CRIF: information systems, models for decision support, outsourcing models, the software and consulting services for support of banks, financial and insurance companies, enterprises and entrepreneurs in their customer interaction at each stage, from strategic planning before formation and credit portfolio management.
Financial results
2013 year
Revenue: 305 millions
Number of employees
2014 year
Besides, CRIF provides to consumers and the companies of service of access to the credit information which has, used at making decision on loan granting or portfolio management of outstanding loans.
KRIF LLC, subsidiary company of the CRIF Group, began to work at the Russian market in 2005. KRIF LLC provides support and provides services to bank, financial institutions, insurance, telecommunication and other companies at all stages of work with clients. Large Russian financial institutions are clients of KRIF LLC. The staff of all companies of the CRIF Group makes 1600 people worldwide.