State system of migration and registration accounting (GS Mir)
By its decree, the government distributed the powers of federal departments to create and develop a system of migration and registration accounting, as well as the manufacture, execution and control of circulation of identification documents and identity documents. The system was called "Mir." The FMS will be responsible for the civil segment of registration and issuance of passports, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications will deal with infrastructure and data backup, and the Ministry of Finance will reserve the reserved data center of the Ministry of Communications.
Development of Mir GS
2025: Ministry of Digital Development buys 52 Russian servers for Mir migration system
On March 12, 2025 Ministry of Digital Development RUSSIAN FEDERATION , it announced a tender for the purchase of 52 Russian servers equipped with domestic processors Elbrus v5, as well as a number of other hardware solutions. The total cost of the purchased equipment is 349.8 million. rubles
The servers are delivered as part of the development of the departmental segment of the state system of migration and registration accounting "Mir. It ensures the implementation of the state function in terms of migration policy, as well as control over the circulation of passport and visa documents of a new generation. "Mir" is a collection of information systems, their parts and (or) other technological, organizational and auxiliary elements combined into departmental segments.
As part of the announced tender, the Ministry of Digital Development buys systems of various types: database servers, application servers, network distributed storage servers, technological servers in various configurations and SGDS servers (guaranteed message delivery system). In addition, platforms for the production of CIPF (cryptographic information protection), SAN switches, data network switches and control network switches, KVM switches, as well as several types of patches are purchased.
Ministry of Digital Development is the operator of its own departmental segment of the Mir system. The purchase of additional equipment is necessary to maintain the platform in conditions of increased load.
Since 2017, our segment has switched to the use of free software and equipment of Russian companies. In particular, the servers work, among other things, on domestic Elbrus processors. Now the purchase is necessary due to an increase in information exchanges between participating departments. This will help ensure stable and fast operation of the segment, representatives of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development told CNews.[1] |
Rostelecom sued 294 million rubles from the Ministry of Digital Development of Digital Industry as part of the project of the migration accounting system
On August 19, 2024, it became known that the Arbitration Court Moscow recovered Ministry of Digital Development more than 294 million from the Russian Federation at rubles the suit "." Rostelecom The process is related to the project to create and maintain a migration and registration accounting system. "Mir" More. here
Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin appointed Rostelecom the only provider of communication services for the migration accounting system
At the end of July 2024 Michial Mishustin , an order signed by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation was published on the appointment of "" Rostelecom the only contractor Ministry of Digital Development Russia for the procurement of communication services carried out in 2023-2024 to ensure interdepartmental information and telecommunication interaction within the framework of state the migration and registration accounting system, as well as the manufacture, execution and control of the circulation of identity documents.
The relevant contracts, as follows from the document, should provide for the possibility of involving subcontractors, co-executors, however, the volume of obligations performed personally by PJSC Rostelecom should be at least 20% of the price of each contract. At the same time, the deadline for which contracts can be concluded is determined on December 31, 2024.
The state system of migration and registration records, as well as the manufacture, execution and control of the circulation of identity documents was created for the following purposes:
- improving and integrating state information resources used in the field of border and migration control, as well as in the fight against crime and terrorism, in the field of combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances;
- Improving the efficiency of control over compliance by foreign citizens and stateless persons with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- formation of complete, reliable and up-to-date information on the movements of Russian and foreign citizens, including the implementation of labor activities by foreign citizens, in order to assess the migration situation in the Russian Federation, develop and implement measures aimed at regulating migration processes.
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 24.07.2023 No. 1970-r
The Ministry of Digital Development will establish the Mir IT system for the exchange of data on migrants with Belarus
Ministry of Digital Development, communications and mass media Russia prepared a draft government decree aimed at organizing the exchange of information on migrants with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic Belarus through the migration accounting information system. "Mir" This became known on July 9, 2024.
According to Kommersant, this project is currently undergoing a stage of public discussion, which will last until July 19, 2024. The development of the project was carried out within the framework of an intergovernmental agreement between Russia and Belarus "on the mutual recognition of visas and on other issues related to the entry of foreign citizens and stateless persons on the territory of states."
According to the text of the agreement, the Belarusian Ministry of Internal Affairs will have access to information on issued and canceled permits for entry and stay, as well as on crossing the borders of Russia and Belarus at checkpoints. The implementation of this project will not require additional expenses from the federal budget, since financing is planned to be carried out at the expense of funds allocated for the Digital Economy program.
The only executor of Ministry of Digital Development purchases under this agreement, according to the order of the Russian government of July 24, 2023, is Rostelecom. The state system of migration registration "Mir" was created in 2015 with the aim of combating illegal migration and combines two information systems: the manufacture, registration and control of new generation passport and visa documents, as well as migration registration.
An intergovernmental agreement on the mutual recognition of visas between Russia and Belarus was signed in Minsk on June 19, 2020. According to this document, foreign citizens who have received a visa from one of the countries will be able to cross the border of another country without the need for an additional visa.[2]
2023: Russian Processor Usage
In early July 2023, it became known about the decision Ministry of Digital Development to equip the migration and registration accounting system "Mir" with equipment on Russian processors. We are talking about the use of servers built on chips "."Elbrus
According to CNews, the Ministry of Digital Development intends to modernize its segment of the Mir platform in 2023 - after about a three-year break. On the basis of this system, identity documents are issued: this is, in particular, a passport of a citizen of Russia, a passport, a document of a foreign citizen, a refugee certificate, etc. It is assumed that in the future the platform will be used to issue electronic passports of Russians.
To develop the Mir system, the department announced a tender for the supply of equipment in the format of an electronic auction. The initial contract price is 92.2 million rubles. Obligations under the contract must be fulfilled by October 12, 2023 inclusive. The winner of the auction will have to provide 17 servers based on Elbrus processors, which are being developed by ICST.
It follows from the tender technical assignment that the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development expects to purchase three types of servers: they must contain from one to four Elbrus processors with eight computing cores. Market participants believe that Elbrus-8CV chips, which have been mass-produced since 2020, will be used in these computers. They combine eight cores of the fifth generation Elbrus architecture with a clock speed of up to 1500 MHz. The Ministry of Digital Development noted that in the future the Mir platform will also develop using domestic chips.
The architecture was adapted for the use of Elbrus, and support for domestic manufacturers is a priority for us, the department said.[3] |
2022: Research Institute "Voskhod" received a contract from the Ministry of Digital Development Science for the development of the state system of migration and registration accounting
On February 2, 2022, it became known that the Russian authorities began adapting the Mir state system for electronic passports, which provides migration and registration records, as well as the production, registration and control of the circulation of documents certifying the identity of citizens. Read more here.
Regulatory framework
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed Decree No. 813 on the creation of a state system of migration and registration accounting on August 6, 2015[4].
Full name: The state system of migration and registration registration, as well as the manufacture, execution and control of the circulation of identification documents and identity documents (Mir PA).
Authorization Allocation
- The Federal Migration Service coordinates the interaction and activities of federal executive bodies and organizations within the framework of the Mir system, and also performs the functions of the operator of its departmental segment;
- The Ministry of Communications forms and ensures the implementation of a unified technical policy, provides information and telecommunication interaction within the framework of the Mir system, including using the data transmission network of authorities, and also performs the functions of the operator of its departmental segment;
- The Ministry of Industry and Trade organizes the development and production of integrated circuits for documents;
- The Federal Security Service is responsible for ensuring the information security of the Mir system using cryptographic information protection tools, including ensuring the information security of elements of the departmental segment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs located outside the Russian Federation, and also performs the functions of the operator of its departmental segment (with the exception of the functions assigned to the Federal Agency for the Arrangement of the State Border);
- The Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border performs the functions of the state customer to create a departmental segment of the Federal Security Service in terms of ensuring the control of identity documents during border control;
- The Federal Service for Technical and Export Control ensures safety (non-cryptographic methods) of information processed in the Mir system by establishing and improving requirements for information security, certification of information protection tools, consideration and approval of design and operational documentation newly created (modernized) elements of the Mir system, control over the performance of work on the certification of such elements, as well as the effectiveness of the measures taken to protect information within the framework of the powers determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- The Ministry of Finance ensures the production and (or) personalization of document forms, as well as performs the functions of the operator of its departmental segment;
- The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense and the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport perform the functions of an operator of their departmental segments.
Departmental segments
FMS - registration and issuance of civil passports
Departmental segment of the Federal Migration Service performs the following functions:
- automation of mechanisms for the collection, storage, processing, distribution and analysis of information in the field of migration and registration records, the execution and issuance of identity documents, in particular, ensuring automated control over the issuance of identity documents, including those containing an electronic storage medium, as well as in the field of registration and issuance of visas;
- automation of information support processes for various migration programs and monitoring of their effectiveness;
- ensuring the provision of public services and the execution of state functions, ensuring interdepartmental cooperation in the field of migration and registration, issuing and issuing identity documents, as well as issuing and issuing visas;
- providing interested federal executive authorities with information from the unified information system of the Federal Migration Service necessary for border and migration control, including information on identity documents containing biometric and personal data of their owners, as well as lists of persons to whom the right to leave the Russian Federation is limited in accordance with the established procedure;
- ensuring the possibility of information exchange in the process of interstate cooperation of law enforcement agencies in the fight against illegal migration, crime and terrorism.
Ministry of Internal Affairs - data verification
The departmental segment of the Ministry of the Interior performs the following functions:
- automation of the processes of receiving and processing interdepartmental requests, as well as the provision of information from the relevant information resources of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the results of inspections when issuing and issuing identity documents of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- creation of analytical reports.
MFA - registration and issuance of passports to diplomats, registration of visas
The departmental segment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs performs the following functions:
- ensuring the registration and issuance by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of foreign passports containing an electronic storage medium;
- ensuring the issuance and issuance of diplomatic passports containing an electronic storage medium;
- providing registration and issuance of service passports containing an electronic storage medium;
- providing participants of the Mir system with information on the registration and issuance of visas.
The departmental segment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation consists of the federal data processing center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and geographically distributed information resources under the jurisdiction of diplomatic missions and consular institutions of the Russian Federation outside its borders, engaged in the issuance and issuance of foreign passports with an electronic storage medium.
Ministry of Defense - registration and issuance of passports to military personnel
The departmental segment of the Department of Defense performs the following functions:
- ensuring the registration, issuance and control of the circulation of passports of military personnel and persons of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, service and diplomatic passports of military personnel, persons of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and members of their families by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- automated collection, storage, processing and transmission of information collected during personal registration of military personnel and persons of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
- monitoring the state of the software and hardware complexes of the regional data centers of the Ministry of Defense.
The departmental segment of the Department of Defense includes the following technological and organizational elements:
- software and hardware complex of the federal data processing center of the Ministry of Defense;
- software and hardware complexes of questionnaire reception points and issuance of passports of regional data processing centers of the Ministry of Defense.
Rosmorrechflot - registration and issuance of passports to sailors
The departmental segment of the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport is designed for comprehensive automation, information and technological support of processes for issuing, issuing and controlling the circulation of sailor's identity cards in the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport and its subordinate institutions.
The departmental segment performs the following functions:
- ensuring the registration, issuance and control of the appeal of the identity of the sailor;
- maintaining a national electronic database containing information on the identity cards of the sailor issued in the Russian Federation;
- enabling a sailor's ID holder to access their personal data contained in the database;
- To ensure the functioning of a coordination centre for the processing of requests from immigration and other competent authorities of foreign States for the verification of the authenticity and/or validity of the seafarer's identity cards issued.
The departmental segment includes the following process and organizational elements:
- points for issuing, issuing and controlling the circulation of sailor's identity cards;
- a federal data center of said departmental segment;
- a backup federal data center of said departmental segment;
- departmental segment operations management center.
FSB - border control
The departmental segment of the Federal Security Service performs the following functions:
- information support and automation of the processes of conducting inspections when issuing and issuing identity documents in terms of the competence of the FSB;
- ensuring the maintenance of information resources containing information on the intersection of the state border of the Russian Federation by Russian, foreign citizens and stateless persons at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation;
- analytical processing of information received during border control of persons traveling across the state border of the Russian Federation, as well as the formation of statistical reports;
- ensuring the possibility of entering information into the information resources of the FSB at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation;
- ensuring the possibility of automated verification of documents during border control using specialized software and hardware;
- enabling automated visa verification using specialized software and hardware;
- ensuring the fulfillment of special tasks in the field of border, immigration and other types of control.
Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications - JSC and Software Management, Redundant Data Center
The departmental segment of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media is a set of software and hardware and other elements that make up a single information technology infrastructure Mir system, and performs the following functions:
- managing the lifecycle of electronic signature verification key certificates used in information interaction of departmental segments with each other, as well as providing authentication and authorization of Mir system participants using these certificates;
- ensuring the integrity of information messages transmitted in the Mir system;
- ensuring the integrity of data placed on the electronic storage medium of identity documents, including through the use of cryptographic protection means (subject to agreement with the federal executive authorities authorized to execute and issue relevant identity documents);
- ensuring uninterrupted functioning of the Mir system through technological and anti-crisis management, including by:
monitoring the processes of information interaction between the participants of the Mir system, providing remote diagnostics, updating and managing the hardware and software of departmental segments (in agreement with the operators of such departmental segments);
reservation of information resources located in the federal data processing centers of the Mir system participants (in agreement with the operators of such departmental segments);
creation, development and operation of software and hardware systems designed to test the processes of information interaction of departmental segments;
- providing conditions for authorized access to information posted on an electronic storage medium in identity documents;
- ensuring information interaction of departmental segments with each other, as well as information interaction of departmental segments with other information systems by using an interdepartmental redundant data processing center;
- monitoring of security events, centralized management and maintenance of computer attack detection and antivirus protection tools, organization of functioning of additional mechanisms for protection of extended biometric personal data of identity document holders, creation (management) of cryptographic keys used in information interaction of departmental segments with each other;
- provision of possibility of centralized technical support of users, full-time and remote training and retraining of personnel, development and distribution of reference, methodological and educational materials and manuals within the "Mir" system.
The departmental segment of the Ministry of Communications includes the following organizational, technological and auxiliary elements:
- cryptographic protection body;
- the head certification center of the Mir system;
- certification center of emission and control based on Russian cryptographic algorithms;
- certifying the center of emission and control based on international cryptographic algorithms;
- Russian Inspection Center for Advanced Access Control Infrastructure;
- center for technological support and crisis management;
- a multi-agency redundant data center;
- "Mir" system training center;
- distributed stand of the Mir system.
Ministry of Finance - forms, reservation of a redundant data center
The departmental segment of the Ministry of Finance includes the following organizational and technological elements:
- center for the manufacture and personalization of identity document forms (hereinafter referred to as the personalization center);
- a backup personalization center;
- a backup multi-agency redundant data center.
The personalization center ensures the production of identity forms, quality control and processes related to their graphic and electronic personalization, as well as interaction with other departmental segments through secure digital communication channels.
Creation, development and operation of a backup multi-agency redundant data center are carried out on the basis of a unified technical policy, as well as using software and technical solutions developed within the framework of the departmental segment of the Ministry of Communications and ensuring, among other things, the functioning of an interdepartmental redundant data processing center.
Participants of the Mir system have the right to independently personalize forms of identity documents in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2020: A single resource of migration accounting will cut funding by a billion
The federal budget expenditures on the creation of a single information resource for registration and migration accounting will be halved.
This follows from the updated version of the federal project "Digital Public Administration" (TsSU) of the national program "Digital Economy," which is at the disposal of CNews[5].
For the first time, this event was included in the fedproekt of TsSU in November 2019. Then it was assumed that 2 billion rubles would be allocated for the creation of the resource in 2019-2021. Now this amount has decreased to 1 billion rubles.
Previously subordinate to the Ministry of Research and Production Association (NPO) "Special Technology and Communications" held an open competition for the creation of this resource. According to the public procurement portal, the only participant in the competition was AT Consulting. The amount of the contract with it will amount to 1.5 billion rubles. - that is, more than the amount that remained in the Central State University's federal project for this event.
AT Consulting has been working on the creation of the Unified Information and Analytical Support System (ISOD) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs since 2013. In August 2018, a criminal case was opened against Sergei Shilov under Part 5 of Article 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (giving a bribe). This is indicated in the appeal decision of the Moscow City Court, published in the database of Moscow courts in October. The decision was made after another attempt to protect Alexei Nashchekin, who is being held with him in the case, to appeal the extension of house arrest. Read more here. In 2019, the case was closed.
According to the procurement documents, the purpose of these works is: to develop a centralized solution to ensure the automation of the activities of the departments for migration issues (PVM) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; ensuring the centralization of basic state information resources in the field of migration; improving the efficiency of implementation of public functions and services; creation of a single special software (SPO) that automates the processes of activities of HMP employees during the provision of public services; optimization of public services in the field of migration, grouped by main life situations and provided in automatic mode.
Also among the tasks set are: the allocation of critical IDR services that provide basic information that is mandatory for use by all IDR services; development of a centralized solution to ensure interaction with information systems through SMEV, interaction with EPGU (Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services) in order to provide public services; improving the reliability and completeness of information returned to SMEV counterparties (Interdepartmental Electronic Document Management System); transfer of systems that automate the processes of PVM activities to freely distributed software and equipment of domestic production.
The government decided that the Ministry of Communications and the Federal Migration Service by January 1, 2016 should ensure the introduction of changes to the program "Information Society (2011-2020), "providing funding for measures to create, operate, modernize and develop the Mir system, including through the redistribution of funds provided for in it for 2016-2020 to ensure the development and operation of the state system for the manufacture, registration and control of new generation passport and visa documents.
According to a TAdviser source familiar with the plans for the creation of the Mir system, the main items of additional costs may be equipping Rosgranitsa points with bio-passport readers, as well as work related to the introduction of an identity card in the form of a plastic card.
Infrastructure based on Russian and free solutions
In early August 2017, during a meeting of the board at the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation Research and Development Center, MCST Dmitry Starovoitov the acting director FSBI Research Institute "Voskhod" spoke about the transfer of the interdepartmental redundant (data center MRCOD) state system for the manufacture, execution and control of new generation passport and visa documents (PVDNP) to the "Mir" free software equipment of domestic companies.
In May 2017, Voskhod put into commercial operation a data processing center built on 130 domestic servers of the Elbrus architecture. As of August 2017, MRDC GS Mir demonstrates high fault tolerance and performance. Using this platform, more than 600 thousand new generation foreign passports have already been issued.
During the meeting, Voskhod also demonstrated solutions in the field of manufacture, registration and control of new generation driver's documents - a driver's license and a vehicle registration certificate, which are identification plastic cards with a chip.
In 2016, the departmental segment of the Mir state system was transferred from foreign proprietary software and equipment to free software and equipment of domestic companies. TAdviser was informed about this by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications in January 2017.
In particular, the system now uses more than 130, servers built on domestic processors, "Elbrus" firewalls Rubicon-K manufactured by the Russian company, NPO Echelon as well as more than 20 solutions based on free software (). ON Earlier, the system was used, servers IBM TAdviser was specified in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications (see more).
Prior systems
The Mir system is created on the basis of combining the state system for the manufacture, registration and control of new generation passport and visa documents (HS PVDNP) and the state information system of migration accounting. According to the government, Mir will increase the degree of protection of identity documents from forgery, the effectiveness of border control and measures to combat illegal migration, and increase the completeness, reliability and relevance of migration and registration data.
See also
- ↑ Delivery of equipment as part of the development of the departmental segment Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation
- ↑ Ministry of Digital Development has developed a protocol for the exchange of information about migrants with Belarus
- ↑ mintsifry budet razvivat The Ministry of Digital Development will build super-important GIS on Elbrus processors
- ↑ Resolution of August 6, 2015 No. 813
- ↑ A single resource of migration accounting will cut funding by a billion