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National Cyber Force of Britain National Cyber Force





2023: Establishment of the National Protection and Security Administration

On March 13, 2023, the British government announced the formation of a new structure that will help enterprises and organizations provide their own protection against information security threats. Read more here.

2020: Creation of Britain's National Cyber Security Force

In mid-November 2020, Prime Minister Great Britain Boris Johnson announced the creation of cyber security the National Cyber ​ ​ Force and an agency artificial intelligence to expand British influence and protect the population. The prime minister told MPs the new four-year funding deal would protect "hundreds of thousands" of jobs and create 40,000 new jobs.

Talking about the innovations in the Commons, the prime minister said the benefits would "go far beyond the armed forces." At the same time, Johnson said that defense spending will increase by 16.5 billion pounds in four years.

Britain forms national cybersecurity force and AI agency

However, economist Ben Zaranko of the Institute for Fiscal Studies noted that Johnson specifically chose this wording, sending dust into the eyes, but in fact "it would be more accurate to say that by 2024-2025 defense spending will be £7bn higher than it would be under previous plans."

The Prime Minister vowed to protect shipping lanes, continue work to revamp Britain's nuclear deterrent and restore Britain to the status of Europe's "foremost naval power" with a "revival of shipbuilding across the UK."

He also said the funding would allow investment in new technologies, in particular the creation of a new centre dedicated to artificial intelligence and a national cyber security system that he said was already working against terrorists, organised crime groups and hostile states.

All of these technologies, from the aerospace industry to autonomous vehicles, can be widely applied to ensure civilian goals, which means opening up new horizons for economic progress, creating tens of thousands of jobs annually - up to 40,000 in total - and raising living standards across the country, Johnson added.[1]
