Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
3 st. of Yamskoye Pole, house 2, body 26
The AGroup company, the expert in the field of personnel management, has the developed partner network: more than 10 partners of the company support about 500 clients in 24 countries of the world.
Key activities of the company:
- personnel managements,
- avtomatizatsiz settlement processes of the salary
Among clients – the industrial, state, telecommunication, transport and logistic, production, insurance, trading companies and also the companies of hotel economy, the food industry, banking sector, pharmaceutics, etc. The solutions AGroup are intended for the companies with the number of staff from 20 to 10000 employees, localized and completely integrated with large industrial ERP systems.
BaltCap, one of the largest funds of venture and direct investments in the countries of the Baltic region, invests 1.5 million euros in the AGroup IT company having the central office in Riga and acquires a minority stake. Investment was performed by BaltCap Latvia Venture Capital Fund venture fund which is included into JEREMIE Holding, soinvestiruyemy the European fund EU Structural Fund and managed by the European fund European Investment Fund in Latvia.
September 12, 2011. The AGroup company signed the agreement with the Polish partner, Hogart Data Centre company, on purchase of a significant share block of the last. Thus, AGroup specializing in implementation and support of a system on personnel management of HRB expanded the geography. This cooperation will help AGroup to strengthen the presence in the region, more actively to develop the Polish market and to provide the high level of a customer support.
Cooperation with Hogart Data Centre company began in 1997, and during this time Hogart Data Centre proved as one of the most successful and productive partners of AGroup in the HRB system. HDC conducts and gives support more, than to forty clients using the product HRB for automation of the personnel business processes, among which such large known companies as Selgros, 3M of Poland, Le Meridien, Honda, Unilever, Sheraton, Sodexo and many others
The Polish HDC group will fit into array structure of AGroup along with Russia and Latvia, and key staff of the Polish office will hold the leading posts in AGroup. Thanks to such consolidation, the clients of AGroup supported now by the Polish partner will be able directly to cooperate with the supplier of HRB, and will use it more simply and more conveniently the knowledge base which is saved up in the field of work with a system.
"In my opinion, success of the company in many respects is defined by its capability to manage the most valuable that it has – i.e. a human capital, - Snurnitsyn Alexander, CEO AGroup, says - and our mission is in helping the organizations to do it effectively. One of our main objectives now – to create community around HRB for exchange of the best practices in the field of HR management which were saved up by us and our clients around the world. For this purpose we need to be closer to customers. Consolidation with Hogart Data Center will allow us to interact closely with clients, to work with them directly, more it is clear to understand their requirements and requests".
"Partnership with AGroup which exists for long years I can characterize as successful, - Robert Augustinyak, the head of HDC says. – I am sure that our more dense activity as uniform structure will make work in the Polish region of even more productive, and the proximity to system provider will give to our clients the chance to use effectively knowledge and practicians which we together with AGroup provide to the customers".