The representation of iMusic TV GmbH — iMusic1 TV GmbH Analysis department represents the research structure focused on collecting and information analysis about the market of new and traditional telecommunications, dynamics of development of different types of mass media and formats of interpersonal communication in new communication environments.
Today already the fact that for the last 10-15 years the market of media underwent the significant changes caused by significant fall forward of data exchange, close integration of means of communication and the unprecedented level of development of kli-ent-server devices became a platitude. These and other processes understood as the making info - communicative revolution generated new formats the products and the markets, so specific that thorough and complete understanding of media occurring in the industry is difficult to players of this industry, especially for specializing in separate segments that is frequent them is sounded. Moreover, occurring in the field of media and the Telecom of change do this industry nearly by the most dynamic branch of the economy, and both in global, and in regional, scales. This circumstance makes a number of demands to methodology of researches among which – special requirements to complexity, width of subjects, monitoring of a subject field and criteria of its assessment.
In the work the department is guided by the innovation means and methods of information processing, including actively applies the automated solutions. Technology development of mass media led to emergence of different means and methods of a research of their activity. The major role among them is played by measuring methods of studying of the audience and readers of channels, transfers and the press and also broadcasting characteristics of media, for the purpose of understanding of classroom preferences and advertizing planning. At all shortcomings and methodical restrictions, the automated panels used for these purposes on the basis of set-to-box are the main means of obtaining information such today, are applied by the leading transnational measuring instruments, including in Russia, and are considered by many advertisers as a model source of reliable information.
The department researches the market of IT and telecommunications of a number of the countries (including Europe and Asia), profiles of activity of players of these markets and the nature of their presence at different segments, features of state regulation in each region act as objects of a research. Also products, services, alliances, projects of these players and specifics of formation of demand for them, a share of the innovative solutions, and many other, connected with regional development of ICT are important for us.