Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2



Osnova Telecom is the federal telecom operator developing own network in the LTE standard. The company has big (from 70 to 100 MHz, depending on the region) a radio-frequency resource that will allow it to render high-quality services of high-speed wireless Internet access and to compete successfully both with mobile, and with the fixed telecom operators.

Aykominvest - 74,9%
Voentelecom - 25,1%



+ Vitaly Yusufov
+ Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation



The Osnova Telecom company starts since fall of 2012 construction of LTE network and announced the tender for purchase of network equipment. The operator will begin work with 20 towns. On their covering, by estimates of analysts, Osnove Telecom will be required about $100 million. In a short list of the tender there passed five producers: Ericsson, Huawei, Alcatel – Lucent, Nokia – Siemens and ZTE. Networks already began to be under construction in 20 cities of the Central, Northwest, Volga and Southern districts. First of all Osnova Telecom will leave in averages on population of the city (300 – 600 thousand people) with the small level of penetration of services of a shirokopolosnogodostup into the Internet. Moscow and St. Petersburg in the closest plans of the company do not appear. The service will be provided on different types of subscriber devices: from modems to smartphones.


  • In July, 2010 the company applies for obtaining frequencies for fourth generation of cellular communication (LTE technology) in Russia. For this company at a meeting with the president Medvedev in May, 2010 the Minister of Defence Anatoly Serdyukov asked, and the president supported the initiative.

  • Selling bank shares of Moscow to the former special representative of the president Igor Yusufov, Andrey Borodin was firmly convinced: that acts for the benefit of the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. Borodin said it in an interview to the Vedomosti newspaper in November, 2011[1]:

  • Yusufov confirmed the powers and in other moments. From his words left that they share profit and assets with the president and that he is one of the persons authorized to hold the assets falling within an area of interest of Medvedev. For example, Yusufov told that he represents Medvedev's interests in Osnove telecom which owns the license for mobile broadcasting in the range of 4G, Uralkali and other projects.
