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2015/06/15 15:17:54

Why the mobile workplace of iDecide became such popular

The increasing information volumes which heads of large corporations and state structures should consider at decision making increase in standards of effective work both in commercial, and in state sectors – all this created demand for the systems of mobile jobs of heads. Today vendors propose to top managers the client-server solutions in fact designed to become the control panel of the large company or the whole region. Alexander Alyoshin, the chief executive of iDecide Solutions company, told, than such solutions are good, than iDecide is better than others and as he sees further development of this, certainly, perspective market.

Alexander, give at once "let's take occasion by the forelock". Today vendors offer a quantity of mobile systems of support of decision making process by upper managers. What is the solution iDecide selected in comparison with competitors with?

In fact, the main advantage of iDecide is that it grew from requests and needs of our clients – directly heads of the highest level of both commercial, and government institutions. But at the same time – the people having the rhythm of life, differently obtaining and processing information, solving the most various problems. The main part of systems existing in the market makes a start from features of technology platforms from which collects data, from the regulated business processes. So the "machine" developed for the solution of a specific objective or the standard which is thought up by someone is at the head of a corner. Our many colleagues consider that at first it is necessary to automate business processes, and then it is possible to fasten "bow" in the form of a mobile workplace on the tablet to these systems. However, the head needs to solve the most versatile problems, based on that information which is significant personally for him and also in that diagram which is convenient to it. For us in iDecide of people it is primary, and on it our solution is constructed.

And how you "calculate" what architecture, what features of the interface will be comfortable to your clients?

We are the system integrator, the company in the field of IT consulting. Behind our shoulders experience of development and start of system solutions for the most different clients, from very large commercial structures to the Russian President Administration. Here we participated in creation of a mobile workplace for strategic management by the country and, perhaps, for the first time realized that problems everywhere identical, and country government, in fact, is similar to management of the large organization. The implemented projects showed that patterns in needs of our customers allow to speak about development of the universal solution. The decision on creation[1]of the Automated Workplace of the Head system - the solution iDecide was so made. But at the same time we from each implementation project try to gather something new.

What represents a mobile workplace of the head in general and iDecide in particular?

Our product solves the most important problem of any organization - allows to save working time of the head, so - to increase efficiency of management processes, to displace focus from a routine, from the solution of urgent tactical questions on implementation of strategic initiatives.

Provide that it not you should go to office physically to control everything on site, and the office moved to you to the tablet - work from any place in the world, without missing anything. That from any place in the world you can get access to the report of Board of Directors or check execution of your order.

How the solution in terms of architecture is constructed?

Technically, iDecide consists of mobile (client) and server parts. Based on information collected from all automated systems implemented in the company of the customer (ERP CRM HRM-systems EDMS), a server part of iDecide creates short selection of the most important data and key indicators of activity of the company. A subject of our special pride is the flexibility and an opportunity for few days to connect any automated system to the solution iDecide.

On the mobile party of the solution which is established on the tablet both running iOS, and running Android the processed data are visualized, move in a short and laconic type. In addition to information coming from internal systems of the enterprise it is possible to work with news, reviews of competitors and other external data here. The interface includes both information part, and tools for response to the acquired information, including, a possibility of sending voice instructions (audio-files) to the employees for saving of time. At the same time work with data here on simplicity competes to reading a tape of social network.

Let's tell, you approach the mailbox and see that it is up to the top typed by any nonsense among which it is possible and not to notice something really important, for example, accounts for the apartment. Our solutions are like that that how many your mailbox was hammered with any stuff, the account for the apartment will always be on top.

What your plans for development of functionality of the solution?

We are constantly improved. Here, for example, for one of customers we on demand implemented in the solution iDecide own protected chat for exchange of fast messages with colleagues. Having analyzed possible advantage of such functionality, we offer it in future versions of iDecide by default.

In process of expansion of the customer base there are new expansion units of iDecide (the detailed maps of the countries and regions, control of performing discipline), localizations on foreign languages, the built-in instruments of data visualization improve.

One of important forthcoming tasks – close integration with the leading systems of mobile analytics and BI, an opportunity from summary reports and diagrams in the solution iDecide without excess efforts "fail" in data array, to independently watch parts and analyze.

In general, it is surprising how it is possible to think up IT tools much under individual needs of each head using which to work becomes really more simply and even, I will not be afraid of this word, more cheerfully. Every day, listening to our clients and monitoring new trends, we aim to do our product even closer to the one who will use it.

And what trends, in your opinion, at the moment define market development? What will you be guided in commitment to excellence in the next years by?

These trends, in my opinion, can be separated into two main directions: those which are defined by a human factor, i.e., the user, and those which are dictated by the technical and legislative environment.

It should be noted in general that we extremely optimistically look at market growth potential – from fashionable entertainment and sign of the social status mobile devices with freedom level provided by them already became a necessity. In a current economic environment, increase in efficiency of all corporate structures and employees of any level becomes an imperative of the business environment. All will be mobilized – from field employees to heads of business and even the country.

One more direction of development it is possible to call hominifying of mobile software, transition from direct copying in mobile software of functionality and interfaces of desktop versions of automated systems to creation of the independent products ground under needs of users. And here iDecide, in my opinion, saves the leading positions.

Interesting trend was the fact that in the companies of the average level where process automation, initially, was provided at the minimum level, installation of a mobile workplace often began to lead to awareness of need of implementation of the serious systems.

Thus, from a position human I do not see obstacles to market development and distribution of benefit which is brought by mobile jobs. In terms of technical – there is a quantity of restrictions – certainly, surmountable, but imposing responsibility on all market participants.

In what do they consist?

The first restriction is connected with a variety of operating systems. We are interested in providing our solution to the maximum number of users, however it requires creation of cross-platform products or separate versions under each operating system today. It leads to rise in price and lengthening of development, extension of turnover cycles of software for mobile devices that affects clients and the market in general.

Other important factor is security, especially in the light of cases of various leakages of the last few years. Here the fact that for system operation open communication links, and abundance of internal requirements and standards in the companies, and need of accurate regulation and the organization of centralized operation are used by mobile devices also is connected to case.

The imperfection of communication channels also slows down today process of universal implementation of such solutions, however here positive changes happen almost continuously.

We could not tell a little about technical aspect of a question? How do you resolve security issues in the products iDecide?

The data security issue is brought up by each customer to whom we come. In order that it was possible to transfer on networks of the general access information with the status chipboard, it is necessary to provide secure channel between the server where it is set to software, and our client. For this purpose there are special certified solutions. We use in the projects the proved solutions of Krypto-PRO and Infotecs which protect both a communication channel, and storage of the application on the client, and provide user authentication. For the last both the login and the password, and the special tokens allowing to check the EDS on the received documents and to append own signature on the approved documents can be used.

It should be noted that in the last few years clients in a public sector even more often ask to make for them the solution on Android tablets of some specific brands since they are considered as safer. In spite of the fact that we began with applications on iPad, having released the country's first iPad client EDMS in due time, today our practices for both leading mobile operating systems evened out.

Whether it means what now you develop already not only iPad version of the boxed solution, but also a product on the Android platform? What other plans for development of a product line of iDecide?

Yes, we developed and we develop the version for Android. It in this case is caused as competitive environment in the market, and the fact that among our clients – a large number of government institutions. We already have two full versions of our software for both OS (iOS, Android), and on the way the cross-platform web solution.

Also we will have separate solutions for the different vertical markets soon: for a public sector, the oil and gas industry, etc. The more projects we implement in each direction, the closer we approach standard solutions for them. And it is pleasant because high-quality IT support is necessary for all, and in particular - to the industries, strategically important for the country.

Now in development and permanent development the new perspective version of iDecide which initially is under construction as the open platform for convenience of modification and modular expansion, including without programming at the expense of scripting inserts. We called our next generation of the products iDecide of TsUP – the Digital Managerial Platform, and are sure that it will not just repeat success of the solution iDecide, and will bring quality of mobile jobs for heads to new, higher level.

Who, in your opinion – the main users of the systems of mobile jobs? Who makes the main skeleton of your clients?

At the moment the most part of our customers is made by a public sector and large interregional companies. It is caused by what in the current type of iDecide proves in the best way in large, geographically distributed corporations.

However we aim to expand the influence and in the corporate sector. We are engaged in development of a drawing mobile workplace available to heads of the medium-sized and small companies. The solution existing at us now is focused on heads of large enterprises. We are going to put mass iDecide option on the market already in the current year. In comparison with the solution for the large companies, this version of a product will have simpler functionality and will implement it more simply - the small companies are not able to afford service of system integrators. Support of screens of smartphones and cross-platform of the client application will also be distinctive features of the mass product iDecide.

So the solution will become cheaper?

The price of iDecide consists of two components - the cost of the licenses plus the price of a work package including setup, integration, testing, etc. As implementation of the drawing solution will be simpler, for it it will be required smaller works, thus, the price of this solution will be attractive. It is possible to tell that it will be practically "iDecide from a box".

But nevertheless, despite universality of the developed solution, you actively build partner relations?

Yes, we are most focused on development of a partner network now – it is also about vendors of automated systems with which we integrate the solutions, and on suppliers of a certain functionality and content for our software (for example, news aggregators), and, of course, about system integrators.

As I already spoke, the interests of the user for us – a cornerstone. It means that nevertheless insufficiently just to install iDecide on iPad and to connect to the server – a system is always improved under needs of the specific customer. Specific information systems are connected, rules of preinformation processing and a format of issue to her head or directly, or through a workplace of the secretary are established. Specialized expansion units are developed and adapt. In this process partners play a huge role.

According to our flagman solution, for example, we are interested in work with federal integrators as they have competences on the most different systems implemented in the companies. Such partners help us to prepare data from these systems and to bring them to the head. In a command with federal integrator for the customer it is possible to make literally everything.

After emergence of iDecide the interface of your application already dispersed on the competing solutions. How do you to treat that you are copied?

Yes normally we belong. Our task - to be the leader in formation of this market. We believe that we can propose on it solutions of the highest class. Finally, the to the bigger number of people we will be able to facilitate work, the it will be better for them, put them, for national economy. And if we are copied, it means only one – all of us do correctly and our approach already gained recognition not only from customers, but also from colleagues on the market.

By the way about recognition, I cannot but share. Based on last year within CNews Forum 2014 our solution iDecide of version 1.5 was called by "The best business application for the top manager". We are grateful for so appreciation of our work in the industry!