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123 Solutions



123 Solutions, according to Kontur. Focus, was formed on February 18, 2009. The founder and CEO is Grigory Blazhko, who has two more companies whose activities are related to the sale of wholesale office equipment and equipment.

By 2017, 123 Solutions supplied computing equipment to the Federal Tax Service, the FSB Academy, the Road Safety Center of the Moscow Region, Rosselkhozbank, the Russian State Social University and other organizations.


2022: FAS revealed a cartel when supplying ICT equipment to medical institutions for 2 billion rubles

On September 13, 2022, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) announced the initiation of a case on the creation of a cartel when supplying information and communication devices to medical institutions in Russia. Read more here.

2021: Criminal case on the supply of "Russian" PCs for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The main person involved is the ex-general director of 123 solutions

On November 2, 2021, it became known that an already problematic supply project MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS of 30.3 thousand PERSONAL COMPUTER worth 1.05 billion was rub overgrown with a criminal case. About this editorial office CNews told three sources on. According Russian IT market to two of them, the main person involved in the proceedings is the only founder and ex-general director of the supplier company, 123 Solutions LLC -. Gregory Blazhko More. here