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Association on automation of buildings of BIG-RU


The association integrates equipment manufacturers and the software for automation systems of buildings, system integrators executing projects on scheduling of buildings and also project, consulting, management and development companies. In recent years the association is also entered by the companies from adjacent engineering areas: security system or fire warning, system of a klimatization, IT-system. Thus, the BIG-RU association is treated as: Building Integration Group Russia, providing to customers the most full range of services and the equipment on the engineering systems of buildings. Main objective of association: render assistance to the member companies in sale of their equipment and services to customers.
Number of employees
2012 year

From the technical point of view of BIG-RU advances open technologies for automation of buildings, namely the BACnet communications protocol which supports sharing of the equipment from different producers, is the national standard in the USA (ASHRAE 135-2008) and the international standard ISO (16484-5). Therefore for technical specialists of BIG-RU is: BACnet Interest Group Russia. Promotion of the BACnet protocol among the Russian technical specialists will help them to apply more freely the last achievements of the most perspective technology to automation of buildings in the world, and customers will gain independence of a specific proizvotidelya and a possibility of upgrade of automation systems in the buildings in the future.