St. Petersburg Institute of bioregulation and gerontology of SZO Russian Academy of Medical Science
Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
The scientific and methodical center on therapy anti-age, questions of active longevity and aging
Russian Academy of Medical Science (RAMS)
Activity of the St. Petersburg institute of bioregulation and gerontology is directed to the solution of the following tasks:
- Carrying out basic scientific research, improvement of methods of diagnostics and forecasting of diseases, development of research and production programs in the field of bioregulation and gerontology.
- Development, clinical studying, production and implementation in medical, gerontological practice of pharmacological means, modern diagnostic and medical technologies for prevention and treatment of age pathology.
- Studying of a genotype of the person for the purpose of improvement of methods of diagnostics, forecasting and treatment of age pathology.
- Studying of markers of lifetime diagnosis of neuro and degenerative diseases.
- Studying of demographic aspects of aging of the population.
- Distribution and promotion of scientific knowledge in the field of bioregulation and gerontology (the organization of scientific conferences, publishing, etc.).