Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2




Credo-Dialogue Company creates CREDO software products and is one of the developers of domestic engineering software for the production of engineering surveys and the design of transport construction facilities and ASGs.

CREDO software products are included in the unified register of Russian programs for computers and databases of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.

CREDO technologies are actively used for:

  • processing of engineering survey materials,
  • design of industrial, civil and transport construction facilities,
  • exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas,
  • Creation and maintenance of large-scale digital plans of cities and industrial enterprises,
  • preparation of data for land administration and geographic information systems,
  • solutions to many other engineering problems.


2022: The number of organizations that have implemented the Credo-Dialogue development - more than 14 thousand.

According to March 2022, the products and technologies of Credo-Dialogue were introduced in more than 14 thousand organizations.

2020: Receiving a grant from RFRIT for software development

In September 2020, the Russian Fund for the Development of Information Technologies (RFRIT) summed up the results of the competitive selection for grants in the amount of 217 million for the implementation of projects for the development or refinement of domestic software. More details here.