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Barricades Innovation Center





+ Pangeo Capital
+ Igor Aleksandrovich Koptelov

IC Barricades LLC is a company the Russian IT engaged in the development of systems, virtualizations organization of protected cloud computing and, storing information as well as software and hardware, information security monitoring and control systems (IT infrastructure data for 2022).

Licenses of IC Barricades LLC

  • License for activities in the field of creating information protection tools of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, No. 1445 of 10.03.17
  • License for works related to creation of information protection means of FSTEC of Russia, No. 3450 dated 11.12.17
  • License for the implementation of measures and (or) the provision of services in the field of protection of state secrets (in terms of technical information protection) of the FSTEC of Russia, No. 3449 of 11.12.17
  • License for Technical Protection of Confidential Information of FSTEC of Russia, No. 3406 dated 23.10.17
  • License for the implementation of measures and (or) the provision of services in the field of protection of state secrets (in terms of countering foreign technical intelligence) of the FSTEC of Russia, No. 1857 of 04.07.17
  • License for the development and production of means of protecting confidential information of the FSTEC of Russia, No. 1457 of 28.09.15


2022: Russian virtualization. Review of 15 developers of domestic products

The analytical center TAdviser studied who is who Russian in the funds market, virtualizations analyzed the functional and integration capabilities of the products, assessed the experience of development companies. Among the companies and products studied are Barricades IC (product ""). Horizon-VS Read more about the research here.


A multidisciplinary IT company with a range of competencies in the field of software development necessary for the implementation of high-tech projects taking into account the industry specifics of customers. The main activity of the company on information for 2017 is the development of hardware and software solutions for import substitution.

The main activity of the company "Barricades" within the framework of import substitution is the development of a trusted virtualization platform "Horizon-VS."