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2013/06/01 16:26:15

Timeline of the Universe before the advent of planet Earth

The main dates in the development of the Universe before the formation of the planet Earth.


Main article: Universe

Age of the universe: 12.6 or 13.8 billion years?

For 2020, it is generally accepted that the age of the Universe is about 13.8 billion years, but it is not so easy to determine these figures more precisely. You must perform several key calculations and compare them to each other. Due to different approaches to these calculations, the result may also differ, which raises doubts about its accuracy.

The date of the Big Bang that gave rise to the Universe was previously calculated using a mathematical method using computer modeling using estimates of the distance to the oldest stars, the behavior of galaxies and the rate of expansion of the Universe.

Since the universe is expanding at a high rate, the further the object is, the faster it moves away from us. The distance to the object with the speed of its removal is related by the Hubble constant - this coefficient was used as a key factor in a new study to determine the exact age of the universe. Hubble's constant is so named after Edwin Hubble, who first calculated the rate of expansion of the universe in 1929.

The idea behind the 2020 study, led by researchers at the University of Oregon, was to calculate how long it would take all objects to return to the beginning. To do this, you need to determine how quickly objects move away from us - then you can calculate the moment of the logical beginning of this process, the Big Bang.

A new study claims that the universe is almost a billion years younger, and previous calculations were inaccurate.

Researchers at the University of Oregon mapped distances to dozens of other galaxies. They took a novel approach by recalibrating a distance measuring tool known as the Tully-Fisher baryon ratio, which is independent of the Hubble constant. They took distances of up to 50 galaxies, partially determined using the Spitzer Space Telescope, and used them to estimate distances of up to 95 other galaxies.

According to the authors of the study, this approach takes into account the curves of the mass and rotation of galaxies better than the data that was previously used for the equations that determine the beginning of the Big Bang. Thus, scientists, according to them, were able to more accurately calculate the Hubble constant and, accordingly, the age of the Universe.

As a result, astronomers set the Hubble constant to 75.1 (km/s )/Mpc. This means that a galaxy one megaparsec away from Earth (approximately 3.3 million light years) is moving away from us at a speed of 75.1 km every[1] the[2].

Based on the new data, the researchers calculated that the age of the universe is only 12.6 billion years, which is much less than the generally accepted figure of 13.8 billion years. And the new result significantly goes beyond the error acceptable for previous calculations. The work is published in the Astrophysical Journal.

Interestingly, studies based on the measurement of relic radiation as a result determine that the Universe is still about 13.8 billion years old, and the Hubble constant is about 67 km/s/Mpc. But the Oregon team's study says all Hubble constant values below 70 can be ruled out with a 95 percent chance.

0 - 380,000 years: from singularity to the appearance of hydrogen and helium

Time Epoch Event Time from today, years
0 Singularity The Big Bang. 13.7 billion
10 43 s Plankov era The universe expands and cools. 13.7 billion
10 43 - 10 − 35 s The Era of Great Unification Separation of gravity from the combined electroweak and strong interaction. Possible birth of monopoles. Destruction of the Great Unification. 13.7 billion
10 35 - 10 − 31 s Inflationary era Из вакуума быстро рождаются частицы (кварки и глюоны, лептоны, фотоны), Вселенная экспоненциально увеличивает свой радиус на много порядков. Структура первичной квантовой флуктуации раздуваясь даёт начало крупномасштабной структуре Вселенной [3] Secondary heating. Baryogenesis. 13.7 billion
10 31 - 10 − 12 s Electroweak epoch The universe is filled with quark-gluon plasma, leptons, photons, W- and Z-bosons, Higgs bosons. Supersymmetry disorder. 13.7 billion
10 12 - 10 − 6 s Quark Age Electroweak symmetry is broken, all four fundamental interactions exist separately. Quarks have not yet been combined into hadrons. The universe is filled with quark-gluon plasma, leptons and photons. 13.7 billion
10 6 - 1 s The Hadron Era Adronisation. Annihilation of barion-antibarion pairs. Due to CP disruption, there remains a small excess of baryons over anti-baryons (about 1:109). 13.7 billion
1 second - 3 minutes The Lepton Age Annihilation of lepton-antileptone pairs. Decay of a part of neutrons. Matter becomes transparent to neutrinos. 13.7 billion
3 minutes - 380,000 years Proton Age Nucleosynthesis of helium, deuterium, traces of lithium-7 (20 minutes). Matter begins to dominate radiation (70,000 years), which leads to a change in the expansion mode of the universe. At the end of the era (380,000 years), hydrogen recombination occurs and the universe becomes transparent to photons of thermal radiation. 13.7 billion

13.55-12.7 BN BP: The End of the Dark Ages, the Formation of the First Stars

Time Epoch Event Time from today, years
380,000 - 150 Ma Dark Ages The universe is filled with hydrogen and helium, relic radiation, radiation of atomic hydrogen at a wave of 21 cm. Stars, quasars and other bright sources are absent. 13.55 billion
150 million - 1 billion years Reionization The first stars (stars of population III), quasars, galaxies, clusters and superclusters of galaxies are formed. Reionization of hydrogen by the light of stars and quasars. 12.7 billion

12.6-4.6 billion years BP: Formation of the Solar System and Planet Earth

Time Epoch Event Time from today, years
1 billion years - 8.9 billion years The Age of Matter The formation of of the interstellar cloud that gave rise to the solar system. 4.8 billion
7 billion years The Age of Matter 6 млрд лет назад расширение Вселенной ускорилось (см. Sloan Digital Celestial Review) 6 billion
8.9 billion years - 9.1 billion years The Age of Matter Formation of the Earth and other planets of our solar system, hardening of rocks. 4.6 billion
Logarithmic map of the entire known universe in one picture.

See also


Timeline of the Big Bang on Wikipedia


  1. [ second How old is
  2. universe? A new ]study answers
  3. [1] Многоликая Вселенная. Публичная лекция профессора Стэнфордского университета (USA) by Andrei Linde.