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Баннер в шапке 2

Beauty surgery


The Beauty Surgery clinic of doctor Pavlyuchenko works in Moscow since 2001.

The clinic is one of bases of Department of plastic surgery of RUDN. Annually on this base passes a training on average about 50 cadets on primary specialization in plastic surgery.

Main activities of Beauty Surgery clinic: nose plastics, face lifting, breast plastics.

Main activities of Beauty Surgery clinic: nose plastics, face lifting, breast plastics.

Unique features of clinic of doctor Pavlyuchenko:

1) Careful preoperative inspections which include clinical methods, the unrolled esthetic analysis, a rinomonometriya, researches of function of breath and a computer tomography;

2) The majority of techniques of transactions are author's and unique, are confirmed with patents and certificates for inventions;

3) All transactions are executed on bases of the clinics having modern resuscitation otedelniya. Term of stay in a hospital from 1 to 3 days;

4) The long careful postoperative observation and treatment including a complex of procedures: repeated comprehensive examination in 1-2 years with assessment of the esthetic, functional and revitalizing efficiency;

5) Archiving of all stages of treatment for all years of work of clinic.

1. Nose plastics

In our clinic we offer the complex combined transactions which solve problems of an esthetics of an outside nose, functional problems of an internal nose and improvement of a nose due to transactions on structures of a cavity and bosoms of a nose.

Main directions:

1) esthetic rhinoplasty – improvement of a shape of a nose and approach of a nose to an ideal

2) functional rhinoplasty – improvement of functions of a nose

3) the revitalizing rhinoplasty – эстетическая+функциональная+оздоравливающая

Features of operations on nose plastics:

All techniques of transactions are the patented Pavlyuchenko Leonid Leonidovich's techniques.

Conceptually all noses are operated in the context of the Vector theory of rhinoplasty which author is professor Pavlyuchenko L.L., change of a shape of a nose in one of the planes considering a nose as three-dimensional asymmetric structure, in which leads to change of a shape of a nose in other planes. For achievement of symmetry of an outside nose that is sign of beauty, asymmetric surgical methods are used. So beauty and symmetry are reached through asymmetric rhinoplasty.


Rhinoplasty becomes at any age of 18 years on condition of good health.

2. Face lifting

Main directions:

1) plastics of upper and lower eyelids

2) upper endoscopic plastics in combination with plastics of upper and lower eyelids

3) plastics of the lower half of the face, as a rule, with need of plastics of a neck as the plastics of a neck does the person;

4) plastics of ears

5) plastics of a chin (mentoplastik)

Features of operations on face lifting:

1) original techniques of assistirovanny lifting frontal and temporal and malar endoscopic

2) skin musculofatty plastics of lower eyelids

3) the original equipment of Hammock at neck plastics

4) the concept of plastic surgeries on the person – rejuvenation and ornament

All transactions are executed on the bases of department equipped with modern intensive care units.

Stay in a hospital with minimum visible hems – 1-2 days. At endoscopic plastics hems in a temple and in a mouth externally in general are invisible. Such transactions are especially good for young women with the first signs of omission in a part of the face.

All operations on face lifting do not require long-term physiotherapeutic treatment. The first results can be seen in 3.4 weeks.

The acceptances which are thought over, surgically proved high technology of transactions and sparing.


1) rejuvenation and ornament;

2) good provision of eyebrows, corners of eyes;

3) the filled volume of malar area;

4) accurate circuit of the lower jaw and chin;

5) deep cervical corner;

6) a neck without folds.


1) transkonjyuktivalny (through internal cuts) the plastics of upper and lower eyelids becomes at young age;

2) the plastics of upper and lower eyelids is shown aged from 40, 50 years and above;

3) upper face lifting is shown aged 40, 50 and above;

4) the lower face lifting and necks is shown aged from 50 years and above.

Plastics of ears – thin delicate transaction, which complexity in achievement of symmetry of the right and left ear. It is reached due to careful modeling of anatomical structures of an ear.

3. Breast plastics

Main types of transactions:

1) the two-volume increasing plastics of mammary glands;

2) reducing mammoplastika;

3) lifting of a breast;

4) elimination of asymmetry;

5) elimination of defects of nipples;

6) elimination of postoperative defects;

Features of plastics of a breast

The special equipment of two-volume plastics allows to use muscle volume for increase in a mammary gland on the one hand and implant volume on the other hand for achievement of an optimal form and volume of mammary glands. It is universal transaction which is suitable for all cases of plastics of mammary glands.

Use of axillary and subchest access is possible. Preference is given in our clinic to subchest access.


1) The increasing plastics of mammary glands is shown to young women with a small breast, with the hanging breast, to women after the delivery;

2) The reducing plastics is shown at big, drooping, more than 1.5 kg mammary glands at good health.