along roads controlled density of traffic flow and transferred this information to uniform command center which on the basis of the received indications optimized operation of traffic lights at intersections. For the beginning of 2015 a considerable part of capital traffic light objects was already connected to the automated control system for traffic (ACST). At the beginning of 2016 information on what trunk traffic lights in the capital began to control not only traffic density appeared. Weather conditions and road accident began to be considered also.

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