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Azimuth Kostroma




2024: Hotel Sale

Hotel chain Azimut Hotels, owned by Alexander Klyachin, sold a hotel in Kostroma, which was part of the group's portfolio. The deal, which took place in August 2024, affected 100% of the capital of Azimut Kostroma, which owns the three-star hotel of the same name. The new owner of the hotel - Elisha Batin - acquired a 24% stake from Azimut Hotels and 74% from another co-owner Elena Sokolova, which allowed him to consolidate full control of the facility.

According to the Business News Agency, the Azimut Park Hotel Kostroma is located on Main Street in Kostroma and includes 90 rooms. This hotel complex, built in 1991 according to the project of a Swiss company, has a three-star category according to the international classification system and is one of the iconic objects in the region. The complex includes the main building with an area of ​ ​ more than 5.5 thousand square meters. meters, 16 bungalows, two baths, as well as auxiliary buildings. The total area of ​ ​ the objects is 6,670 square meters. meters.

Hotel chain Azimut Hotels sold a hotel in Kostroma

The hotel complex also includes two restaurants, banquet and conference rooms, as well as a fitness room and Russian baths. All rooms are in satisfactory condition and continue to function. The cost of the hotel, put up for sale on one of the popular sites in the region, was estimated at ₽216 million.

It is known that Elisha Batin, whom the local media refer to the so-called "golden youth" of the Kostroma region, previously owned a clothing business in Kostroma and Yaroslavl, and also actively acquired various mansions and real estate in these cities. According to local expert Anton Filatov, Elisha Batin is showing interest in real estate, which probably explains his participation in this transaction.[1]
