Administration of Dubovsky district
Government and social institutions
Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation
Administration of the Rostov region
Administration of the Rostov region
Ministry of Transport of the Rostov region
Chamber of rural settlements of the Rostov region
Committee on youth policy of the Rostov region
Novocherkassk branch of the state archive of the Rostov region
The center of hygiene and epidemiology in the Rostov region
Information and Computing Center of Housing and Communal Services of the Rostov Region (State Unitary Enterprise RO IVC Housing and Communal Services)
MFC of the Rostov region
City administration of Gukovo of the Rostov region
Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Rostov Region
GBOU RO Taganrog Pedagogical Boarding School
Department for Ensuring the Activities of Magistrates of the Rostov Region
Administration of Martynovsky district
Secondary school No. 1 sl. Big Martynovka
Administration of Belokalitvinsky district
The Rostov hospital for veterans of wars
Department of Social Protection of the Population of Zimovnikovsky district of the Rostov region
Property management committee of city administration of Novoshakhtinsk
Administration of Dubovsky district
Administration of the Shumilinsky rural settlement of the Upper Don district
Administration of the Avilovsky rural settlement
Matveevo-Kurgansky`s administration of the rural settlement
Administration of Novocherkassk, Rostov region
Administration of Rodionovo-Nesvetaysky district
Administration of the Stychnovsky rural settlement
Sholokhovsky children`s and youth sports school (CYSS)
Department of formation of Administration of Konstantinovsky district of the Rostov region
Veshensky children`s school of arts
District Recreation center of Morozovsky district
Administration of the Salsk district
Department of culture, youth policy, sport and tourism
Finance division of Administration of the Upper Don district
Finance division of Administration of Milyutinsky district
Finance division of Administration of Tatsinsky district
Ministry of Economic Development of the Rostov Region
State housing inspectorate of the Rostov region
Administration of the city of Zverevo, Rostov region
Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Rostov Region
Administration of the city of Donbass
Ministry of Culture of the Rostov Region
State Museum-Reserve M.Yu. Lermontov (Tarkhany)
Archive Management Committee of Rostov Region
State Archive of the Rostov Region
Administration of the Zimovnikovsky district of the Rostov region
Administration of Konstantinovsky district of Rostov region
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