Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Center of accounting technologies


The Center of Accounting Technologies company (1C: Franchisee, Moscow) specializes in automation of accounting in the industries connected with production, transfer and trade in oil products.


Need for automation of accounting and tax accounting is obvious and is not called in question at all. Implementation of the 1C: Accounting 8 software product, for example, allows to automate accounting and tax accounting of the enterprise, including preparation of the regulated reporting. The 1C: Accounting 8 program is always relevant as it corresponds to the current legislation and is quickly updated at its change. Users of the software product get various support through the information and technology maintenance (ITM) which provides services of the line of consultation on phone and e-mail, receiving new releases and forms of the reporting, monthly receiving the next release of a disk of ITS with methodical materials on use of the program, consultations on accounting and taxation, etc.

Let's consider further the impact of automation of operational accounting on work performance improvement and also on the economy of current assets received as a result of stock reduction. Despite industry specifics of the examples described below, results of automation it is possible to generalize also in relation to other industries.

Need for automation of operational accounting often arises from the need for increase in efficiency at accomplishment of the following routine transactions: registration of different events, creation of tables and special reports, regular measure calculation of activity, etc.

It can be, for example, a design of receipt of railway (railway) tanks and cars with printing of the relevant documents, periodic registration of actual state of oil products in warehouses or in reservoirs, creation of tables or diagrams of change of density, temperature and content of impurity in oil products depending on date or time. Can refer registration and the analysis of results of laboratory tests of the turned-out products or the purchased raw materials, calculation of the actual and target profit to such transactions by the form activities and for specific transactions and also information search in certain criteria – by number of the car, number of railway delivery note and the quality certificate.

The majority of the listed problems was always solved at the enterprises earlier and is solved irrespective of existence or lack of a system of the automated accounting today. The reason of it consists in the following. In ancient times, when personal computers, printers and many electronic instruments of accounting were not born yet, techniques and the corresponding staff list expected accounting and registration of technology transactions manually acted on the enterprises. For example, for a design of the transactions connected with transfer of oil and oil products paper calibration tables of reservoirs and tanks, paper conversion tables of density depending on temperature were used. Also different methods of determination of mass of oil products using measurements manually or filling tanks under a level, paper forms were applied to filling of registers of cars, registers of locking devices, etc.

Let's consider result of automation of operational accounting on large oil depot on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

Operational accounting on oil depot

The oil depot is expected annual transfer of 7.5 million tons of oil a year and in the period of a high load is capable to accept to 500 tanks a day. For each merged tank it is necessary to issue, and then to print the act of draining, the quality certificate and railway delivery note on return of a tank. It is also necessary to keep account of a status of tanks and to solve other problems.

After automation for all volume of tanks only two employees are engaged in a design of the listed transactions on oil depot each change. The similar volume of work at other enterprises is executed manually using the MS Excel or MS Word templates by five employees in change.

Automation on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform of a design and printing of railway delivery notes on the shipped products at oil refinery (Refinery) can be other example of an increase in labor productivity.

Execution of waybills for Refinery

For sending products by rail to Refinery laid on several types – the Russian single and group, export single and group, Russian military delivery notes, etc. are used.

Some delivery notes are bilateral, have A3 or A4 format, and they need to be printed on special forms. For each tank it is also necessary to print certificates on their suitability and several copies of the quality certificate. Besides, for structure of tanks acts of filling levels, of numbers of locking devices, of the end of transactions of loading, of transfer under protection, etc. are printed.

The large volume of information is necessary for filling of printed forms of documents. In addition to the name and product quantity, information on numbers and types of tanks, details of the consignor and the consignee it is required to specify in document forms the departures given about stations and appointments, about a route of the movement of a load, etc.

Execution of these documents manually using the MS Excel templates, perhaps, still meets. At the same time such organization of work differs in poor performance and requires a certain qualification of employees. Besides, the lack of automation of operational accounting does not allow to analyze data further.

As a result of use of an automated system of accounting and a design of railway delivery notes at one of oil refinery labor productivity of employees increased several times.

Stock reduction at gas station

One of obvious methods of cost reduction is minimization of stocks. This task is typical for the sales enterprises, for example for network of gas stations (gas station) and oil depot which is engaged in their supply.

Automation of operational accounting in network of gas station allows to obtain easily data in sales amounts of each type of oil products on seasons of year, on months and on days of the week. The acquired information can be used for determination of minimum necessary reserve of oil products and respectively for calculation of order size. Let's notice that if control of the minimum stocks and competent calculation of necessary delivery scopes of oil products allow to reduce average daily stocks at least by 5%, then it will result in considerable economic effect.

Let's assume that the network consists of 10 gas stations, at the same time the volume of reservoirs on everyone them is 200 m3. Reduction of average daily filling of reservoirs on network in general from 60 to 55% leads to economy in several million rubles.

In all reviewed examples as a result of automation of operational accounting economic effect is gained. It occurred because the decision on need to use automated systems in all cases was accepted proceeding from technology and economic purposes.