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Clinic of treatment of pain of FNKTs FMBA




+ Federal State Budgetary Institution FNKTs FMBA of Russia


2020: Opening

In September, 2020 the Federal scientific clinical center of FMBA of Russia together with the Israeli medical center of Yitzhak Rabin opened clinic of treatment of pain in Moscow. Investments into the project are estimated at 100 million rubles, they should pay off in five years.

Treatment in clinic will take place in the basic on an outpatient basis, on a paid basis. The area of clinic is 380 sq.m, it is expected visit of 30 people in day. Further increase in capacities is planned. Also in the territory of clinic there is "an operating room with chambers of preparation and awakening".

FMBA opened clinic of treatment of pain for 100 million rubles

As reported on the website of Federal scientific clinical center FMBA of Russia, clinic of treatment of pain were headed by the doctor anesthesiologist-resuscitator-algolog Igor Antonov, and Tatyana Valyeryevna Klypa, MD, the doctor of higher category, the deputy chief physician of FNKTs FMBA for anesthesiology resuscitation became the ideological inspirer of the project.

Pain is an experience which in the life each person faces. But it is impossible to suffer from pain, with pain it is possible and it is necessary to fight. And we know how to do it! — Igor Antonov said.

According to him, there is no hospital in clinic, however in need of patients will be able to send "to free chamber from the general bed fund" to FNKTs which contains 620 places.

It is noted that in clinic joint work of doctors of different specialties is organized: neurologist, reabilitolog, physiotherapist, anesthesiologist, orthopedist. Narrower specialists can sometimes be involved.

The official opening ceremony of clinic of pain was held on September 7, 2020. During the action managers of departments of FNKTs FMBA of Russia discussed the prospects of this direction, further opportunities for its development, interaction of different divisions of the Center within medical process, etc.[1]
