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Asseco Poland


The parent company of the Polish group Asseco Group, one of the largest Polish IT companies.


+ Asseco Poland

He is engaged in the development and implementation of IT solutions for various sectors of the economy, the main of which for the company is the financial sector - banks, insurance companies and brokerage offices. The company also works with government agencies, production, trading and service enterprises.

In addition, Poland Asseco Poland also works in a number of other countries, in and Europe, USA and. To Canada Israel Japan

The company's shares are traded on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

History and performance indicators

2021: Sale of 100% stake in R-Style Softlab to Naum Babaev

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2013: Acquisition of control stake in R-Style Softlab

In 2013, the company announced the acquisition of a controlling stake in the Russian company R-Style Softlab.

2012: Revenue - $1.76 billion (+ 11%)

The company's revenue at the end of 2012 amounted to about $1.76 billion, an increase of 11% compared to 2011.

In 2012, Asseco Group's revenue amounted to 5.5 billion Polish zlotys (this currency is about three times cheaper than the US dollar), and net profit amounted to 370 million zlotys. As of December 2012, 16 thousand people worked in the group, of which 4.5 thousand in Poland.

Of the large IT projects, Asseco can be called a contract with the Polish road department for 170 million zlotys (about 1.7 billion rubles) to create a central traffic monitoring system. As for the financial sector, Asseco, for example, is developing an integrated IT system for the Warta insurance group.

2008: Purchase of Lithuanian company Sintagma

In 2008, Asseco Poland bought the Lithuanian company Sintagma. The trademark has not been preserved, now the company operates as Asseco Lithuania. Similarly, after acquiring 51% of Georgian Onyx for $1.5 million, it was renamed Asseco Georgia.


The Polish group was founded in 1989, and since 1998 its shares have been traded on the exchange.