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2024/05/22 17:18:01

UAVs in India

2024: How the drone industry is developing in India. GLONASS JSC calls for an example from this country

In May 2024, the head of the aviation project of JSC GLONASS"" Sergei Kukarev spoke about how the field of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is developing in India. In his opinion, Russia it is worth focusing on the Indian experience.

According to the Bespilot Telegram channel, Kukarev, during a speech at one of the forum exhibitions in Moscow, listed the stages of state regulation of the drone industry in India:

  • first, the country's authorities imposed a ban on the flight of UAVs without obtaining permission from the aviation authorities;
  • then a ban on the import of any aircraft drones into the country began to operate;
  • then the import of components for the production of UAVs into India was banned;
  • at a new stage, a ban was introduced on the use of foreign software in any UAV used by government agencies, the army, etc.;
  • the next step is to ban the use of foreign software for civilian drones.

The UAV sector is actively developing in India

According to Sergei Kukarev, GLONASS JSC has prepared proposals for the development of the drone market in Russia, taking into account the experience of India.

Earlier it was reported that the Indian Sasaa Electronics Private Limited planned in March 2024 to begin assembling the Russian unmanned air systems ALS "Transport of the Future." It was assumed that as part of the concluded agreement, Russian drones would be used in agriculture and when delivering goods to mountainous areas in India.

Back in 2019, Indian authorities announced a state program to develop the drone industry. Then the Minister of Civil Aviation of India Jayant Sinha said that the purpose of this initiative is to ensure the widespread commercial use of drones in the country, including for the rapid delivery of drugs and donor organs. As part of this program, India began to build platforms for the take-off and landing of UAVs.[1]
