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Баннер в шапке 2

Bios protection



Number of employees
2024 year



2024: Establishing a Company

Dmitry Komissarov, who founded MyOffice, launched a BIOS system developer for computers manufactured in Russia. Bio-Defense LLC was registered in March 2024.

The creation of this company was noticed. " Sheets As Dmitry Komissarov told the publication, 30 million were invested in this project, and rubles by the end of 2024 it is planned to invest about 80 million rubles. By mid-May 2024, Bio-Defense employs 12 people. According to Komissarov, the staff will be increased to 25 employees.

Dmitry Komissarov

By mid-May 2024, Bio-Defense is testing its product together with one of the Russian manufacturers of computer systems (its name has not been disclosed). The solution is expected to be available to other market participants by early autumn 2024.

There are no adequate estimates of the Russian BIOS-developers market now, I think that there will be approximately the situation with Russian operating systems based on Linux: there are more than 40 of them in the register of domestic software, and there are four real players on the market, Komissarov said.

In his opinion, the Russian BIOS system will increase the level of power of attorney for solutions. This project is necessary to ensure that the device is safe from unauthorized access to the system or changing configurations, a Fplus representative confirms.

According to the head of the Basis consortium, David Martirosov, the creation of a domestic BIOS will replace another class of system software with a completely Russian solution. First of all, these are the BIOS that are being developed by the American companies American Megatrends, Award, Phoenix, he said in a conversation with the publication.

The general director of Numatech (developing Numa BIOS) Pavel Smolensky named two main barriers to the development of the domestic BIOS:

  • the need to obtain from Intel and AMD closed documentation on the device of chipsets and processors, documentation on setting up and programming BIOS, reference source codes;
  • shortage of personnel.[1]
