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+ Dmitry Vladimirovich Komissarov
Komissarov Dmitry Vladimirovich
Komissarov Dmitry Vladimirovich


Dmitry Komissarov was born on April 28, 1970 in Moscow.

According to Komissarov, of the three schools in which he had a chance to study, the one where he was part of the experimental class at MIPT gave him the most.

Every day, the first five minutes of the lesson, we solved the control for a regular school. And if in the first quarter I had an average score of 2.42, then by the end of my studies it had grown to 4, "says Dmitry Komissarov.

According to Komissarov, his interest in technology and craving for mathematics arose largely thanks to his mother, the inventor of the USSR. She was engaged, in particular, in the development of armor-piercing cores for shells, performing the most complex calculations manually.

I still believe that science only one is mathematics, and all the others are one or another degree of approximation. At the same time, I was a binge reader: I read everything that fell into my hands, up to the newspapers Pravda, Izvestia and Abroad, and very quickly, says Dmitry Komissarov.

He considers the programmable calculator "Electronics-MK 61," which he was presented with in the seventh grade, to be the most remarkable material subject in his life.

This minicomputer, which had 95 manually entered commands, I waited more than a year, because it cost 90 rubles. -[1] is expensive for my parents[1] Then there was the House of Komsomol and a schoolboy, where we learned to program on ATARI computers. We were not allowed to play them, and it was right, - tells Dmitry Komissarov.

Dmitry Komissarov graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Fine Chemical Technology. He served in the ranks of the Soviet Army.

I went to the Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies to study only because it had a strong department of information technology, for which then, in 1987, computers were purchased. At the institute, I always had access to technology - first to the IBM PC, then to more powerful machines, "says Dmitry Komissarov.

Pictured right

According to him, he also worked on a computer in the army, where he was taken after the first year and from where, by order of the first congress of people's deputies of the USSR, he was returned after 16 months of service as a surveyor in the missile forces.

At my full disposal was the only computer in our division. For her, I was, let's say, a program for calculating the azimuth from the hour angle of the Polar Star. However, another development brought me popularity among my colleagues - a program that "forces" a matrix printer to print dismissal forms, says Dmitry Komissarov.

By the time he graduated from the institute, he realized that he wanted to do programming.

I was fascinated by the process in which something material is created from the "air," which has value, essence, and utility, - says Dmitry Komissarov.

1993: Arsenal: "Russian Office"

In 1993-1999 Dmitry Komissarov served as executive director at TeamAXis, Arsenal (AiTi Group of Companies), One Hundred Percent.

The first time I became CEO was at 23. By that time, I realized that the priority for me is to develop user software. Capitalism has already arrived, it was necessary to earn money, and there was no one to lead this process in our team, except for me. I had to combine leadership with programming, - tells Dmitry Komissarov.

According to him, then only appeared. operating system Windows

We relied on it: we developed the Chameleon Russification and converted the fonts to True Type for ParaGraph. Without false modesty, I will say that in the mid-90s I found fonts with ParaGraph copyright and ours on almost every computer. In 1995, we undertook to make a commercial product from the core of a translator, which was written by Vadim Bobenko in collaboration with linguists. And then Tagir Yapparov proposed creating a joint company. So "ATI" had a daughter - "Arsenal," - says Dmitry Komissarov.

Yapparov, he said, "came up with the idea to buy Lexicon, a version of which for Windows never appeared."

We acquired the trademark and in a year and a half from scratch made the "Lexicon," which had 80% of the functionality of Microsoft Word. In 1998, we sold 40,000 copies of software under the Russian Office brand, and sales of Microsoft Office in Russia amounted to 100-150 thousand. So the competition was quite meaningful. Then came the "five-year plan for free software": in 1999, our sales fell 15 times, soon the software stopped selling altogether, and in 2003 Arsenal had to close, says Dmitry Komissarov.

1999: IBS

In 1999-2005 worked at IBS, acting as Chief information officer, Head of Internet Incubator Development, Data Fort Project Director.

In the IBS group of companies, I began as the Chief information officer of the Internet incubator, "says Dmitry Komissarov.

Under the "umbrella" of this incubator,,, other web resources have grown. The "most remarkable" project, according to Komissarov, was the goods comparison service, which was subsequently sold to Yandex for 1% of its shares, with a development cost of $50 thousand.

About a year ago, IBS raised $11 million for these shares. When the "Internet bubble" deflated, I was offered to lead the new pioneer project IBS Datafort. For $1 million, the first commercial data center in Russia was built, which still remains one of the leading market players in this segment, - notes Dmitry Komissarov.

2006: MEDIAnywhere Executive Vice President

In 2006-2008 Dmitry Komissarov served as Executive Vice President of MEDIAnywhere.

The partner IBS in the Datafort project was Cable & Wireless, with whom we at some point reached a pre-trial clarification of the relationship, and since then I have been under no illusions about Western companies. Nevertheless, in the mid-2000s, my partner and I established the English company MEDIAnywhere, which offered airports multimedia kiosks for downloading "heavy content," says Dmitry Komissarov.

The creation of these devices, he said, took place "in an old hangar around which sheep grazed. The design of the stalls was carried out by two "turned" on the technique of the Englishman, who had previously made models of submarines for James Bond films. "

We managed to get the rights to distribute content without DRM from four studios, by the way, second after Apple. However, when both the kiosk and content were ready, we faced an unexpected challenge: for accommodation at Heathrow, we were required to burn one kiosk for toxicity testing. Since the cost of the kiosk was equal to our three monthly budgets, we had to urgently replace the plastic from which it was made with stainless steel and triplex. Before the crisis began, we managed to place 24 kiosks at the Rome airport, then, since the project was venture capital, it had to be closed, - tells Dmitry Komissarov.

2008: Advisor to the General Director of ATI Group of Companies

Since January 2008, Dmitry Komissarov worked as an adviser to the general director of the AiTi Group of Companies.

2009: CEO of Pingwin Software

In May 2009, he headed the newly formed Pingwin Software company (AiTi Group of Companies), becoming its general director. Since August 2013, he ceased to hold this post, but remained a shareholder and member of the board of directors of the company.

When I returned to, Russia Tagir Yapparov offered me cooperation for the second time - to head a new "company" for the group, in ITPingwin Software which the direction of corporate free (ON SPO) was allocated, says Dmitry Komissarov.

The transition from proprietary software to free software, he said, was seamless.

Since the time of Arsenal, we have been developing software using purchased source codes. Moreover, even today we consider the model involving the receipt of source code to be the most effective and focus on its development, primarily in the corporate segment, - notes Dmitry Komissarov.

Further, according to Komissarov, he persuaded shareholders from the investment fund NGI to acquire the French company Mandriva, which fell into a difficult financial situation by the spring of 2010, in order to bring it to the leaders of the Open Source market in Europe. Since then, Komissarov has divided "his working hours in half between Moscow and Paris.

2012: CEO of ROSA CJSC

In 2012, Dmitry Komissarov took the position of General Director of ZAO ROSA. He also served on the board of directors of Mandriva.

2013: Chapter "New Cloud Technologies"

Since 2013, he has been the head of the New Cloud Technologies company, which develops the MyOffice office suite.

2016: TAdviser interview

In April 2016, Dmitry Komissarov was interviewed by TAdviser.

2020: Coronavirus disease

Dmitry Komissarov, CEO and co-founder of New Cloud Technologies, spoke about his recovery from COVID-19 infection. He told a personal "success story" on his Facebook page on May 19, 2020.

Last Thursday, I was discharged from the clinical hospital after a week of normal temperature, three negative tests for Covid-19 and positive dynamics of computed tomography (CT). I got to the hospital on my birthday, April 28, and spent 17 days there. The first few days I did not really understand what would happen to me next, - tells Dmitry Komissarov.

The head of New Cloud Technologies showed symptoms of COVID-19 on April 21 - the temperature suddenly rose to 37.5. At the same time, he did not have a single symptom except for his temperature - there was no cough, as well as shortness of breath and chest pain, smell and taste remained throughout the disease.

On the advice of familiar doctors, on April 25, I decided to take advantage of insurance and do a CT scan, as well as take a blood test at the EMC. I was accepted despite the temperature. The result of the tests showed bilateral inflammation of the lungs with 25% damage, C-reactive protein 33 at normal 6. The level of white blood cells corresponded to inflammation, - says the businessman.

After the head of the company, they immediately analyzed for coronavirus and recommended outpatient treatment, and also prescribed Summamed (a broad-spectrum bacteriostatic antibiotic) and ACC-long (a mucolytic drug). The clinic told Komissarov that if the temperature rises to 38.5 degrees, it will be necessary to immediately call an ambulance and let go home.

I can't say anything good about the EMC, "says the entrepreneur.

The result of the analysis for coronavirus came to him only four days later - on April 29. He was negative. Until his birthday, on April 28, according to Komissarov, everything remained in about the same state - there was no cough, the temperature was 37.5 degrees.

In ordinary life, I would definitely not do anything. But the coronavirus is too dangerous to underestimate - by the time the disease began, even among my acquaintances, there were several deaths from a new infection. I understood that the situation was serious, and decided to consult with shareholders and several friends. It was the best, of what I did for myself in this situation, - the businessman notes.

Friends of the head of "New Cloud Technologies" were able to get advice from the practicing chief physician of a clinical hospital redesigned for coronavirus, catching a specialist at night between shifts. He said unequivocally - to urgently be hospitalized. As soon as the temperature began to rise, Komissarov went to the hospital.

Who knows me "live," knows about my character features - usually I do everything exactly the opposite. But, I repeat, the decision to hospitalize is the best thing I have done for myself during this time. Special thanks to Sergei Fradkov, he sent the CT result for analysis to the best specialists who agreed on coronavirus infection with a 99% probability, "says Dmitry Komissarov.

According to him, in the hospital, he spent a whole day in observation, after which he was transferred to the department for minor patients. On April 29, hospital specialists conducted a new CT study, which showed 33% of the lesion. A blood test revealed that the level of reactive protein is already more than 60, and the temperature is stable at mark 38. Next, the health workers made another test for coronavirus, which turned out to be positive.

For a couple of days, doctors selected drugs and antibiotics, during which time the temperature in the morning began to approach 39 degrees, and only on May 2-3, doctors were able to determine the drugs that give the effect - the temperature slept until May 38, 5 to 37.5, and starting from May 7-8 it is kept at the level 36.3-36.7, - the entrepreneur reports.

There are no veins in his hands, so pulse oximeters, especially weak ones, do not show the result on every finger. Some new sisters, who came to check their blood oxygen levels in the morning, were horrified to see the result 82%.

I spent 16 days under oxygen, night and day. Literally, just ate and immediately - a headset in the nose. It is forbidden to lie on your back. The first 3-4 days without improvement frightened me enough to clearly follow the rules for conducting ventilation. CT on May 6 showed 51% of the lesion and a moderate-severe condition, since CT, in principle, is late. Although at that moment the temperature dynamics was positive and the analysis for coronavirus is already negative, says Dmitry Komissarov.

Tests for coronavirus, made on May 6.9 and 13, according to him, showed a negative result.

I began to gradually recover, and from May 9 to May 14, the whole treatment was reduced to obtaining laboratory parameters that could fit into normal. On May 14, I again underwent a CT study, which showed that lung damage is only 18%, and allows me to conclude about the positive dynamics of the process. By blood, all indicators were also normal, - says the businessman.

Komissarov also lists those goals that guided by making a post about his recovery on Facebook.

Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the doctors treating patients now. It is very difficult for them both physically and mentally. They not only treat, but also form a positive attitude in patients. I was left with a good feeling. The hospital's operation has been debugged. Secondly, I cannot clearly identify the time and place of infection: in addition to contact with couriers who brought food, I once sampled goods from Leroy Merlin and Citylink. Just keep that in mind. Thirdly, I clearly understand that being a few days late would lead to an unpredictable result and a much longer hospital stay, says the entrepreneur.

It also gives readers "a couple of tips."

Symptoms can be completely different, or they may not be at all. If you think suddenly that something is wrong with health, go for a CT scan. Apparently, pneumonia from coronavirus has a very specific pattern that is immediately visible. If there is no inflammation, then you can conduct treatment at home. But if it exists, hospitalization in the hospital is definitely required, or rather, it is necessary to look for doctors who are able to make a recommendation. It's better to go over my non-medical illness, "writes Dmitry Komissarov.

Finally, he wishes all readers health.

2022: Director of Product Development and Development of "New Cloud Technologies"

On March 10, 2022, it became known that the New Cloud Technologies company (the developer of the MyOffice office suite) had changed its management.

So, the post of general director since March 10 was taken by Andrei Cheglakov, who since December 2016 was the chairman of the board of directors. In turn, the founder of the company Dmitry Komissarov, who previously held the position of general director, moved to the position of director for product development and development, while maintaining membership in the board of directors. Read more here.

2023: Creation of an investment fund to support Russian IT startups

Dmitry Komissarov, founder and co-owner of MyOffice, together with partners created an investment fund to support Russian technological startups Strigo Capital. The fund's partners were Alexey Melnikov and Vladimir Kornev, founders and co-owners of F-Plus Equipment and Development LLC (developer and manufacturer of IT equipment under the F + brand), Eduard Batanov, ex-vice-governor of St. Petersburg and a number of other participants in the IT industry. About this on June 13, 2023 TAdviser representatives of "Strigo Capital." Read more here.

Fund partners have assigned functional responsibilities according to their key competencies. Dmitry Komissarov became the main technical ideologist and visionary, his duties include the search for promising projects and control over development.


Re-election as a member of the board of ARPP "Domestic Software"

During the annual meeting of the Association of Software Product Developers "Domestic Software," the composition of the organization's board was re-elected. It includes representatives of large players in the domestic IT industry, representatives of the SKB Kontur company said on April 18, 2024. Dmitry Komissarov was re-elected a member of the board. Read more here.

Creation of Bio-Protection Company

Dmitry Komissarov, who founded MyOffice, launched a BIOS system developer for computers manufactured in Russia. Bio-Defense LLC was registered in March 2024. Read more here.


- Is it easier or harder to do business outside of Russia?
- In France - socialism, with the protection of workers, with the inability to dismiss them, and this creates some difficulties for the employer. The Frenchman does not even have pleasure in the first place, but a love of life. And work means much less to him than delicious food, good wine, women, etc. So it is not necessary to count on the fact that the French programmer will stay in the office after 18.00 even the day before the release.
- What is it like to lead programmers?
- Not easy, but interesting. First, programming in a company is the work of a team that is not measured in lines of code. Secondly, each programmer has his own character and his own opinion, which can be changed only with authority. I consider patience the most difficult virtue and gradually came to the idea of ​ ​ the need to give employees the opportunity to make mistakes.
  • How do you
    feel about your mistakes?

- There are things that hurt me so far, and the fact that "Arsenal" in the end did not survive, I still perceive as a failure. But this is not a reason to plunge into despair and think only about it. We must rise, go further, try different ways.


He entered the list of "People of 2015 in the Russian IT industry," compiled by TAdviser. It includes top managers and officials, according to the editorial office, who had the most significant impact on the development of the Russian IT sphere, or distinguished themselves by the successful implementation of the most ambitious IT projects.


Divorced, raising a son.


Travel, architecture, photography. He loves well-published books, fast driving and sailing in strong winds.

- Favorite type of rest?
- Active. Or sailing by sea on a yacht, or driving around Europe by car and taking pictures. I love Italy, traveled along and across it, this is a very contrasting country, it has a lot of ancient architecture, you can take pictures from morning to evening. By the way, Italians are close to us in mentality, but, unlike us, they constantly rejoice in life. I like to fry meat, such a vacation happens to me most often, because it does not take much time.
"Happiness is
-... a remarkable state that is rarely prolonged. And if it is very important for me to experience the pleasure of life, then it is not necessary to constantly be in a state of happiness, this leads to an uncritical perception of reality


Photos of the Dmitry Vladimirovich Komissarov