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Баннер в шапке 2
2011/03/22 11:36:10

Software Security (SW)

In March 2011, Echelon published a consolidated report on software security in Russia and the world for 2010. The report was the result of a unique study conducted by the company's experts, during which the reports of the largest foreign companies (IBM X-Force, Secunia, Veracode, etc.) and the practice of domestic laboratories engaged in security software research were analyzed.


The main conclusions that the experts came to:

  • The most popular system programming language in the world and in Russia remains C and C++. At the same time, Russia has a very large amount of code created in the Delphi - Object Pascal environment.
  • The most popular language for developing application systems is Java, and PHP web applications.
  • The most vulnerable were programs written in Perl, one of the most secure web applications is software products written in Java (using the Struts framework).

Experience in auditing and certification has shown that one of the main reasons for the emergence of vulnerabilities in the program code is the presence of shortcomings in the management system of the development process, as well as an average low qualification of programmers in the field of secure code development.

The largest number of vulnerable applications were created for the Linux platform, slightly less for Mac OS X (Apple). However, in terms of the time when critical vulnerabilities were eliminated, Microsoft OS applications became the undisputed leader, and Linux took the honorable second place.

Most often, vulnerabilities are born in India, which is not surprising due to the position of this country, which is the leader in outsourcing system development.

The report also noted a trend in the use of open source code in our country.

App security in the Google Play Store

Main article: App security in the Google Play Store


The report is available for download on the website of NPO Echelon CJSC.

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