Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Baby Potato


Domestic network, developing its own unique format based on a conceptual dish of baked potatoes with a lot of mouth-watering fillers.

Andrey Leonidovich Kononchuk - 50%
Larisa Grigorievna Naumenko - 50%



+ Andrey Leonidovich Kononchuk
+ Larisa Grigorievna Naumenko

The managing company of the Kroshka Krotoshka restaurant chain (Kroshka-Krotoshka-Service LLC) for March 2020 is Era Potato LLC.

Performance indicators

2023: Revenue growth by 27.6% to RUB 1.59 billion

At the end of 2023, the Russian chain of fast food restaurants "Tiny Potatoes" received revenue in the amount of 1.59 billion rubles. This is 343 million rubles, or 27.6%, more than a year earlier, when the figure was 1.24 billion rubles. TAdviser got acquainted with the financial results published on the website of the Kontur.Focus service in mid-March 2025.

The cost of sales on an annualized basis increased from 405.38 million rubles to 463.3 million rubles. Commercial expenses were recorded at 1.1 billion rubles against 848.7 million rubles in 2022. "Potato crumb" in 2023 received a net profit of 9.57 million rubles, while a year earlier the chain suffered net losses of about 67.84 million rubles.

The revenue of the restaurant chain "Tiny Potatoes" for the year increased to 1.59 billion rubles

As of the end of 2023, the total assets of the company amounted to 291.14 million rubles. For comparison, a year earlier this figure was equal to 214.57 million rubles. Thus, an increase of 35.7% was noted. Accounts payable on an annualized basis increased from 239.82 million rubles to 251.18 million rubles.

In 2023, the Tiny Potato network carried out a large-scale rebranding, which affected shop windows, uniforms and packaging. The new corporate identity is focused on attracting primarily young audiences. In addition, new items have appeared on the menu, including original desserts. The result of the rebranding was traffic growth of about 20% compared to 2022 and 17% compared to 2021. This contributed to an increase in revenue overall.

The website of the Tiny Potato chain says that as of the beginning of 2025, about 240 restaurants have been opened throughout Russia, located both on food courts of shopping centers and in freestanding buildings. More than half of the establishments were launched under the franchise system.[1]
